Unit 1

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Unit I
Energy transfer in turbo
1. Applicationmachines
of first and second
laws of thermodynamics to turbo
2. Moment of momentum equation and
Euler turbine equation,
3. Principles of impulse and reaction
4. Degree of reaction,
5. Energy equation for relative velocities,
one dimensional analysis only
Steam turbines / Gas turbines /
Compressors / Expanders
What is a Turbomachine ?
TurboMachine:- Any devices that extracts energy
from or imparts energy to a continuously moving
stream of fluid can be called a Turbomachine.

Elaborating, a turbomachine is a power or head

generating machine which employs the dynamic
action of a rotating element, the rotor; the action
of the rotor changes the energy level of the
continuously flowing fluid through the machine.

Turbines, compressors and fans are all members of

this family of machines.
Classification of Turbo M/Cs
• These two types of machines are governed by
the same basic relationships
including Newton's second Law of Motion
and Euler's pump and turbine equation
for compressible fluids. Centrifugal pumps are
also turbomachines that transfer energy from
a rotor to a fluid, usually a liquid, while
turbines and compressors usually work with a
In general, the two kinds of turbomachines
encountered in practice are open and closed
1.Open machines such as propellers, windmills,
and unshrouded fans act on an infinite extent
of fluid.
2. Closed machines operate on a finite
quantity of fluid as it passes through a
housing or casing.
Classification of Turbo M/Cs
Turbomachines are also categorized according to
the type of flow.
1. When the flow is parallel to the axis of
rotation, they are called axial flow machines.
2. When flow is perpendicular to the axis
of rotation, they are referred to as radial
(or centrifugal) flow machines.
3. There is also a third category, called mixed
flow machines, where both radial and axial
flow velocity components are present.
Classification of Turbo M/Cs
Turbomachines may be further classified into two
additional categories:
1. Those that absorb energy to increase the
fluid pressure, i.e. pumps, fans, and
2. Those that produce energy such as turbines
by expanding flow to lower pressures. Of
particular interest are applications which
contain pumps, fans, compressors and turbines.
These components are essential in almost all
mechanical equipment systems, such as power
and refrigeration cycles.
Q. Define Turbomachine and classify them on
the basis of fluid movement through the
machine. (Dec. 2011)
Q. What is a Turbomachine ? Classify them on
the basis of work transfer. (Dec 2010)
Q. Define Turbomachines and explain the
different types of turbomachines. (June 2010)

Turbomachines work on basic laws of

thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.
1. Conservation of Mass.
2. Conservation of Energy.
3. Newton’s Second law of motion.
For steady flow through the control volume, the

mass flow rate, m remains constant

m  1 V1 A1   2 V 2 A2
First law of Thermodynamics:-
Conservation of Energy
Q  E  W
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it
can only change from one form to another.
E  EK  EP  U

Q  E K  E P  U W
Steady Flow Energy Equation
(First law of Thermodynamics)

Q W  m[h  ke
‘Steady Flow’ means that the rates of flow of
mass and energy across the control surface
are constant.

In most engineering devices, there is a constant

rate of flow of mass and energy through the
control surface, and the control volume in
course of time attains a steady state.
W  Wx  p1v1dm1 
p2 v2 dm2
In the rate form dm2
dW dWx  p1v1 1
2 2
d  d p v d

dW  w1 p1v1  w2 ‘a’

p 2 v2
dWx d
Since there is no accumulation of energy, by the
conservation of energy, the total rate of flow
of all energy streams entering the control
volume must equal the total rate of flow of all
energy streams leaving the control volume.
 dW
w e  d  w 2e 2
1 1

Where e 1 & e 2 - energy

d carried into or out of
the CV with unit mass of the fluid.
Substituting for d from equation ‘a’.
  dWx
dQ  w1 p1v1  w2
w1 e1  d  w 2e 2 d
p2 v 2

 dWx

w1 e1  w1 p1 v1  d  w2e 2 d w2p v2
dQ 2
The specific energy is given by
e  ek  ep  u   Zg 
2 u

