Delivering Value On The Port of Miami Tunnel
Delivering Value On The Port of Miami Tunnel
Delivering Value On The Port of Miami Tunnel
The Port of Miami Tunnel (POMT) Project will connect SR A1A/MacArthur Causeway to Dodge
Providing direct access between the seaport and
Highways I-395 and I-95 .
will create an alternative entry to the Port of Miami
improve traffic flow in downtown Miami by reducing
the number of cargo trucks and cruise ship related
vehicles on congested downtown streets
Will support ongoing and future development in and
around downtown Miami
The Port of Miami Tunnel (POMT) Project is an Estimated to cost over $1.2 Billion To construct prior
to the solicitation of bids in 2008
BOUYGUES commited to deliver a fixed-price, date-certain tunnel project at the height of the
financial uncertainties that gripped the U.S. market, in some of the most technically challenging
geotechnical conditions that have ever faced tunnelling contractors, and at half the cost of what the
experienced owner’s engineers estimated the work should cost
The VE Workshop
from November 2 to 6, 2009 in Miami
The functions of the overall project were identified :
Separate Traffic Deliver Quality
Remove Downtown-traffic, Enable Redundant Access
Increase Safety Improve Levels of Service
Increase Capacity Improve Environment
Improve Port Reduce Public Investment
Stimulate Economy Improve Security
Reduce Delays Reduce O & M Costs
Create Sustainability and Maintain Systems all
within the context of making money and delivering
Value engineering attempts to eliminate, without on-time.
impairing essential functions or characteristics,
anything that increases acquisition, operation, or
support costs
2. SOE Construction
The original SOE design was based upon the use of reinforced secant piles around the portal
excavations combined with two types of tension piles. The final SOE designs were based
upon cutter soil mixing (CSM) techniques. Pipe struts were eliminated through the use of
inclined soil anchor tie-backs
3. Site Access
Access to the Watson Island site was initially expected to be from eastbound and westbound
MacArthur Causeway. The VE team recommended accessing the work zone between the
eastbound and westbound lanes of MacArthur Causeway by constructing a ramp from Parrot
Jungle Trail where it passed beneath MacArthur Bridge
7. Optimization of Cross-Passages
The initial design included four (4) cross passages between tunnels and two (2) stairwells for
emergency egress All cross-passages were to be constructed by soil freezing. The two
stairwells have been eliminated in favor of a fifth (5th) cross passage. Three of the cross
passages will be pre-grouted from the surface and will not require soil freezing