Computer Systems Organization-Hardware-v3
Computer Systems Organization-Hardware-v3
Computer Systems Organization-Hardware-v3
In this lesson, we will discuss computer hardware. The discussion will focus more on
von Neuman architecture. Also, we will cover in this lesson the different parts of
computer hardware.
produced today.
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Von Neumann Architecture of Computer
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)
The 7 Fundamental Parts of the Computer Hardware System
- Plastic
- Stores everything
- To provide a nice enclosed
Power Supply
- Power Regulator
- Plugs in outlet
Mother Board
- A wide and Flat Circuit Board
- Communicates in all
components through electrical
SSD cuts down boot time and loads large files faster but there isn’t any significant
difference in the performance.
chat FIFO
using MS-
What is GPU?
Stands for "Graphics Processing Unit." A GPU is a
processor designed to handle graphics operations.
OS : Windows 10
Processor : Intel Core i7-10210U
RAM : 16 GB
In this lesson, we have defined that computer hardware is the collection of physical
parts of a computer system. This includes the computer case, monitor, keyboard, and
mouse. It has two major components the hardware and the software. Von
Neumann's architecture was first published by John von Neumann in 1945 His
computer architecture design consists of a Control Unit, Arithmetic and Logic Unit
(ALU), Memory Unit, Registers and Inputs/Outputs. Lastly, we have covered in this
lesson the different parts of the motherboard and identify their usage.