Plastics, Wood Ad Rubber
Plastics, Wood Ad Rubber
Plastics, Wood Ad Rubber
Cross-linked polymers
Based on molecular forces
Thermosetting polymers
Addition polymers
Based on mode of polymerization
Condensation polymers
A plastic can be broadly defined as any non-metallic material that can be moulded to
desired shape
Commonly defined as natural or synthetic resins which can be moulded, extruded,
cast or used as films or coatings
Classification of plastics
Most commonly, plastics are classified into;
1. Thermoplastic
2. Thermosetting
i. Plastic sheets
v. Plastic pipes
Elastomers (commonly known as rubber) are polymers that have high viscosity as
well as elasticity and therefore are known to be viscoelastic.
The molecules of elastomers held together by weak intermolecular forces, generally
they exhibit low Young’s modulus and high yield strength or high failure strain.
They inherit the unique property of regaining original shape and size after being
stretched to a great extent.
1. Saturated Elastomers:
Sulphur vulcanization can not cure them.
They showcase superior stability against oxygen, radiation, heat, and ozone.
Comparably they are less reactive.
Their reactivity is limited to certain circumstances and conditions.
Polyacrylic rubber and silicone rubber are examples of saturated elastomers.
2. Unsaturated Elastomers:
They can be cured with the Sulphur vulcanization process.
Butyl rubber and natural polyisoprene are examples of unsaturated elastomers.
The rubber is of the following two types:
(1) Natural rubber
Tis variety of rubber is obtained from latex or viscous milky juice tapped from rubber trees
The natural rubber has high strength, low hysteresis and good resistance to tear and flex cracking. But it is
easily affected by gasolines and solvents.
(2) Synthetic rubber
Produced by artificial chemical process
Grouped into two categories:
i. General purpose synthetic rubber: Most important all-purpose rubber is Styrene-Butadiene rubber
ii. Special Purpose Synthetic rubbers: Butyl, Nitrile, Polysulphide, EPR (Ethylene Propylene Rubber)
(i) SBR
Styrene-butadiene or styrene-butadiene rubber describe families of synthetic rubbers derived from styrene and
SBR is a general purpose rubber made up of 75% styrene and 25% butadiene joined in a co-polymer
These materials have good abrasion resistance and good aging stability when protected by additives.
i. Crepe rubber
ii. Foam rubber
iii. Guayule rubber
iv. Gutta percha rubber
v. Polybutadiene rubber
vi. Smoked rubber
vii. Sponge rubber.
The wood of softwood species is composed predominantly of tracheids.
These cells are mainly longitudinal, or axial—their long axis runs parallel to the axis of the trunk (vertical in the
standing tree).
Axial parenchyma is present in certain softwood species, but radial parenchyma is always present and constitutes
the rays, sometimes together with radial tracheids.
In hardwoods the proportion of constituent cell types—vessel members, fibres, and parenchyma—depends mainly
on species.
Vessel members and fibres are always present and axially oriented; axial parenchyma is seldom absent.
softwoods, have vertical cells,
tracheids, 2 to 4 mm long and
roughly 30 μm wide.
These cells are used for support
and conduction; they have an open
channel and a thin cell wall
The storage cells, parenchyma, are
found in the radial direction. Cross-section of tracheid cell typical of a softwood
Broad-leaved trees are called hardwoods.
The vertical cells in hardwoods are mainly fibres, which are 1 to 2
mm long and 15 μm wide. These are thick-walled with a very
narrow central channel and are for support only. These cells are
unsuitable for conduction, and so the tree needs vessels for this
Vessels are either xylem, which are dead cells that carry water and
minerals, or phloem, which are live cells and transport energy
sources made by the plant. Vessels are 0.2 to 1.2 mm long, open-
ended and are stacked vertically to form tubes of less than 0.5 mm
in diameter.
Cross-section of fibre cell
Hardwoods also have a small number of tracheid cells, and found in hardwoods
parenchyma cells are still present radially for storage.
Both balsa and greenheart wood are examples of hardwoods.
Seasoning is the process of drying timber to remove the bound moisture contained in
walls of the wood cells to produce seasoned timber.
Seasoning can be achieved in a number of ways, but the aim is to remove water at a
uniform rate through the piece to prevent damage to the wood during drying
Seasoned timber tends to have superior dimensional stability than unseasoned timber
and is much less prone to warping and splitting in service.
In higher grades of timber, particularly hardwoods, the process of seasoning can
enhance the basic characteristic properties of timber, increasing stiffness, bending
strength and compression strength.
Wood can be protected from the action of destructive agents such as fungi, insects, and
marine organisms by impregnation with toxic chemicals.
Wood can be made resistant to fire with chemical retardants.
Wood to be treated with preservative is prepared by removing bark (as a rule) and
excess moisture (to below the fibre saturation point; see the section Hygroscopicity),
machining to final shape, and drilling holes or making incisions to facilitate entrance of
the preservative.
Preservatives can be applied by brushing, spraying, dipping, steeping, sequential
immersion in hot and cold baths, and diffusion (applied to green wood), but
impregnation under pressure in closed tanks or cylinders is the most efficient method.