PFM Assessment Using EPFMAT - Batch 2
PFM Assessment Using EPFMAT - Batch 2
PFM Assessment Using EPFMAT - Batch 2
Management Assessment
Tool for Local Government
(PFMAT for LGUs)
Public Financial Management
A system of rules, procedures and practices for
government to manage public finances
Public Financial Management
Encompasses seven (7) elements:
1. Budgeting
2. Accounting
3. Auditing
4. Cash Management
5. Procurement
6. Revenue Generation
7. Public Reporting on Public Sector Financial Operations
Project analysis7slide
Key 2 Elements
Cash Management
Revenue Generation
Public Reporting on Public
Sector Financial Operations
7 Critical Dimensions
CD 2
CD 1 Comprehen CD 3
Policy- -siveness Credibility
based and of the
Budgeting Transparenc Budget
CD 4 CD 5 CD 6
Predictabilit Internal
Accounting CD 7
y and
Control in
, Recording and Citizens’
and External Participation
Execution Reporting Audit
Take note!
• Re-assessment year: 2019
• Immediately preceding year: 2018
• Next preceding year: 2017
• 3-year assessment period: 2016-2017-2018
Critical Dimension 1
Policy-based Budgeting
CD 1 Policy-based Budgeting
The indicators measure if the budget is prepared
with due regard to government policy.
CD 1 Policy-based Budgeting
Comprehensiveness and
CD 2 Comprehensiveness and Transparency
14. Effectiveness of
internal controls
for non-Personal
Services (PS)
Critical 4. Predictability Score Criteria
Dimension and Control in
Execution 4 100% of Personal Services (PS) expenditures have
Indicator 13.
Effectiveness of no adverse COA audit findings.
payroll controls
3 90% - 99% of PS expenditures have no adverse
Indicator COA audit findings.
Data Table 27 2 80% - 89% of PS expenditures have no adverse
Source SAOB; COA
Documents Audit COA audit findings
Memoranda 1 70% - 79% of PS expenditures have no adverse
(AOMs); COA COA audit findings.
Annual Audit
Report (AAR) 0 Less than 70% of PS expenditures have no adverse
COA audit findings
Data Table 27: Instruction - Using the immediately preceding year’s SAOB, indicate the
total amount of PS expenditures. Based on the Annual Audit Report (AAR) for the
immediately preceding year, indicate how much of PS expenditures have no adverse COA
audit findings. Compute the percentage of PS expenditures that have no adverse COA
Critical 4. Predictability Score Criteria
Dimension and Control in
Execution 4 100% of Non-PS (MOOE & Capital Outlays)
Indicator 14.
Effectiveness of expenditures have no adverse findings.
controls 3 90% - 99% of Non-PS (MOOE & Capital Outlays)
for non- expenditures have no adverse findings.
Services (PS) 2 80% - 89% of Non-PS (MOOE & Capital Outlays)
expenditures have no adverse findings.
Indicator 1 70% - 79% of Non-PS (MOOE & Capital Outlays)
Data Table 28
expenditures have no adverse findings.
Source SAOB; COA
Documents AOMs; COA 0 Less than 70% of Non-PS (MOOE & Capital Outlays)
expenditures have no adverse findings.
Data Table 28: Instruction - Using the immediately preceding year’s SAOB, indicate the
total amount of Non-PS Expenditures (MOOE and Capital Outlays). Based on the Audit
Observation Memoranda (AOMs) or Annual Audit Report (AAR) for the immediately
preceding year, indicate how much of Non-PS expenditures have been disallowed in
audit. Compute the percentage of Non-PS expenditures allowed in audit.
Critical Dimension 5
Accounting, Recording
and Reporting
CD 5 Accounting, Recording and Reporting
Citizens’ Participation
CD 7 Citizens’ Participation
The indicators measure the extent by which the LGU
encourages concerned citizens organized as CSOs to
become partners of the LGU in the formulation,
monitoring, evaluation and improvement of the local
CD 7 Citizens’ Participation
20. Degree of
participation in the
budget process
Critical 7. Citizens’ Score Criteria
Dimension Participation
Indicator 18. Follow up on
external audit 4 At least three (3) CSOs have been accredited by the
Sub- 19. Civil Society
Indicator Organization Local Sanggunian.
accreditation by 3 Two CSOs have been accredited by the Local
Local Sanggunian Sanggunian.
Data Table 2 One CSO has been accredited by the Local
Source Transcript /
Documents Minutes Sanggunian.
of Local
Sanggunian 1 There is an existing CSO accreditation system but no
Proceedings; CSO has been accredited.
Resolution(s) 0 There is no CSO accreditation system in the LGU.
on CSO
Critical 7. Citizens’ Score Criteria
Dimension Participation
Indicator 18. Follow up on
external audit 4 Partner Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have
Sub- 20. Degree of participated in budget preparation, budget execution
Indicator citizens’
participation in and budget accountability phases of the budget cycle.
budget process 3 Partner Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have
Data Table participated in two out of the three budget phases
Source Transcript / enumerated above.
2 Partner Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have
of Budget
Process participated in one of the three budget phases
Proceedings; enumerated above.
1 Partner Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have been
Sheets during
invited to participate but did not participate in all of the
Hearings / Fora three budget phases enumerated above.
0 Partner Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have not been
invited to participate in any of the three budget phases
Thank You!