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•Bio means Life

•Diversity means variety
•The Philippines with diverse landscapes is a bio-logically rich country and is regarded as a
significant biodiversity hotspot and conservation area in the world. Per hectare, the
Philippines probably harbors more diversity of life than any other country on Earth, but its
biodiversity is also under tremendous threat of endangerment (Ong and others 2002).
•In addition,because of the large number of islands of different sizes and geological
histories, the Philippines may have the greatest concentration of island endemism in the
world, which makes it one of the best places in the world for ecological and evolutionary
studies(Alcala 2002, Catibog-Sinha and Heaney 2006).Conservation International lists the
Philippines amongst the top ten “Megadiversity Countries” glo-bally. Major international
conservation organization currently regard the Philippines as one of the top glo-bal
priorities for conservation action (Oliver and Heaney, 1996). Birdlife International, for
example,has ranked the country as one of the highest priori-ties for birds conservation.
• Wildlife diversity studies through rapid assessment using transect method and uti-lizing
different trapping techniques were conducted in different habitat types in various parts of the
Philippines. Results showed the presence of considerable number of vertebrate wildlife
species in the study sites from common to rare and threatened species. Further, endemism
was noted as remarkably high reaching an aver age of 45% particularly at the watershed
areas sampled.
• In addition, possible new species were also collected from the study sites. The computed
Shannon-WienerDiversity Index for the different study sites indicated relatively high
wildlife diversity. El Nido Island in Palawan got the highest species diversity index ranging
from3.41 to 3.58.
• The varied habitat types and landscapes in the Philippines contribute to high degree of
biological diversity that deserves a concerted conservation effort. These studies further
confirm that the Philippines is a biologically rich coun-try and a significant biodiversity
hotspot and conservation area in the world.
Species inventory--In El Nido Island, Palawan,103 bird species, 24 mammals, 10 reptiles and
12frogs were recorded to occur in different types of vegetation (Magsino 200 and Osbucan
2000).Secondary forest has the highest bird species diversity, followed by mangrove vegetation.
Pala-wan is known for high rate of endemism. Thus,the endemic wildlife recorded in the area
includes10 bird species, 6 species of mammals, one species of reptile and 2 species of frogs.
Among these endemic species the Palawan peacock pheasant(Polyplectron emhanum), the Grey
Imperial Pigeon(Ducula pickeringii) and the Blue-naped Parrot(Tanygnathus lucionensis) are
the endangeredspecies found in the area.Avifaunal inventory at Kaliwa Watershed in
Tanay,Rizal recorded a total of 55 species in 31 familiesfound in different plant communities
varying from grassland, agricultural, bamboo stand and secondary forest (Urriza 2004). Among
these species,29% or 16 species are endemic to the Philippines ofwhich two species, the
Philippine Duck (Anas luzon ica) and the Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher (Ceyx melanurus), are
listed as vulnerable (Collar and others1999, WCSP 1997).Bird diversity assessment along
different elevation gradients with different habitat types varying
• From grassland-agroforestry area, old secondary Growth and mossy forest in
Tampakan, south Cotabato mountain ecosystems reported by Duran(2005) listed 55
species constituting 44 genera And 29 families. About 42% of these species are
Endemic to the Philippines. Three genera (Phapi-Treron, Rhabdornis and Sarcops)
recorded in the Area are also endemic to the country. The grassLand-agroforestry area
and the mossy forest gave The highest number of bird species, 35 and 34 Respectively.
During this study, an unidentified Frog species, which appears as a new species Was
collected. AS a requisite for the preparation of conservation and development plant
plan for the two water-Shed areas managed by the National Power Corporation, the
Caliraya watershed in Laguna And the Angat watershed in Bulacan, a biodiversity
resource assessment was conducted in 2005 And 2006, respectively.
The wildlife survey conducted in a 500-hectare area at the Caliraya-Lumot Watershed listed

a total of 54 species in 45Families including freshwater fishes. The terrestrial wildlife

consisted of 27 species of birds, 7Species of reptiles, 4 species of frogs and 4 species

of mammals. Wildlife endemism in the area is High at an average of 37%. Endemic birds

comprised about 33%, reptiles 29%, amphibians 25%And mammals 60%. Among the endemic

species, Luzon Bleeding-heart Pigeon (GallicolumbaLuzonica) is categorized as near-

threatened. In Addition, the Luzon Tarictic Hornbill still abounds In the area. For the

Angat Watershed, a total of 66

Species belonging to 34 families was recorded From the six transect sites surveyed. It is

comprised of 43 species of birds, 14 species of reptiles, 5 species of frogs and 4 species

of mammals. Significantly, a possible new species of frog of the

Genus Kaloula was collected from the water tributary in the area. Furthermore, endemism

level was Remarkably high at an average of 45%. Among The groups of wildlife, the mammals

and amphibians gave extremely high percentage endemism at 100% and 80%, respectively. The

group of reptiles Had 43% endemic species while the avian fauna Had 37%. The two endemic

genera, Phapitreron And Sarcops, are also present in the area. Thus,Angat Watershed area

can be categorized as an Important Endemic Wildlife Area (EWA) in the Philippines.

• Biodiversity indices—Wildlife diversity level in the different study sites, based
on Shannon-Wiener index approximately 2-km transect, appeared relatively
high. At El Nido Island, species diversity index ranged from 3.41 to 3.58. For
the Kaliwa watershed, bird species diversity ranged from 2.00 to 3.44 while in
Tampakan mountain ecosystems, species diversity got a low index value of
2.88 anda high value of 3.11. At the Caliraya watershed, species diversity
index value averaged 2.43 while Angat watershed gave an average of 2.11. El
NidoIsland had the highest species diversity followed by the Tampakan
mountain ecosystems, then the Kaliwa watershed. Furthermore, the data
revealed that lower species diversity index value was obtained from a more
disturbed and open habitat types. According to Magurran (1988), an area with
an index value ranging from 1.5 to 4.0 is considered highly diverse. Thus, the
wildlife composition of the different study sites is highly diverse.

Results of these different studies further con-

firm the biological richness of the Philippines and the presence of
high rate of endemism that makes it one of the top megadiversity
countries and oneof the hottest of the hotspots globally. It also
implies that several habitat types and landscapesin the country are
Important Biodiversity Areas even the small island of El Nido,
Palawan. Thus,local and international organizations and even the
community must strengthen the concerted effort for the
conservation and/or proteresources wildlife and other biological
resources in the country.
The Philippine biodiversity, one of the world’s most diverse
and unique, since many can only be found in the country. This
rich biodiversity has provided millions of Filipinos resources
and services for food, medicines, wood and plant products, as
well as breeding stocks, among others.

Future generations will be able to appreciate our natural world

and the amazing animals that call it home if we continue to
protect wildlife. Understanding how species interact within their
ecosystems and how anthropogenic and environmental factors
affect them is crucial for helping to protect wildlife.

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