CPE Presentation
CPE Presentation
CPE Presentation
“Career G u i d e n c e We b s i t e ”
Presented By Group:
Career guidance is the guidance given to individuals to help them acquire the knowledge,
information, skills, and experience necessary to identify career options, and narrow them down to
make one career decision. This career decision then results in their social, financial and emotional
well-being throughout.Career guidance helps us to reflect on our interests, ambitions, abilities,
qualifications, etc. It helps us to understand the product market and education system and relate
this to how we know about ourselves. Overall, career guidance trying to teach us to plan and make
decisions about work and learning. Career guidance is given to us information about the product
market and about educational opportunities more accessible by organizing it, systematizing it, and
making it available when and where we need it. In its contemporary forms, career guidance
elicited upon a number of disciplines, like education, sociology, psychology, and labour
economics, etc. Today in most countries, career guidance is provided by people with a very wide
range for training and academic qualifications.
The future depends on what you do today. So today if one is not clear about how and what right path
he/she needs to take to balance present and future then it's a matter of concern. Competition in
today's education and career world is at peak. Importance of correct guidance for different colleges
and jobs related queries are other fundamentals for better future. Nowadays students are often facing
a dilemma in deciding to choose a career in their life. Students get confused about their career which
is the defining point of their life. There are several factors that influence the students while choosing
their career path such as their personal aptitude, educational achievements and their environment.
From completing their first degree or under graduation students are always in some sort of difficulty
when it comes to choose a career path which may suit their skill and potential the best. Our system
helps in guiding the students for choosing the appropriate
field. For that we will be taking their information which will mainly include the user’s
qualifications, interest area and other academic related data. On the bases of which it will suggest a
list of colleges so, it will make it a bit easier for students.
Also it is important to be aware of the notified vacancies in time so that aspirants can apply within
the given time frame and can prepare for the job as well. Teacher also needs a stable and easily
accessible platform to search for vacancies in different schools and colleges as per the data
provided. Our system helps in searching the vacancies around on the bases of one’s qualification
and teaching experience. It even filters the data according to their subject and location which will
make it easier to the user. In a nutshell our project focuses on helping students and teachers in
finding best possible colleges, courses and jobs around as per their situations and demands.
Keywords: Career guidance: colleges, job opportunity, Client Server, Colleges, Job opportunity,
Web Applications, Data Mining.
Career guidance in schools usually focuses on career information that provides information on
courses, occupations and career paths; it also includes labor market information. The aim of Career
counselling in schools is to hold a one-to- one interview or in small groups, distinctive career issue
faced by individuals such as career in education, as part of educational curriculum, and attention is
paid to help groups of individuals to develop their competence to manage their career development.
The role of Career Guidance is not only limited to education
process but also effecting the national social and economic development. According to Watts, formal
Career guidance services are derived from economic and social development which plays crucial role
in helping education systems and labor-market work in coordination in order to realize their goals
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It is significant challenges for changing the conventional system to modern career guidance service for helping
people to decide courses or a good job, through the broader development of career guidance management skills.
For educational institutions, it means to build a good career education in the curriculum and linking it with
students overall developments. Some countries already have integrated it with school core subjects. Where
career guidance and educational service remains concentration around the last or end of compulsory schooling.
In school levels secondary and tertiary education, these career services focus on immediate choice for wider
decision making and personal development. We know this service is very complex in making career guidance
more available to adulthood. But Career Guidance is very much effective to our career achievement and as well
as life achievement if it became starting in our institutions.
• https://ijarcce.com
• https://www.ameyaworldschool.in
• https://www.ameyaworldschool.in
• https://www.researchgate.net
• https://ijarcce.com