Art Appreciaton

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Organization in

Prepared by:
Ronalyn A. Cequena
Mary Ann O. Apolinario
Russel C. Rubaya
What is architecture?
Architecture is defined as the art of science
of designing and erecting buildings.
If we look around us today, we would notice a
wide variety of styles of architecture. Such
variety has always existed.

The modern houses and buildings contrast

with building and dwellings of only one
generation ago.
A building or whatever it may be must be
measured by the standard of its own period
rather than ours, we shall take a look at
various types of buildings as they have evolved
through history.
4,000 – 2,280 BC
Egyptian Architecture

• Characterized by pyramidal structures.

• Art in ancient Egypt continued strangely
unchanged through the various phases of
foreign influence from Assyria, Persia,
Greece and Rome.
Egyptian Architecture
The Egyptian rights were traditional,
virtually unchangeable and mysterious, and
these trials are reproduced in the
architecture, which is essentially a
columnar and trabeated style is expressed
mainly in pyramids and in temples.

Left: temple of Seti at

Abydos, Egypt
Right: Karnak the great
temple of Amon.
Egyptian Architecture

Egyptian temples are approached by impressive avenues of Sphinxes – mythical

monsters, each with the body of a lion and the head of a man, hawk, ram or
woman, possessed in their massive pylons, great courts hypostyle halls, inner
sanctuaries, and dim secret rooms.

Right: A large sphinx

discovered in Luxor,
Still embedded in soil

Left: The Great Sphinx of

Giza, the most famous
sphinx in Egypt up to
Entrance to the Nubian cliff temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel, Egypt c. 1250
BCE, New Kingdom, 19th dynasty
Colossal statues of Ramses II flanking the entrance to the temple
complex at Luxor, Egypt.
Egyptian Architecture

Egyptian temples are approached by impressive

avenues of Sphinxes – mythical monsters, each with the
body of a lion and the head of a man, hawk, ram or
woman, possessed in their massive pylons, great courts
hypostyle halls, inner sanctuaries, and dim secret
Egyptian Architecture

this is because the purpose of the pyramids was not only to preserved
the mummy of the Paraoh for the return of the soul in the infinite hereafter,
but also to be the center of the cult of the royal dead, and as a
consequences, the dominant element of the vast monumental complex.
The Great Pyramid of Giza
6 century B.C.E.
Mesopotamian Architecture

• is evident in its palaces and temples

• The Mesopotamian architecture is characterized by a brisk tower called
“ziggurat” built at successive level having the form of a pyramid.
• Because the use of brick, however, Assyrians developed the arch and its
multiple canopy.
• In Mesopotamia, Ziggurat, the temple of babylon, built by
Nebuchadnezzar(6th century B.C.E.), the stones were colored white
black, blue, yellow, silver and gold from bottom to top. The effect may
have been Garish but at the base, it was striking.
The Ziggurat is a type of massive structure with a form of terraced
compound successively receding stories or levels. This is the “Great
Ziggurat of Ur” near Nasiriyah.
The Kassite kings
restored the
Babylonian gods.
The Colors shown in
the picture colored
white black, blue,
yellow, silver and
gold from bottom
to top shows the
extreme creativity
of the
1100-100 B.C.E.
Greek Architecture

• As was the Egyptian temple, Greek Architecture in its most characteristics

form is found in the temple, a low building of post and lintel construction.
• In this type of construction, two upright pieces or posts are surmounted by
a horizontal piece, the lintel, long enough to reach from one to other.
• This is the simplest and earliest types of construction and is more
commonly used than other.
• Post-and-lintel construction is well adapted to wood because wooden
beams are strong and are able to uphold the weight of a roof; at the same
time they are long, so that a large building may be erected

The Temple of
Olympian Zeus
The Parthenon before its
destruction during the Persian
invasion. One of the greatest in
Greek architecture shows its
amazing Pillars made of stone.
Three Types of Greek Architecture
• Doric
• Ionic
• Corinthian

1. Doric
• Has no base
• The bottom of the column rests on the top step.
• Can be identified by low-cushion-like shape of part of its capital
• The freeze is divided into triglyphs and metopes.
Doric Style Architecture in Greece

Right: The Exact base of a

Doric Style of Pillar in
Greek Architecture

Left: An Example of a Doric

Style ancient Temple in
The ruins of the Temple of
Hera in Olympia
Three Types of Greek Architecture

