Securities Market Regulation
Securities Market Regulation
Securities Market Regulation
State empowers a group of persons to organise
and run commercial projects for the purpose of
earning profit with the help of investments made
by a large number of investors.
Investor is in a disadvantageous position vis-a`-vis
the management.
Encumbent upon state to ensure adequate
protection to these vast investors against
mismanagement and questionable activities of a
few in the company known as ‘Management’.
Companies Act, 2013 (code of conduct for the corporate
sector in relation to issues, allotments and transfer of
Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (regulate
transaction in securities through control over stock
Securities & Exchange Board Of India Act, 1992 ( develop
and regulate securities market and regulate transactions
and protect investor interests)
The Depository Act, 1996 (provide for electronic
maintenance and transfer of ownership of dematerialised
The Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992
(SEBI) came into force on January 30, 1992.
governs Stock Exchanges and Securities Transactions in
Purpose of the Board - to maintain stable and efficient
markets by creating and enforcing regulations in the
SEBI has three functions rolled into one body:
legislative, judicial(SAT) and executive.
Purpose and Role
Provides a market place in which they can raise
finance fairly and easily.
Provides protection and supply of accurate and
correct information.
Provides a competitive professional market.
d. Registration of an intermediary:
- Stock brokers, Sub-Brokers, Share Transfer Agents, Bankers to an
issue, Trustees of Debentures, Registrars to an issue, Merchant
Bankers, Underwriters, Portfolio Managers, Investment Advisers
and such other intermediaries need permission from SEBI to set up
- These are important powers that enables SEBI to ensure that all
securities transactions are subject to some measure of regulation by
forcing any intermediary to approach the Board for registration.
e. Penalties: A detailed list of penalties is listed in Chapter IVA to be
imposed upon persons who breach the Act or the rules and
regulations under the Act.
These include:
- Penalty for failure to furnish information, documents, returns or
reports to SEBI
- Penalty for failure by a broker or other intermediary to enter into an
agreement with his clients
- Penalty for failure of a broker or other intermediary to redress
investor’s grievances
- Penalty for defaults in case of Mutual Funds and Stock Brokers
- Penalty for insider trading
- For insider trading, the penalty is Rs. 5 lakh and for other offences
listed above the penalty is imprisonment for one year or a fine or
f. Dispute mechanism:
Protective functions
Developmental functions
Regulatory functions
Checks Price Rigging - manipulating the prices of
securities with the main objective of inflating or
depressing the market price of securities
Prohibits Insider trading - insiders have sensitive
information which affects the prices of the securities
Prohibits fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices -
misleading statements likely to induce the sale or purchase
of securities
Educate investors- to evaluate the securities of various
companies and select the most profitable securities
Promotes training of intermediaries of the
securities market.
Permits internet trading through registered
stock brokers.
Underwriting optional to reduce the cost of
Rules and regulations and code of conduct to
regulate the intermediaries such as merchant
bankers, brokers, underwriters, etc.
Registers and regulates the working of stock brokers,
sub-brokers, share transfer agents, trustees,
merchant bankers and all those who are associated
with stock exchange in any manner.
Registers and regulates the working of mutual funds
Regulates takeover of the companies.
Conducts inquiries and audit of stock exchanges.
Securities Contract Regulation Act, 1956
Contract – For purchase or sale of
securities or relating to purchase or
sale of securities
Recognition and Grant of Stock Exchange (RSE)
Withdrawal of recognition – to provide reasons
for withdrawal and opportunity to be heard
Listing of Securities- S.21, 22A and 22F – Every
company applying for listing shall comply with
Listing Agreement
Delisting of Securities – Section 21A
Conditions for contracts in derivatives – Section
SEBI may transfer duties and functions of
reconginsed stock exchange to clearing
Power of CG to prohibit contract of sale or
purchase of securities in certain areas
Depositories Act, 1996
Depository System – A system wherein the
securities of investors are held in the
electronic form with the depository at the
request of the investors and transfer of
securities takes place by means of book
entries on the ledger of the depository.
‘Scripless trading system’
NSDL – National Securities Depository
CDSL – Central Depository Services
Depositories –
Hold securities in accounts
Safe-keeping of Securities
Depository Participants
Acts as a link between Depositories and Clients
Representative of the investor in the depository system
SEBI Guidelines – banks, financial institutions, stock-
brokers can become DP
Help in instantaneous electronic transfer of securities
Fungibility eases the transfer – having no distinct
certificate number, folio number etc.
Registered Owner and Beneficial Owner
Index of Registered members of Public Listed
Company – to record owners of the company
Registered Owners are NSDL and CDSL only
Depositories keep a track of all clients through
Beneficial Owners – people holding securities at a
given point of time (Investors)
In case company issues dividend, details of
holdings is intimated to depository by DP
Depository directs information to Registrar
and Transfer Agents, who transfer the
amount to bank account of investors
through ECS
Registration of Companies with Depositories