Mel346 20&21
Mel346 20&21
Mel346 20&21
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Vae Vre Vai
Turgo Turbine
Cross-flow Turbine
Variations of Cross-Flow Turbines
Specific Speed
Only for Relative low Flow Rates
Sir James B. France
• When the city of Lowell became the first
successful planned industrial city in America,
it not only revolutionized manufacturing but
also created a new way of life:
• A life ruled by time, a life powered by new
• Perhaps one of the most enduring legacies left
to the city of Lowell was that of James
Bicheno Francis.
• Throughout Francis’s life his bold and
innovative ideas made him one of the driving
minds behind America’s Industrial
The Chief of Police of water ….
The Textile Industry : Reason for the Birth of Large Hydro-
The Boyden Turbine
Improper Fluid Mechanics to Proper Fluid
• Originally the textile mills had used waterwheels or breast-
wheels that rotated when filled with water.
• These types of wheels could achieve a 65 percent
• One such problem with these wheels was backwater which
prevented the wheel from turning.
The Invention
P = 350 MW
H = 543 m
Q* = 71,5 m3/s
D0 = 4,86 m
D1 = 4,31m
D2 = 2,35 m
B0 = 0,28 m
n = 333 rpm
Variations of Francis : La Grande, Canada
P = 169 MW
H = 72 m
Q = 265 m3/s
D0 = 6,68 m
D1e = 5,71m
D1i = 2,35 m
B0 = 1,4 m
n = 112,5 rpm
The Francis Installation
The Francis Turbine
The Francis Runner
V V 2
h1 1
h2 2
2g 2g
h3 3
Location of Francis Turbine
Parts of A Francis
Runner inlet
(Φ 0.870m)
Max. Opening
Guide vanes
Operation of Guide Vanes
Guide vane at Design Guide vane at closed position
Position = 12.21°
Water from
spiral casing
R a d i a l v i e w
R guide
runner a d ivanes
a l v i stay
and e wvanes
runner guide vanes and stay vanes
Parts of A Francis Turbine
Ideal Hydraulic Energy Diagram 2
Vmain stream
V f2
Outlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Inlet
draft tube runner 2g runner guide vane guide vane
V 2 Va2
2g 2g
H Prunner H
hstatic , guide
hstatic ,runner
habs 0
Hydraulic efficiency of Francis Hydraulic System
V12 V32
h1 h3 hydraulic Losses
2g 2g
V12 V32
h1 h3
2g 2g
Friction losses
Friction losses in
the spiral casing
and stay vanes
Gap losses
Runner losses
Draft tube
Hydraulic Efficiency [%]
Output Energy
Head [m]
Losses in Francis Turbines
Output Energy
Output [%]
Spiral Casing