2.Ionic Column
• Is taller and more slender than the Doric
• It has a base, the capital is ornamented with scrolls in each side.
• Unlike the Doric order, the freeze is continuous instead of being
• The architecture below the freeze is stepped; ;that is, it is divided
horizontally into three parts, each being slightly.
Ionic Style of Architecture in Greece

The North Porch of Erechteion, 421-407 BCE, marble, Acropolis, Athens

Three types of Greek Architecture

3. Corinthian Column
• With the base and shaft resembling the ionic,
tended t become much more slender.
• The distinctive feature is the capital, which is
much deeper than the ionic.
The ruins of the Temple of Olympian Zeus in Corinthian Column, carved in
a high-quality pentelic marble
Roman Architecture
(1000 B.C.E. – C.E.,
Roman Architecture

• The Romans adopted the Columnar and trebeated style of the Greeks and
developed also the arch and vault from the beginnings made by Etruscans
( the early inhabitants of west-central Italy.)
• The combined use of column, beam and arch is the keynote of the Roman
style in the earliest stages.
• The Romans developed the stone arch of the Etruscans.
• Above all, the use of concrete allowed the Romans to build vaults of a
magnitude never equalled till the introduction of steel fro buildings in the
19th century.
• The art of buttressing was developed in the course of early engineering
works which frequently required the retaining of masses of earth.
• Another characteristic of Roman architecture is the flat round dome that
covers the entire building, as in the Pantheon. The Pantheon at Rome the
finest of all illustrations of Roman construction, embodies every form of
Roman buttress.
The Roman Architecture, the illustration
shows how the buttresses highlighted the
ancient buildings.
A ruin of an ancient arena with the combined use of column, beam and
arch is the keynote of the Roman style in the earliest stages.
Left: The Pantheon, was based on
Etruscan model

Right: The ancient Roman

The Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome
The Ceiling of the entire basilica covered in beautiful paintings
The astonishing altar specially designed with pillars made of marble, in
different styles and arches with edges of gold and the holy figures carved
in marble
C.E. 200-1453
Byzantine Architecture
• It is characterized by a great central dome supported by curved triangles
(pendentives) and fitted to a square.
• Byzantine takes its name from a Byzantium later called Constantinople
and now called Istanbul.
• Byzantine architecture is characterized by a great dome which had
always been a traditional feature in the East.
• The grouping of small domes or semi-domes round the large central dome
was effective.
• One of the characteristics features of Byzantine churches was that the
forms of the vaults and domes were visible externally, undistinguished
by any timbered roof; thus in the Byzantine style.
• The exterior closely corresponds with the interior.
Kirche San Vitale in Ravena. The ceiling shows the Byzantine
the arches and the pillars of The Kirche San Vitale in Ravena,
Left: the outer view of the
Basilica of San Vitale

Right: the church of Saint George

considered the oldest building in
Sofia(Bulgaria) built by the Romans
in the 4th century AD, painted
(shown in the previous slide) during
the Ottoman period (Turkish
in the Middle-Ages
(C.E. 400-1500)
(mostly European, North America, and Australia)
Western Architecture in the Middle Ages
Western Architecture passed through three stages of development during
the middle ages. These are the:
• Early Christian
• Romanesque
• Gothic

Early Christian Romanesque Gothic (Notre Dame de

(the Roman Catholic (Basilica de San Paris famous example of
Church of Saint James in Marco, Italy 336 AD) Gothic Architecture)
Lebeny, Hungary)
Western Architecture in the Middle Ages

• The Romanesque was an outgrowth of the Early Christian, and the Gothic.
• The Western styles follow the general type of the Roman Basilica, a long
rectangular building divided by pillars into a central nave and isle
• Sometimes there is one isle on each side of the nave; sometimes there are
• Often, the nave is higher than the isles, and, therefore, there is opportunity
for clustery lightning.
• In the early churches, the building was one simple rectangle with an apse.
(a part of church that is shaped like a half circle)
Saint Paul cathedral in London
Western Architecture in the Middle Ages
• Later, the plan was adapted to the shape of a cross by the addition of
cross isle between the nave and the coin.
• The arms thus made are known as transepts. Directly opposite the high
altar at the West was the main entrance.

The internal view of Saint Paul cathedral

Early Christian
(C.E. 400-700)
Early Christian Architecture
• The early Christian Basilica has grown in part from the Roman house where
the earliest Christians met for worship, and in part from pagan basilica’s.
• In the classic temples, the emphasis lay on the exterior; in the Christian
church, and on the inside.
• A second form of building known as the central type, was designed round
central vertical axis instead of longitudinal one.
• The long, internal lines of the basilica carried the eye of the visitor from the
door altar as their ritualistic climax of the structure.

