Matching Activity

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• Matching
– Using the cards, match the appropriate definition
with the corresponding word as quickly as you can
– Complete in groups
– The first group to complete the matching
correctly- WINS

A structured research summary
at the beginning of a research A measure of a study’s capacity
The specific characteristics that
report or journal article that to detect a difference between
enables readers to quickly and
theInclusion Criteria
investigator is most Power
or among study groups if a true
interested in studying
easily obtain information about difference exists
an investigation

The part of a research report or

Factors that could confound Part of a journal article or
journal article that provides
research report that describes
relevant background information or Exclusion
impair theCriteria
ability to Results
the research findings based on
and discusses existing literature interpret a study’s results the statistical analysis
on the subject of study

The part of a research report or A trial in which the participants

journal article that provides a (subjects) as well as those
description of the research involved in the assessment The main outcome of interest in
Methods Double-blind trial Primary endpoint
design, data collection, and (investigators and assessors) are a research study
statistical tests used in the unaware of the randomization
investigation schedule

The part of a research or journal

Study design whereby all
article that provides the
The process of assigning patients individuals (patients,
interpretation and explanation of
to a treatment or control group Triple-blind
investigators, trial are
and monitors) Discussion
the research findings in the
by chance alone unaware of the intervention
context of previous research or
theory 2
A structured research summary at
the beginning of a research report
or journal article that enables
readers to quickly and easily
obtain information about an
The part of a research report or
journal article that provides
relevant background information
and discusses existing literature
on the subject of study
The part of a research report or
journal article that provides a
description of the research design,
data collection, and statistical
tests used in the investigation
The process of assigning patients
to a treatment or control group by
chance alone
Inclusion Criteria
The specific characteristics that
the investigator is most interested
in studying
Exclusion Criteria
Factors that could confound or
impair the ability to interpret a
study’s results
Double-Blind Trial
A trial in which the participants
(subjects) as well as those
involved in the assessment
(investigators and assessors) are
unaware of the randomization
Triple-Blind Trial
Study design whereby all
individuals (patients,
investigators, and monitors) are
unaware of the intervention
A measure of a study’s capacity to
detect a difference between or
among study groups if a true
difference exists
Part of a journal article or
research report that describes the
research findings based on the
statistical analysis
Primary Endpoint
The main outcome of interest in a
research study
The part of a research or journal
article that provides the
interpretation and explanation of
the research findings in the
context of previous research or

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