Cybersecurity Presentation

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• An act or the commission of an act
that is forbidden, or the omission of a
duty that is commanded by a public
law and that makes the offender
liable to punishment by that law.
Classification of
Cybercrime against
cybercrimes Cybercrime against
Cybercrime against

Cybercrime against Crimes emanating

society from user network

• Electronic mail spoofing and other online frauds

• Phishing , spear phishing and its various other forms such as vishing & smishing
• Spamming
• Cyberdefamation
• Cybertstalking and harassment
• Computer sabotage
• Pornographic offenses
• Password sniffing

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E-Mail spoofing
• A spoofed E-Mail is one that appears to originate from
one source but actually has been sent from another
For example let us say stanley has an E-Mail address let us say his friend stella and him
happen to have a showdown. Then stella having become
his enemy, spoofs her E-Mail and sends vulgar messages
to all her acquaintances. Since the E-Mails appear to b
have originated from stanley his friends could take offense
and spoil relationship among themselves.

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Phishing , spear phishing and its various other forms
such as vishing and smishing
• Phishing- It is the criminally fraudulent
process of attempting to acquire sensitive
information such as usernames,
passwords and credit card details by
masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an
electronic communication.
• Spear phishing- It is a targeted
cyberattack toward an individual or
organisation with the end goal of receiving
confidential information for fraudulent
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• Vishing-Criminal practice of using social
engineering over the telephone system , most
often using features facilitated by VoIP , to gain
access to personal and financial information
from the public for the purpose of financial
• The term is combination of V-voice phishing.
• Vishing is used to steal credit card numbers or
other related data used in ID theft schemes from
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• It is criminal offense conducted by using social engineering
techniques similar to phishing. The name is derived from “SMS
• Smishing uses cell phones text messages & It works similarly
like vishing.
• Examples: “ we are happy to send our confirmation toward your
enrolment for our ‘xxxxclub membership”,you will be charged Rs
50/- per day unless you reconfirm your acceptance of your
membership on your “Membership office contact number
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• People who create electronic spam are
called spammers .
• spam is abuse of electronic messaging
systems to send bulk messages
• Most widely recognised form of spam is
E-Mail spam.
• Spamming is difficult to control because it
has economic viability

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•DEFAMATION- defamation is where a person intentionally
spreads information about another person by which that
person looses reputation . Cyberdefamtion is not a specific
cyber offense though internet is being used to spread fake
•CYBERDEFAMATION-Any defamation on the internet just
like the other types of defamation likewise cyber defamation
is against the law.
• An example of cyber defamation is when someone sends
an email saying hurtful things about you to someone else
or posting false things about you on internet.
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Cyberstalking and harassment
• Stalking basically means trying to approach somebody
or something.
• Cyberstalking has been defined as use of information
and communication technology , particularly the internet
by an individual or group of individuals to harass another
individual or group of individuals.
• Two types of stalkers are online stalkers and offline
stalkers . majority of cyber stalkers are men and the
victims are women. It happens between the people who
have prior relationship but also there are many instances
of strangers .
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Computer sabotage
• It’s the process of alteration or suppression of computer
data or programme with the intention of hindering the
functioning of computer.
• It is performed through worms , logic bombs and virus
- example:
Y2k bug: actually called as year 2000 bug or the
millennium bug is a problem in the coding of
computerized systems that was projected to create
computer networks around the world.

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Pornographic offenses
• Child pornography is considered as an
offense . unfortunately it’s the reality of
internet . The internet is being highly used by
the abusers to reach and abuse children
• COPPA: children’s online privacy protection
act is away of preventing online

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Password sniffing
• SNIFFING: technique for gaining access through network based attack
• The most important thing typically to sniff is authentication information, the examples
of authentication information is usernames and passwords.

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• Credit card frauds
• Intellectual property crimes
• Internet time theft

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Credit card frauds
• At its simplest, credit card fraud can involve stealing
someone’s physical credit or debit card and using it to
make purchases. However, that type of credit card
fraud is becoming rarer by the day. In fact, after the
introduction of Europay, Mastercard, and Visa (EMV)
chips, card present fraud at the point of sale
significantly declined, while card-not-present (CNP)
fraud drastically increased.

