BranchAndBound TSP
BranchAndBound TSP
BranchAndBound TSP
Searching Strategies
Feasible Solution vs.
Optimal Solution
DFS, BFS, hill climbing and best-first
search can be used to solve some
searching problem for searching a
feasible solution.
However, they cannot be used to solve
the optimization problems for searching
an (the) optimal solution.
The branch-and-bound
This strategy can be used to
solve optimization problems
without an exhaustive search in
the average case.
Branch-and-bound strategy
2 mechanisms:
Branch-and-bound strategy
It is efficient in the average case because
many branches can be terminated very
Although it is usually very efficient, a very
large tree may be generated in the worst
Many NP-hard problem can be solved by
B&B efficiently in the average case;
however, the worst case time complexity is
still exponential. 5
A Multi-Stage Graph Searching
Find the shortest path from V0 to V3
E.G.:A Multi-Stage Graph Searching Problem
Solved by branch-and-bound
(hill-climbing with bounds)
Upper Bound
(for feasible solutions)
Usually, LB<UB.
If LBUB, the expanding node can be terminated.
Lower Bound
(for expanding nods)
For Maximization Problems
Upper Bound
(for expanding nods)
Usually, LB<UB.
If LBUB, the expanding node can be terminated.
Lower Bound
(for feasible solutions)
The traveling salesperson
optimization problem
Given a graph, the TSP Optimization problem
is to find a tour, starting from any vertex,
visiting every other vertex and returning to
the starting vertex, with minimal cost.
It is NP-hard.
We try to avoid n! exhaustive search by the
branch-and-bound technique on the average
case. (Recall that O(n!)>O(2n).)
The traveling salesperson
optimization problem
E.g. A Cost Matrix for a Traveling Salesperson Problem.
j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 ∞ 3 93 13 33 9 57
2 4 ∞ 77 42 21 16 34
3 45 17 ∞ 36 16 28 25
4 39 90 80 ∞ 56 7 91
5 28 46 88 33 ∞ 25 57
6 3 88 18 46 92 ∞ 7
7 44 26 33 27 84 39 ∞
The basic idea
There is a way to split the solution space
There is a way to predict a lower bound for a
class of solutions. There is also a way to find
a upper bound of an optimal solution. If the
lower bound of a solution exceeds the upper
bound, this solution cannot be optimal and
thus we should terminate the branching
associated with this solution.
We split a solution into two groups:
One group including a particular arc
The other excluding the arc
Each splitting incurs a lower bound and
we shall traverse the searching tree
with the “lower” lower bound.
The traveling salesperson
optimization problem
The Cost Matrix for a Traveling Salesperson Problem.
The traveling salesperson
optimization problem
Total cost reduced: 84+7+1+4 = 96 (lower bound)
decision tree:
For the left subtree
(Arc 4-6 is included)
j 1 2 3 4 5 7
1 ∞ 0 83 9 30 50
2 0 ∞ 66 37 17 26
3 29 1 ∞ 19 0 5
5 3 21 56 7 ∞ 28
6 0 85 8 ∞ 89 0
7 18 0 0 0 58 ∞
A Reduced Cost Matrix if Arc 4-6 is included.
1.4th row is deleted.
2.6th column is deleted.
3.We must set c6-4 to be . (The reason will be clear later.)
For the left subtree
The cost matrix for all solution with arc 4-6:
j 1 2 3 4 5 7
1 ∞ 0 83 9 30 50
2 0 ∞ 66 37 17 26
3 29 1 ∞ 19 0 5
5 0 18 53 4 ∞ 25 (-3)
6 0 85 8 ∞ 89 0
7 18 0 0 0 58 ∞
1 2
4 3
Fig 6-26 A Branch-and-Bound Solution of a Traveling Salesperson
Problem. 29
Preventing an arc
In general, if paths i1-i2-…-im and j1-j2-…-jn have
already been included and a path from im to j1 is to
be added, then path from jn to i1 must be prevented
(by assigning the cost of jn to i1 to be )
For example, if 4-6, 2-1 are included and 1-4 is to
be added, we must prevent 6-2 from being used by
setting c6-2=. If 6-2 is used, there will be a loop
which is forbidden.
The 0/1 knapsack problem
Positive integer P1, P2, …, Pn (profit)
W1, W2, …, Wn (weight)
M (capacity)
maximize PX
i i
subject to WiXi M Xi =0or 1, i =1, …, n.
minimize PX
i i
The 0/1 knapsack problem
The 0/1 knapsack problem
E.g. n = 6, M = 34
i 1 2 3 4 5 6
Pi 6 10 4 5 6 4
Wi 10 19 8 10 12 8
(Pi/Wi Pi+1/Wi+1)
A feasible solution: X1 = 1, X2 = 1, X3 = 0, X4 = 0,
X5 = 0, X6 = 0
-(P1+P2) = -16 (upper bound)
Any solution higher than -16 can not be an optimal solution.
How to find the lower bound?
Ans: by relaxing our restriction from Xi = 0 or 1
to 0 Xi 1 (knapsack problem)
Let Pi X i be an optimal solution for 0/1
i 1
knapsack problem and Pi X i be an optimal
i 1
solution for fractional knapsack problem. Let
n n
Y= Pi X i , Y = Pi X i .
i 1 i 1
Y’ Y
The knapsack problem
We can use the greedy method to find an optimal solution
for knapsack problem.
For example, for the state of X1=1 and X2=1, we have
X1 = 1, X2 =1, X3 = (34-6-10)/8=5/8, X4 = 0, X5 = 0, X6 =0
-(P1+P2+5/8P3) = -18.5 (lower bound)
-18 is our lower bound. (We only consider integers, since
the benefits of a 0/1 knapsack problem will be integers.)
How to expand the tree?
By the best-first search scheme
That is, by expanding the node with the
best lower bound. If two nodes have
the same lower bounds, expand the
node with the lower upper bound.
0/1 Knapsack Problem Solved by Branch-and-Bound Strategy 38
Node 2 is terminated because its lower
bound is equal to the upper bound of
node 14.
Nodes 16, 18 and others are terminated
because the local lower bound is equal
to the local upper bound.
(lower bound optimal solution upper
The A* algorithm
Used to solve optimization problems.
Using the best-first strategy.
Let t be the selected goal node. We have f*(t)=f(t)+h(t)=f(t)
Assume that t is not the optimal node. There must exist one
node, say s, that has been generated but not selected and
that will lead to the optimal node.
Since we take the best first search strategy, we have f (t)f(s)
We have f*(t)=f(t)f(s)f*(s) by Eqs. (1), (2) and (3), which
means that s is not the node leading to the optimal node.
Contradiction occurs.
Therefore, t is the optimal node.
The A* algorithm
Stop when the selected node is also a goal node. It is
optimal iff h(n)h*(n)
E.g.: To find a shortest path from node s to node t
The A* algorithm
Step 1.
The A* algorithm
Step 2. Expand A
I is selected to expand.
The A* algorithm stops,
since I is a goal node.