Cam & Cim Chapter Two (Elias)
Cam & Cim Chapter Two (Elias)
Cam & Cim Chapter Two (Elias)
CNC memory can be divided into two categories: (1) main memory and (2) secondary memory
Main memory consists of ROM (read-only memory) and RAM (random access memory) devices. Operating
system software and machine interface programs are generally stored in ROM. These programs are usually
High-capacity secondary memory devices are used to store large programs and data files, which are transferred
Common among the secondary memory devices are hard disks and solid-state memory devices to store part
These high-capacity storage devices are permanently installed in the CNC machine control unit and have
replaced most of the punched paper tape traditionally used to store part programs.
3. Input/output Interface
The I/O interface provides communication between the various components of the CNC system, other
computer systems, and the machine operator.
The operator control panel is the basic interface by which the machine operator communicates to the
CNC system. It has a display screen and keyboard for communication with the operator. The display
shows current status of the program as it is being executed and to warn the operator of any malfunctions
in the system.
Programs can be entered manually by the machine operator or stored at a central computer site and
transmitted via local area network (LAN) to the CNC system.
7 Cont’d
4. Controls for Machine tool axes and spindle speed
These are hardware components that control the position and velocity (feed rate) of each machine
axis as well as the rotational speed of the machine tool spindle.
Control signals generated by the MCU must be converted to a form and power level suited to the
particular position control systems used to drive the machine axes.
Positioning systems can be classified as open loop or closed loop, and different hardware
components are required in each case. Some of the hardware components are resident in the MCU.
Spindle speed is a programmed parameter. Components for spindle speed control in the MCU
usually consist of a drive control circuit and a feedback sensor interface.
8 Cont’d
5. Sequence Controls for other Machine tool Functions
In addition to control of table position, feed rate, and spindle speed, several additional functions are
accomplished under part program control.
These auxiliary functions generally involve on/off (binary) actuations, interlocks, and discrete
numerical data.
Auxiliary functions include cutting fluid control, fixture clamping, emergency warnings, and
interlock communications for robot loading and unloading of the machine tool.
Since the introduction of NC In 1952, there have been dramatic advances in digital computer
The latest computer controllers for CNC feature high speed processors, large memories,
solid-state memory, improved servos, and bus architectures.
10 2.2.1 Features of Computer Numerical Control that Distinguish It from Conventional NC
Adaptive control.
Positioning features
Communications interface
2.3 Structure of NC programing
In addition to numerical values, the NC coding system must also provide for alphabetical characters and other
A word specifies a detail about the operation, such as x-position, y position, feed rate, or spindle speed.
Out of a collection of words, a block is formed.
A block is one complete NC instruction. It specifies the destination for the move, the speed and feed of the
cutting opera
The organization of words within a block is known as a block formation, and other commands that
determine explicitly what the machine tool will do.
all modern controllers use the word address format, which uses a letter prefix to identify each type of
word, and spaces to separate words within the block. This format also allows for variations in the order of
words within the block, and omission of words from the block if their values do not change from the
previous block
12 Cont’d
N001 G00 X07000 Y03000 M03
N002 Y06000
numerical digits (following the “G” prefix) that prepare the MCU
that are available on the machine tool. The M03 in the example is
Machining paths containing circular arcs and other smooth nonlinear shapes require contouring-type NC
system. Some of these shapes can be defined mathematically by relatively simple geometric formulas
(e.g., the equation for a circle is x2 + y2 = R2), whereas others cannot be mathematically defined except by
approximation. In any case, a fundamental problem in generating these shapes using NC equipment is
that they are continuous, whereas NC is digital. To cut along a circular path, the circle must be divided
into a series of straight line segments that approximate the curve. The tool is commanded to machine each
line segment in succession so that the machined surface closely matches the desired shape. The maximum
error between the nominal (desired) surface and the actual (machined) surface can be controlled by the
lengths of the individual line segments.
Interpolation Methods
19 Numerical Control Interpolation Methods for Continuous Path Control
Linear interpolation. This is the most basic method and is used when a straight line path is to be
generated in continuous path NC. The programmer specifies the beginning point and endpoint of the
straight line and the feed rate to be used along the straight line. The interpolator computes the feed
rates for each of the two (or three) axes to achieve the specified feed rate.
Circular interpolation. This method permits programming of a circular arc by specifying the
following parameters:
(1) the coordinates of the starting point,
(2) the coordinates of the endpoint,
(3) either the center or radius of the arc, and
(4) the direction of the cutter along the arc.
The generated tool path consists of a series of small straight line segments (see Figure 7.5) calculated
by the interpolation module. The cutter is directed to move along each line segment one by one to
generate the smooth circular path. A limitation of circular interpolation is that the plane in which the
circular arc exists must be a plane defined by two axes of the NC system (x - y, x - z, or y - z).
Interpolation Methods
Helical interpolation. This method combines the circular interpolation scheme for two axes with
linear movement of a third axis. This permits the definition of a helical path in three-dimensional
space. Applications include the machining of large internal threads, either straight or tapered.
Parabolic and cubic interpolations. These routines provide approximations of free-form curves
using higher order equations. They generally require considerable computational power and are
not as common as linear and circular interpolation. Most applications are in the aerospace and
automotive industries for freeform designs that cannot accurately and conveniently be approximated
by combining linear and circular interpolations.
The interpolation module in the MCU performs the calculations and directs the tool along the path.
Linear and circular interpolators are almost always included in modern CNC systems, whereas
helical interpolation is a common option. Parabolic and cubic interpolations are less common
because they are only needed by machine shops that produce complex surface contours.
Motion control systems(cont’d)
22 2.5.2 Absolute Versus Incremental positioning.
Another aspect of motion control is concerned with the reference position of the tool for the next
Absolute positioning, the work head locations are
always defined with respect to the origin of the axis system.
Incremental positioning, the next work head position is
defined relative to the present location.