Substituting the expression for e in equation

V2  dQ V  dW
w12 1  Z1  u1   w1 p1v1  w 2  2  Z 2  u 2   w2 p 2 v 2  d x
 2  d  

 V 12
 dQ  V 22
 dW
w1  h1  2  Z1 g   w2  h2  2  Z 2 g   d x
   
 d
re hu
Since w1  w2 
Dividing the Equation by

2 dQ V 22 dW
h1  V 1  Z 1 g
dm  h2  2  Z 2 g  dm

This Equation is Known as
Second Law of Thermodynamics
Second Law of Thermodynamics
Clausius’ Statement of the Second Law gives:
It is impossible to construct a device which,
operating in a cycle, will produce no effect
other than the transfer of heat from a cooler
to a hotter body.
Heat cannot flow of itself from a body at a
lower temperature to a body at a higher
Second Law of Thermodynamics
• Second law of thermodynamics states that for a
fluid undergoing a reversible adiabatic process,
the entropy change is zero.
• Entropy increases from inlet to the exit, if the
fluid undergoes an adiabatic or any other
process. Due to the increase in entropy, the
power developed by a turbine is less than the
ideal isentropic power developed. Similarly the
work input to a pump is greater than the
isentropic or ideal workinput.

 ds
Newton’s Second Law of Motion-
Momentum Equation
The moment of momentum equation is based
on Newton’s second law applied to a rotating
fluid mass system.
Previous Knowledge
Moment of momentum about an axis is known
as Angular Momentum.
The moment of a force about a point is torque.
The moment of momentum principle states that
In a rotating system the torque exerted by the resultant
force on the body with respect to an axis is equal to the
time rate of change of angular momentum.

[Torque exerted on the fluid by the rotating element ]=

[Angular momentum of fluid leaving out of CV]-[Angular momentum of fluid entering the CV]

T  Q[(Vu r) o u t  (Vu r) in ]
Where Q= discharge, Vu = tangential component of absolute
velocity, r= moment arm of Vu
• The Euler’s pump and turbine equations are most
fundamental equations in the field of turbo-
These equations govern the power, efficiencies and
other factors that contribute in the design of Turbo-
machines thus making them very important.
With the help of these equations the head
developed by a pump and the head utilised by a
turbine can be easily determined.
These equations can be derived from the moment of
momentum equation when applied for a pump or a
Euler Turbine Equation
• The Euler turbine equation relates the power
added to or removed from the flow, to
characteristics of a rotating blade row. The
equation is based on the concepts of
conservation of angular momentum and
conservation of energy.
Force exerted by a Liquid Jet Striking on a Curved Vane
when the Vane is moving in the Jet Direction
Force exerted by a Liquid Jet Striking on a Curved Vane
when the Vane is moving in the Jet Direction

The mass flow rate of liquid striking the vane is

m  a(V  u)

F x= Rate of Change of Momentum in the

direction of the force= Mass flow rate х
change in velocity in the jet direction
 a(V  u)[(V  u)  ((V  u)
cos  ]
Consider a Jet of liquid striking a movinf curved
vane tangentially at one of its tips. The liquid
jet strikes the vane with an absolute velocity
of V1 . Let the velocity of the vane is u . Since
the which
vane isisobtained
moving bywith the a
subtracting relative
vectorically the velocity u from V 1

1. Fluid enters and leaves the vane in a direction
tangential to the vane tip at inlet and outlet.
Euler’s Turbine Equation
Angular Velocity of wheel (rotaional Speed)
(rad/sec)   2N /

Tangential Momentum of the fluid at entry

 Vw1m N
Euler’s Turbine Equation
Moment of momentum or angular momentum
at entry  V m N-m
Similarly Angular
r1 Momentum at the outlet
 N-m
Vw 2 m
Euler’s Turbine equation
T= Torque on the wheel=change of angular
momentum 
Vw1r1  Vw 2 r2 m N-m

Workdone=rate of energy transferred

= torque х angular velocity 
 Vw1r1  Vw2 r2 m

Euler’s Turbine Equation
But r1  U1 ; r2 

Workdone 
Vw1u1  Vw 2u 2 m W

If Vw1u1
the machine is called Turbine.
 Vw2 u2
 Vw1u1 the machine is called pump,
V w2ucompressor
fan, or blower
If 2
Impulse and Reaction machines
Impulse turbines change the direction of flow
of a high velocity fluid or gas jet.