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Intellectual property crimes
Intellectual property crime is committed when
someone manufactures, sells or distributes
counterfeit or pirated goods, such as such as
patents, trademarks, industrial designs or literary
and artistic works, for commercial gain.
The four kinds of intellectual property are patents,
trademark, copyrights and trade secrets.

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Internet time theft
•  one of the most common
forms of time theft, this
is when employees use the
internet for non-work
purposes. They could be using
it for browsing the internet,
online shopping, playing
games, or spending bulks of
time on social media.

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Cyber crime against organisation
• Unauthorized accessing of computer
• Password sniffing
• Denial-of-service attacks
• Virus attack/dissemination of viruses
• E-mail bombing/Mail bombs
• Salami attack/salami technique
• Logic bomb
• Trojan horse
• Data diddling
• Crimes emanating form usenet newsgroup
• Industrial spying
• Computer network intrusions
• Software piracy
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Unauthorized accessing of computer
• Every act committed towards
breaking into a computer
and/or network is hacking,
and hacking is one of the
method of accessing
computers without approval

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Denial of service attacks
• Attack meant to be shut down a system or network,
making it inaccessible to its intended users.
• DOS attackers accomplish this by flooding the target
with traffic or by sending it information that triggers a
• DOS attack deprives legitimate users i.e, members ,
employes the service or resources they expected.
• Ex: websites, email, banking domain,

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Virus attack/dissemination of viruses

• Computer virus is a program that can infect

legitimate programs by modifying them to include a
possibly evolved copy of itself.
• Virus may also contain malicious instructions that
may cause damage
• The combination of possibly malicious code with the
ability to spread is what makes a considerable

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E-mail bombing
• Sending of a large number of emails to the victim
to crash victims email account or to make victims
email server crash
• By instructing a computer to repeatedly send email
t a specified persons email address the
cybercriminal can overwhelm the recipients person
account and potentialy shut down entire system.

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Salami attack
• The attackers are used for committing financial
crimes. Bank employee inserts a program into
the banks servers that deducts a small amount of
money from the account of every customers.
• No account holder will probably notice this
unauthorised debit but the bank employee will
make a sizable amount every months

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Logic bomb
• Event dependent programs created to do something
only when a certain event occurred(known as trigger
• Some viruses can also be termed as logic bombs
because they lie dormant all through the years and
becomes active only on a particular date
• Ex: carbonyl virus attack and y2k virus

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Trojan horse

Trojan horse is a program in which malicious

or harmful code is contained inside apparently
harmless programing has data in s a way that
it can get control and cause harm, for example
ruining the file allocation on the hard disk.

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Data diddling
• Involves altering raw data just before it
is processed by a computer and then
changing it back after the processing is
• Electricity boards in India have been
victims to data diddling programs
inserted when private parties
computerize there systems

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Software piracy
• It is an act of stealing a software that is
legally protected
• Stealing includes copying, distributing,
modifying, or selling a software.

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• Cyber-terrorism
• Forgery
• Web jacking

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Cyber terrorism
• Cyberterrorism is the use of the internet to
conduct violent acts that result in, or threaten, the
loss of life or significant bodily harm, in order to
achieve political or ideological gains
through threat or intimidation. Acts of deliberate,
large-scale disruption of computer networks,
especially of personal computers attached to the
Internet by means of tools such as computer
viruses, phishing, malicious software, hardware
methods, programming scripts can all be forms of
internet terrorism.
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•  currency notes, postage and revenue stamps,
marksheets, etc. can be forged using sophisticated
computers, printers and scanners. Outside many
colleges there are miscreants soliciting the sale of
faked marksheets or even degree certificates.These are
made using computers and high quality scanners and
printers. In fact, this is becoming a booming business
involving large monetary amount given to student
gangs in exchange for these bogus but authentic
looking certificates.

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Web jacking
• Web jacking occurs when someone forcefully
takes control of a website (by cracking the
password and later changing it). Thus, the first
stage of this crime involves "password
sniffing." The actual owner of the website does
not have any more control over what appears
on that website.

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• A Usenet newsgroup is a repository usually within the Usenet system, for
messages posted from users in different locations using the Internet. They
are discussion groups and are not devoted to publishing news.

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