Group 5
Group 5
Group 5
• Building codes are a series of ordinances enacted by a state or local governmental entity, establishing minimum requirements that must be met in the
construction and maintenance of building
• The National Building Code was first published in 1970 at the instance of Planning Commission and then revised in 1983.Thereafter three major amendments
were issued, two in 1987and the third in 1997.
• It contains standardized requirement for the design & construction of most types of building. Codes express all aspects of construction including structural
integrity, fire resistance, safe exists, lighting, electrical, energy conservation, plumbing, sanitary facilities, ventilation, seismic design & correct use of
construction materials.
• The government establishes requirements and standards to protect people from unsafe living and working conditions.
The codes includes various aspect for regulation on design & construction -
1. For Planning Building/Development work
2. For Structural Design
3. For Constructional aspects
4. For Building Services (HVAC, electrical, Acoustics, lifts etc.)
5. Plumbing Services (Water supply, Sewerage, Drainage, waste management)
6. Landscaping, signs and outdoor display structures
Purpose of codes
• Ensure public health and safety throughout a building.
• Most have come into play “after-the-fact” as a learning experience from a major tragedy.
• They are primarily concerned with
1. Construction requirements
2. Hazardous materials or equipment used in the building
3. 75% of all codes and standards deal with fire
4. Energy conservation
5. Accessibility
Group 05
CA-II Working Drawings
• The approach to the buildings from road/street/internal means of access shall be through paved pathway of
width not less than 1.5 m, provided its length is not more than 30 m.
• The means of access shall be levelled, metaled, flagged, paved, sewered, drained, channeled, lighted, laid with
water supply line and provided with trees for shade to the satisfaction of the Authority free of encroachment by
any structure or fixture so as not to reduce its width below the minimum required.
Open spaces
• The open spaces inside and around a building have essentially to cater for the lighting and ventilation.
• Separation between accessory and main buildings more than 7 m in height shall not be less than 1.5 m, for
buildings up to 7 m in height no such separation shall be required.
Ventilation shafts
• For ventilating the spaces for water-closets and bath rooms, if not opening on to front, side, rear and interior
open spaces, these shall open on the ventilation shaft
Bathroom Water closet Water closet and bathroom combined Garage
• Area – 1.8m² • Area – 1.1m² • Area – 2.8m²
• Width – 0.9m • Width – 1.2m 1.Height – min 2.4m from finish floor level to lowest point on ceiling
• Width – 1.2m
2.Size – min 3m x 6m (private garage)
Store room
1.Height – min 2.2m from finish floor level to lowest point on ceiling Staircase
1.Minimum width — The minimum width of staircase shall be as follows:
2.Size • Residential buildings - 1.0 m
• Area – min 3m² (for residential ) • Residential hotel buildings - 1.5 m
• Assembly buildings like auditoria, theatres and cinemas – 2m
Parapet • Educational building - 1.5 m
Height – 1m to 1.2m from finish floor level • Institutional buildings - 2.0 m
• All other buildings - 1.5m
Boundary wall
Height – max 1.5m above centerline of road, 2.4m permitted if top 0.9m is open 2.Minimum tread width – 250mm for residential and 300mm for others
type construction.
3. Maximum riser – 190mm for residential and 150mm for others
Ramps Limited to 12 risers per flight
All ramps should have minimum width of 1.20 m, excluding edge protection.
The cross slope of ramp should not exceed 1 in 50 and the longitudinal slope of 4. Headroom – min 2.2m
ramp may not exceed 1 in 12.
Group 05
CA-II Working Drawings
For physically challenged
• Slope - A ramp when provided should not have a slope greater than 1 in 20 or
maximum of 1 in 12 for short distance up to 9000 mm
• Railing - A ramp shall have handrails on at least one side, and preferably two
sides, that are 900 mm high, measured from the surface of the ramp, that are
smooth, and that extend 300 mm beyond the top and bottom of the ramp.
• Width - if length is 3 500 mm, the minimum width shall be 1 500 mm
Parking space
• It should have a minimum width of 2 700 mm preferably 2 800 mm for
ambulant disabled and minimum 3 000 mm preferably 3 300 mm for wheel
chair users.
At least one primary entrance to each building shall be usable by individuals in
wheelchairs .
1. Door width – min 900mm
2. Threshold – max. 25mm
3. Horizontal handle – height of 800mm from floor
4. Vertical pull handle – length of 300m, lower end 800mm above floor
Position of handle
Wheelchair Manoeuvring Space
Sanitary facilities
Cubicle of
1. Width – 900mm
2. Depth – 1600mm
3. Handrails on each side 780mm high and 40mm clear distance between wall
and railing
4. Seat 500mm above ground
Group 05
CA-II Working Drawings
Group housing :-
• No limit to floors and height shall be applicable, but the coverage and floor area ratio for various densities
may be as given.
• The minimum size of the site for group housing multistoried apartment shall be 3000 m².
• The number of dwelling units are calculated on the basis of the density pattern given in the Development
Plan taking into consideration a population of 4.5 persons per dwelling unit.
• The basement may vary between 33.33 to 50 percent of the plot area and is to be used for parking, servicing
and for essential household storage.
• One car parking space for every two flats up to 90 m2 floor area and one for every flat for 100 m2 or more
shall be provided.
• With a view to providing adequate parking for occupancies and the vehicular load, appropriate off street
parking provisions have to be made in the building/on-site. This could also be permitted in basement areas
and the footprint for the basement parking can exceed the ground coverage of the building subject to no
basement building construction to cross the building line and all other safety features for structural, fire,
health and public safety being ensured.
Size of Plots :-
Group 05
CA-II Working Drawings