Reaction turbines develop torque by

reacting to the gas or fluid's pressure or
mass. The pressure of the gas or fluid
changes as it passes through the turbine
rotor blades
Impulse and Reaction machines
A reaction turbine is a type of turbine that
develops torque by reacting to the pressure or
weight of a fluid; the operation of reaction
turbines is described by Newton's third law of
motion (action and reaction are equal and
opposite). The pressure of the fluid changes as
it passes through the rotor blades.
Degree of Reaction
• In turbomachinery, Degree of reaction or reaction
ratio (R) is defined as the ratio of static pressure drop
in the rotor to the static pressure drop in the stage
• or as the ratio of static enthalpy drop in the rotor to
the static enthalpy drop in the stage.
• Degree of reaction (R) is an important factor in
designing the blades of a turbine ,
compressors, pumps and other turbo-
• It also tells about the efficiency of machine and
is used for proper selection of a machine for a
required purpose.
Degree of Reaction
• Various definitions exist in terms of enthalpies,
pressures or flow geometry of the device. In case
of turbines, both impulse and reaction
Degree of reaction (R) is defined as the ratio of energy
transfer by the change in static head to the total energy
transfer in the rotor i.e.
Isentropic enthalpy change in rotor/Isentropic
enthalpy change in stage.
For a gas turbine or compressor
It is defined as the ratio of isentropic heat drop in the
moving blades (i.e. the rotor) to the sum of the
isentropic heat drops in the fixed blades(i.e. the
stator) and the moving blades i.e.
Degree of Reaction
• The degree of reaction, R is defined as the
ratio of isentropic heat drop in the moving
blades to the sum of the isentropic heat drops
in the fixed and the moving bladesin a stage.

R = Isentropic heat drop in rotor/Isentropic

heat drop in stage.
Degree of Reaction
In pumps, degree of reaction deals in static
and dynamic head.
Degree of reaction is defined as the fraction
of energy transfer by change in static head to
the total energy transfer in the rotor i.e.
Static pressure rise in rotor/Total pressure rise
in stage.
Energy Equation for Relative Velocities
Euler’s Equation E  (VW 1U1 VW
If H is the head on the machine, then energy
2U 2 )m
transfer can be written as
E  m
Therefore Euler’s Equation will become

H 
V w1 U1 Vw2U 2 
Components of Energy Transfer It is
worth mentioning in this context
that either of the Eqs. is
applicable regardless of changes
in density or components of
velocity in other directions.
Moreover, the shape of the path
taken by the fluid in moving from
inlet to outlet is of no
consequence. The expression
involves only the inlet and outlet
conditions. A rotor, the moving
part of a fluid machine, usually
consists of a number of vanes or
blades mounted on a circular
disc. Figure shows the velocity
triangles at the inlet and outlet
of a rotor. The inlet and outlet
portions of a rotor vane are only
shown as a representative of the
whole rotor
• Vector diagrams of velocities at inlet and outlet correspond to two velocity
triangles, where Vr is the velocity of fluid relative to the rotor  and  are the
1 2

angles made by the directions of the absolute velocities at the inlet and
outlet respectively with the tangential direction, while and are the
1 2

angles made by the relative velocities with the tangential direction. The
angles  and 
1 2 should match with vane or blade angles at inlet and
outlet respectively for a smooth, shockless entry and exit of the fluid to
avoid undersirable losses. Now we shall apply a simple geometrical
relation as follows:
From the inlet velocity triangle, Vr12  V1 2  U12  2U1 V1 1  V12  U12  2U1 w1
or V U V 2 2 Cos2 V
1 1 r1
UV 
, 1 w1 2

Similarly from the outlet velocity triangle.V r 2  V2 U2  2U2 V2  2  V2 U2  2U2
2 2 2 2 2
Cos V
or V  U V 2 2 2

, U V  2 2w2
2 2 r2

Invoking the expressions of U 1 V w 1 and U 2 V w 2 in Euler’s Eq. ,

get H (Work head, i.e. energy per unit weight of fluid, transferred between
the fluid and the rotor as) as
H  Richard[(V12Victor,
)  (U1 of2 U2 2 )  (V
2 g
) Mechanical 2
H [(V12 V22 )  (U12 U22 )  (Vr12 Vr2 )
2g 2

The Eq is an important form of the Euler's equation

relating to fluid machines since it gives the three
distinct components of energy transfer as shown by
the pair of terms in the round brackets. These
components throw light on the nature of the energy
transfer. The first term of Eq. is readily seen to be the
change in absolute kinetic energy or dynamic head
of the fluid while flowing through the rotor. The
second term of Eq. represents a change in fluid
energy due to the movement of the rotating fluid
from one radius of rotation to another.
• Energy Transfer in Axial Flow Machines
For an axial flow machine, the main direction of flow is parallel to
the axis of the rotor, and hence the inlet and outlet points of the
flow do not vary in their radial locations from the axis of rotation.
Therefore, U  U
1 2 and the equation of energy transfer Eq. can
be written, under this situation, as
• Radially Outward and Inward Flow Machines
For radially outward flow machines,U  U , 2 1

