Presentation 1
Presentation 1
Presentation 1
URBAN BLOCK / NEIGHBOURHOOD The central issues regarding neighbourhood design concepts
can be reviewed under four headings –
What is Urban Block –
1. Size
An area bounded by streets and occupied by buildings. Sometimes 2. boundaries
called a perimeter block, the buildings face outwards onto 3. social relevance
the streets often with a private courtyard in the centre. 4. mixed communities
What is Urban Neighborhood Concept –
The most influential has been Clarence Perry’s neighbourhood unit
developed in the USA during the 1920s
• Streets - the connections between
spaces & places, as well as being
spaces themselves.
Alley Overpass
Irregular Organic
• The ratio of width of street to height of enclosing • The irregular and organic
buildings is important for street design. patterns are more
• The ratio of height to width of 1: 1 is not too tight interesting for people
for comfort. If the height exceeds the width it will because they give them the
create a sense of fear. sense of discovery.
• The upper limit for continuous • The ratio of height to width 1 : 2 . 5 creates a • Although the uniform
length of street is 1,500 m (1 mile). weak sense of enclosure. grids are easier for traffic.
Beyond this distance human scale • The wide street is favored by the road engineers
is lost. to facilitate traffic movement. But narrow streets
• For long distances the prominent with continuous enclosing building slightly higher
building will lose its dominance than street width facilitate shopping, movement
and begin to merge into the from side to side and are considered as attractive
surroundings. places.
Interim public plaza in Philadelphia Public plaza at Delhi Market place on Ahemdabad