Floor plan of an
Early Christian
Elements of the Early
Christian and
Byzantine Architecture
Early Christian Architecture

• On the other hand, the circular or octagonal buildings focused on the

• The interiors of early Christian churches were often decorated with
mosaics, as in S. Apollinare.

Left:the mosaic apse of Right: Basilica de Sant’ Apollinare

Sant’ Apollinare in Classe
11 and 12
th th

Romanesque Architecture

• The structure is characterized with very heavy walls with small window
opening stone arch or inverted roof window.
• They have a wide nave and narrow and lower side aids with transepts.
• Romanesque Architecture is an extension and development of the Early
Christian Basilica exemplified by S. Apollinare in Classe.
• Examples are Notre Dame, La Grande at Portiers (exterior) and the
Abbayeaux – Dame (interior)

Abbey of Sainte Trinite’,

Romanesque Architecture
• Light, with a simple light weight, flat wooden roof, the Romanesque
where the Early Christian style is structurally has a very heavy stone
arched or vaulted roof inside.
• In this respect, it resembles the roman style- hence the name
• In the Romanesque cathedral, several small windows were combined in a
compound arch; in the gothic, this process was continued until the arches
appeared only as stone tracery.
• Eventually, the windows became so large that the walls ceased to have
any function as walls; the roof was supported by the huge buttress and
the entire wall space was filled with stained-glass windows.
Romanesque Architecture
• The triforium space regularly filled with small arches, and the rose window
became large and important.
• The doorways became spacious. In the Romanesque church, the façade
sometimes has one doorway, sometimes three.
The Chichester Cathedral,
formally known as the
Cathedral Church of the
Holy Trinity.
Located at the Sussex,
United Kingdom.
Romanesque Architecture

• The Gothic façade regularly had three doorways.

• Each was made with multiple orders, like the romanesque,
though the arch, of course was pointed.
• The decorations, also were much more to elaborate.
• In the Romanesque the were relatively simple moldings with or
without carvings of conventional designs, figures, animals or
Cathedral de Sienne of Duomo di Siena in Italy
Romanesque Architecture

• In the Gothic, the human figure became the characteristic decoration, a

recessed doorway being filled with rows of saints or kings.
• The Gothic style in architecture is known primarily for its cathedrals
and churches.
• There are also many beautiful palaces especially Venice.

A glimpse at a Venetian Gothic Palace and a

Statue of Mars, the Roman God of War.
15th and 16th Century
Renaissance Architecture
• It is influenced by the Greek and Roman styles comes to the fore but with
a difference.
• Renaissance Architecture, the cathedral or temple is no longer the typical
building; a secular architecture comes to the fore, as in Roman times.
• Although Renaissance architecture is a return to the ideals of the Greeks
and Romans, it is a slavish imitation, but rather a free use of the materials
found in Greece and Rome, but they used these ideas freely according to
their own taste, in a way that was original.

Santissimo Nome di Gesu

Cathedral, Italy.
A famous renaissance
architecture for its
beautiful frescoes (painting
in wet plaster)
Chateau de Fountainebleau, France one of the best example of Renaissance
architectural style first owned by Louis VII.
Upper left:Cotton Exchange
Building, USA
Right: Heidelberger Castle, Germany
Lower left: Uffizi Gallery, Italy
Baroque Architecture
• Baroque architecture flourished in the 17th century and the opening
years of the 18th century.
• It is characterized primarily as a period of elaborated sculptural
• The framework remained close to that of a Renaissance, although
often it was far more spacious, but had a profusion of carved
• Columns are enatablatures were decorated with garlands of flowers
and fruits, shells and waves.
• Often alcoves were built into the wall to receive statues, thus making
a pattern of light and dark.
• Surfaces were frequently carved
• They often have domes or cupolas and they may not have spires.
Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola in Italy, interior design
based on Baroque style of Architecture
Church of Santa Prisca façade of the Saint Cathedral de la Resurrection du couvent De
Taxco in Mexico Gervais Saint-Protais Smolny at Saint Petersbourg, RUssia in
The 19th