and the fluid gains in static head, while, for

a radially inward flow machine, U  U and the
2 1

fluid losses its static head. Therefore, in radial

flow pumps or compressors the flow is always
directed radially outward, and in a radial flow
turbine it is directed radially inward.
Impulse and Reaction Machines
Impulse and Reaction Machines The relative proportion of energy
transfer obtained by the change in static head and by the change in
dynamic head is one of the important factors for classifying fluid
machines. The machine for which the change in static head in the
rotor is zero is known as impulse machine . In these machines, the
energy transfer in the rotor takes place only by the change in
dynamic head of the fluid. The parameter characterizing the
proportions of changes in the dynamic and static head in the rotor
of a fluid machine is known as degree of reaction and is defined as
the ratio of energy transfer by the change in static head to the total
energy transfer in the rotor.
Therefore, the degree of reaction,
Impulse and Reaction Machines
For an impulse machine R = 0 , because there is no change in
static pressure in the rotor. It is difficult to obtain a radial
flow impulse machine, since the change in centrifugal head
is obvious there.
Nevertheless, an impulse machine of radial flow type can
be conceived by having a change in static head in one
direction contributed by the centrifugal effect and an
equal change in the other direction contributed by the
change in relative velocity.
However, this has not been established in practice. Thus
for an axial
flow impulse machine U  U ;V  V . For an impulse machine,
1 2 r1 r2

the rotor can be made open, that is, the velocity V1 can
represent an open jet of fluid flowing through the rotor, which
needs no casing. A very simple example of an impulse
machine is a paddle wheel rotated by the impingement of
water from a stationary nozzle as shown in Fig
• A machine with any degree of reaction must have an
enclosed rotor so that the fluid cannot expand freely in all
• A simple example of a reaction machine can be shown by
the familiar lawn sprinkler, in which water comes out (Fig. b)
at a high velocity from the rotor in a tangential direction.
The essential feature of the rotor is that water enters at high
pressure and this pressure energy is transformed into kinetic
energy by a nozzle which is a part of the rotor itself.
• In the earlier example of impulse machine (Fig. a), the
nozzle is stationary and its function is only to transform
pressure energy to kinetic energy and finally this kinetic
energy is transferred to the rotor by pure impulse action.
The change in momentum of the fluid in the nozzle gives
rise to a reaction force but as the nozzle is held
stationary, no energy is transferred by it. In the case of
lawn sprinkler (Fig. b), the nozzle, being a part of the
rotor, is free to move and, in fact, rotates due to the
reaction force caused by the change in momentum of the
fluid and hence the word reaction machine follows.
The concept of efficiency of any machine comes from
the consideration of energy transfer and is defined, in
general, as the ratio of useful energy delivered to the
energy supplied.
Two efficiencies are usually considered for fluid
machines-- the hydraulic efficiency concerning the
energy transfer between the fluid and the rotor, and
the overall efficiency concerning the energy transfer
between the fluid and the shaft.
The difference between the two represents the energy
absorbed by bearings, glands, couplings, etc. or, in
general, by pure mechanical effects which occur
between the rotor itself and the point of actual power
input or output.
Therefore, for a pump or compressor,
For Turbine
Let us now apply dimensional analysis to determine the dimensionless parameters, i.e., the π terms as the
criteria of similarity for flows through fluid machines. For a machine of a given shape, and handling
compressible fluid, the relevant variables are given in Table

Variable physical parameters Dimensional formula

D = any physical dimension of the machine as a measure of the machine's size, usually the rotor diameter L

Q = volume flow rate through the machine L3 T -1

N = rotational speed (rev/min.) T -1

H = difference in head (energy per unit weight) across the machine. This may be either gained or given by the
fluid depending upon whether the machine is a pump or a turbine respectively.

ρ=density of fluid ML-3

µ= viscosity of fluid ML-1 T -1

E = coefficient of elasticity of fluid ML-1 T-2

g = acceleration due to gravity LT -2

P = power transferred between fluid and rotor (the difference between P and H is taken care of by the hydraulic
efficiency ML2 T-3
In almost all fluid machines flow with a free surface does not
occur, and the effect of gravitational force is negligible.
Therefore, it is more logical to consider the energy per unit
mass gH as the variable rather than H alone so that
acceleration due to gravity does not appear as a separate
variable. Therefore, the number of separate variables
becomes eight: D, Q, N, gH, ρ, µ, E and P . Since the
number of fundamental dimensions required to express
these variable are three, the number of independent π
terms (dimensionless terms), becomes five. Using
Buckingham's π theorem with D, N and ρ as the repeating
variables, the expression for the terms are obtained as,
We shall now discuss the physical significance and
usual terminologies of the different π terms. All
lengths of the machine are proportional to D ,
and all areas to D2. Therefore, the average flow
velocity at any section in the machine is
proportional to D . Again, the peripheral velocity

of the rotor is proportional to the product ND .

The first π term can be expressed as

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