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Engineering Physics



Dr. Vishal Thakur

Department of Physics
Lovely Professional University
Phagwara, Punjab-144411


• Fiber optics introduction, optical fiber as a dielectric wave guide (Discussion + Video)
• Total internal reflection, acceptance angle, numerical aperture, relative refractive index, V-Number
• Step index and graded index fibers,
• losses associated with optical fibers
• Applications of optical fibers
Optical Fiber as Dielectric wave guide
Snell’s Law: Snell's law is a
Basics of refraction formula used to describe
the relationship between
the angles of incidence and
Refraction: In physics, the change in direction of a
refraction, when referring
wave passing from one medium to another, caused by
to light or other waves
its change in speed.
passing through a
boundary between two
Critical Angle: The critical angle is the angle of
different isotropic media,
incidence for which the angle of refraction is 90°.
such as water, glass, or air.
Total Internal Reflection (TIR): Total internal
reflection is the phenomenon which occurs when a
propagated wave strikes a medium boundary at an
angle larger than a particular critical angle with
Refractive Index: It is the
respect to the normal to the surface. If the refractive
ratio of the velocity of light
index is lower on the other side of the boundary and
in a vacuum to its velocity
the incident angle is greater than the critical angle,
in a specified medium.
the wave cannot pass through and is entirely
reflected into the same medium.
Optical Fiber as Dielectric wave guide

 The incident ray at the core-cladding interface

happens to incident at an angle greater than
the critical angle. Thus, the ray is no more
refracted, but, is totally internally reflected
back to the core.

 The ray again hits the bottom of the fiber cable

and totally internally reflected once more.

 Thus, by making the zigzag path the ray passes

through the fiber.
Acceptance Angle

𝜂 0 <𝜂 1 B
Ray 𝜙 𝜂1 >𝜂2
Launching End A
𝜃𝑟 𝜙
𝜂0 𝜃 𝑖 𝜂1 C
Incident Ray 𝜂2

Acceptance Angle
𝜂0 <𝜂 1 B
ted R
𝜙 𝜂1 >𝜂2
Launching End A
Ref ra
𝜂0 𝜃 𝑖 𝜂1 C
Incident Ray 𝜂2

 At point A applying the Snell’s law, we have

 As <refracted ray bend towards the

 If is increased, is also increases. For
a particular value of
Numerical Aperture
• The numerical aperture of the fiber is closely
related to the critical angle and is often used in
the specification for optical fiber and the
components that work with it
• The numerical aperture is given by the formula:

• The angle of acceptance is sine inverse of

numerical aperture.

N . A.  n12  n22  sin a

Numerical Aperture
• The larger is the NA, greater the amount of light that can be accepted
by fiber. But if NA is too large ,bandwidth of the system degrades.
• NA value is always less than 1.
• Typical values of NA
• 0.11 for single mode
• 0.21 for graded index fiber
• 0.5 for plastic fiber
Modes and Materials
• Since optical fiber is a waveguide, light can propagate in a
number of modes
• If a fiber is of large diameter, light entering at different angles
will excite different modes while narrow fiber may only excite
one mode
• Multimode propagation will cause dispersion, which results in
the spreading of pulses and limits the usable bandwidth
• Single-mode fiber has much less dispersion but is more
expensive to produce. Its small size, together with the fact that
its numerical aperture is smaller than that of multimode fiber,
makes it more difficult to couple to light sources
Number of Supported modes
• For step index optical fiber

• Where  is wavelength of light used

a is radius of the core
V -Number

Normalized wave number

or Normalized frequency
V- Number
• Number of modes supported by optical fiber is
obtained by cut-off condition known as Normalized
frequency or V-Number
• The number of modes

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