The 19th Century Architecture
• The 19th century architecture is known as the period of eclecticism.
Eclecticism in an architecture implies freedom on the part that seems most
• In a sense, the Renaissance was eclectic in its attempted revival of Roman
• By the middle of the 19th century, both the Greek and Gothic revivals were
spent, to be placed by a bewildering variety of styles.
• Italian villas and Swiss chalets jostled Victorian Gothic churches and
Victorian classics post offices
• These styles were superficial and interchangeable.
• They had in common, in this age of materialism and osternation, plans
whose outlines were broken by protruding bay windows, tower or porches;
restless silhouettes and ill-advised experiments in colored materials.
• Not all Victorian buildings were bad; at least the best of them were bold,
but the crass vulgarity of the styles typified its age.
Manchester Reform Club built during the Victorian Era
(reign of Queen Victoria)
Palace of the Westminster, completed in 1870 (Neo-Gothic)
Modern Architecture

• Modern architecture is an attempt to interpret one’s purpose through

building in a style independent of fix symmetries.
• New materials came to be utilized- prestressed steel in tension, high
pressure concrete, glass block, wood, metal, chromium, plastics, copper
cork, steel, gympsum lumber, real and artificial stone all varieties of
synthetic and compressed materials and the versatile plywood.
• The supporting function is created by light, cage – like skeleton of steel and
reinforced concrete, which is faster and easier to build.
• Reinforced concrete is made by pouring concrete over steel rods laid in
temporary wooden moulds; thus mushroom-heated columns slab-like floors
are poured together to became a single monolitic unit of great stregnth.
• Thus principle was utilize in the Van Nelle tobacco factory in Rottendam,
Neth., 1927, by J.A. Van de Vlught, architects.
Left: Arcadia Wards
Right: Sculptural Blend of wood and
glass; the Ettley Residence.
Philippine Architecture
• The Philippine has shown knowledge and expertise in all arts.
• In this country, along Roxas Boulevard, the Ayala, and Escolta, one can see
that architecture in the Philippines has come up with the times.
• The old St. Augustine church, the University of Sto. Tomas, San Sebastian
Church and some parts of the Intramuros, reflect not only the living proofs
of the antiquity of architecture in this country but also trace back the
influence of Europe on this particular art at a time when most of the
• Landscaped and tourist spots attracts foreigners.
• They are impressed with the local use of the latest in our architectural
• The use of concrete, wood and coconut products, thin shells, a wide choice
of marble, and other locally available products is becoming extensive.
Philippine Architecture
• One can note the predominance of native products used as materials for
edifices of apparently western architectural forms.
• Salazar F., in her article “RP architecture captured in churches”, he says
that most modern architects and writers doing analyses of Philippines
churches marvel at the majestic structures which were designed and built
during the Spanish regime.
• Roger Gaspar’s comment regarding the flowering colonial church
architecture in the Philippines which he said was a significant event in the
history of the Philippines-that the Filipino’s spontaneous and inventive
attitudes created a kind of architecture that was unique from Western
architectural idioms
Philippine Architecture
• Writers noted that the massive buttresses of the church, as in the Ilocos
Norte’s Paoay church are reminiscent of the builder’s struggle with
earthquakes and that his church became the epitome earthquake- resistant
Philippine Architecture
• Morong church in Rizal was also mentioned for its integration of the
belfry with the old façade, in the effect it became one of the most
well-composed architectures in colonial Philippines.
• This feature was noted by authors Galende and Javellana in their book,
The Great Churches.
Japanese Architecture
• as mentioned earlier, close connection between religious rites and
architecture is manifested everywhere.
• Like the Egyptians, the religious rites of the Japanese merely traditional
and the traits are reproduced in the architecture, both in, tombs and
• A Juto (longevity tower) is a kind of mausoleum in ancient times erected
during one’s lifetime to celebrate his own and another’s longevity.
• Hideyoshi Toyotomi built the Tensuiji Temple in the courtyard of Daitokuji
Temple in Kyoto to pray for his mother while she was seriously ill.
• Grateful for her subsequent successful recovery, he constructed a juto at
Tensuiji in 1452.
• During the latest repair of the building, two Chinese-ink signatures from
the 1591 were found in its square frame.
The Juto Oido of the old Tensuiji Temple
Japanese Architecture
• These dates correspond to Tensuiji Juto which was constructed under
Toyotomi’s order. Thus, it has been confirmed that this was built in 1591.
• There are many buildings in Kyoto which are thought to be remains of
Toyotomi’s Juradukai or Fushimi Castle, but only a few have been
identified as actually built by him. (Sankien Hosokai Foundation,
Yokohama Dai Nippon Printing Co.)
The Fushimi Castle
End of
Thank you and
God Bless!

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