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Name-Ayush Soni


Topic- Buyer Decision Proces for New Product (Adopter Categories)

Submitted to- Arpita Goyal Ma’am

Date- 20-03-2023
Buyer Decision Process for New Product
Adopter Categories

 Adopter categories divide consumers into segments based on

their willingness to try out a new innovation or product.
 Rogers identified key characteristics of each adopter category,
such as the fact that early adopters have the highest degree of
opinion leadership among the adopter categories, while the
laggards are likely to be older, conservative, and more price
conscious. The concept of adopter categories is widely used in
present-day marketing, especially for revolutionary new
products or services. 
Adopter Categories: Characteristics

1. Innovators
2. Early Adopters
3. Early Majority
4. Late Majority
5. Laggards
In Roger's adopter categories, he acknowledges that not everyone possesses the
same motivation to adopt new technologies .

 Innovators:These individuals adopt new technology or ideas simply

because they are new. Innovators tend to take risks more readily and
are the most venturesome.
 Earlyadopters: This group tends to create opinions, which propel
trends. They are not unlike innovators in how quickly they take on
new technologies and ideas but are more concerned about their
reputation as being ahead of the curve.
 Early majority: If an idea or other innovation enters this group, it tends to
be widely adopted before long. This group makes decisions based on
utility and practical benefits over coolness.
 Late majority: The late majority shares some traits with the early majority
but is more cautious before committing, needing more hand-holding as
they adopt.
 Laggards: This group is slow to adapt to new ideas or technology. They
tend to adopt only when they are forced to or because everyone else has
A mere show cast of consumers.
Examples of Adopter Categories

 1.Innovators: People who are and will be thronging apple stores for
Apple watch.
 2. Early adopters: People in India who are now exploring ecommerce.
 3. Early majority: People using cloud services
 4. Late majority: People who have just started using debit/credit cards
 5.Laggards: Those who are buying Apple iPhone 4(with respect
iPhone, these people are laggards)

 Innovators are the first customers to try a new product. They are, by
nature, risk takers and are excited by the possibilities of new ideas
and new ways of doing things. Products tend to be more expensive
at their point of release (though some products do defy this trend)
and as such innovators are generally wealthier than other types of
adopters (though in some cases they may adopt products in a very
narrow field and devote much of their financial resources to this
Early Adopters

 Early adopters are the second phase of product purchasers following

innovators. These tend to be the most influential people within any
market space and they will often have a degree of “thought leadership”
for other potential adopters. They may be very active in social media
 and often create reviews and other materials around new products
that they strongly like or dislike.
 However, they do not take as many risks as innovators and tend to
make more reasoned decisions as to whether or not to become
involved in a particular product. They will try to obtain more information
than an innovator in this decision making process.
Early Majority

As a product begins to have mass market appeal, the next class of
adopter to arrive is the early majority. This class of adopter is
reasonably risk averse and wants to be sure that their, often more
limited, resources are spent wisely on products. They are however,
generally, people with better than average social status and while not
thought leaders in their own right – they will often be in contact with
thought leaders and use the opinions of these thought leaders when
making their adoption decisions
Late Majority

 The late majority is rather more skeptical about product adoption than

the first three classes of adopters. They tend to put their resources
towards tried and tested solutions only and are risk-averse. As you
might expect, in general terms, this category of adopter has less
money, lower social status, and less interaction with thought leaders
and innovators than the other groups of adopters. The late majority
rarely offer any form of thought leadership in a field.

 Laggards are last to arrive at the adoption party and their arrival is
typically a sign that a product is entering decline. Laggards value
traditional methods of doing things and highly averse to change and
risk. Typically laggards will have low socio-economic status and rarely
seek opinions outside of their own limited social set. However, it is
worth noting that in many cases laggards are older people who are less
familiar with technology than younger generations and in these cases
they may still have a mid-level of socio-economic status.
 Marketers may choose to support early adopters with additional technical insights or behind the scenes
perspectives of development to encourage them to share their thoughts with those who follow their thought

 Early adopters will be targeted following innovators, they too may be approached prior to a product launch
and again emphasis will be placed on research into what this sector needshem in early user trials and
generally win their support.
 The early majority, on the other hand, is likely to be targeted through more general marketing approaches
and it is hoped that their connection with the early adopters will drive word-of-mouth sales. Designers may
end up catering to the early majority through product iteration and offering improvements to the product.

The late majority, will probably arrive as product differentiation occurs and the product has established itself
in a particular niche in the market. Marketing to this group is likely to be less aggressive in direct marketing
and more based on special offers and promotions to incentivize a choice of one product over another in a
competitive arena.
 It may be completely uneconomic to target laggards with direct marketing and it is likely that by the time they
adopt a product, it is going into decline, and that pricing and general awareness of the product will most
likely drive adoption from this group.

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