Lecture05e Anharmonic Effects 2
Lecture05e Anharmonic Effects 2
Lecture05e Anharmonic Effects 2
1 _ dP
flux l
3 dz
Constant average
Angular average
speed for molecules
Mean free path
•In the simplest case where P is the number density
particles, the transport coefficient obtained from
above equation is the diffusion
1 coefficient
_ :
D l
1 _ dP
flux l
3 dz
•If P is the number density of particles, the transport
coefficient obtained from this equation is the
Diffusion Coefficient: D
1 _
•If E is the energy density, then the flux W is the heat
flow per unit area so that 1 _ dE 1 _ dE dT
W l l
3 dz 3 dT dz
•(dE/dT) is the specific heat C per unit volume, so that
thermal conductivity K has1the form:
K l C
Heat Conduction in Phonon Gases
& Classical Gases: Essential differences
Phonon Gas Classical Gas
•No flow of particles
•Speed is approximately constant.
•Average velocity & kinetic energy
•The number & energy densities per particle are greater at hot end,
are greater at the hot end. but number density is greater
•Heat flow is primarily due to at cold end. Energy density is
phonon flow, with phonons uniform due to the uniform
being created at the hot pressure.
•Heat flow is solely by transfer of
end & destroyed at the cold
kinetic energy from one particle to
end. another in collisions which is a minor
effect in phonon case. cold
hot cold
Temperature dependence of thermal
conductivity K
1 _
K l C Approximately equal to
Vanishes exponentially at 3 velocity of sound and so
low T’s and tends to temperature independent.
classical value at high T’s
•Temperature dependence of phonon mean free length is
by phonon-phonon collisions at low temperatures
•Since the heat flow is associated with a flow of phonons, the most
effective collisions for limiting the flow are those in which the
phonon group velocity is reversed. It is the Umklapp processes that
have this property, and these are important in limiting the thermal
Conduction at high temperatures
• At temperatures much greater then the Debye temperature D the
heat capacity is given by temperature-independent classical result
of C 3Nk B
10 0
0 1
T 10-1 T3
5 10 20 50 100 2 5 10 20 50 100
T (K ) T (K )
(a)Thermal conductivity of a (b)Thermal conductivity of artificial
quartz crystal sapphire rods of different diameters
Conduction at intermediate temperatures
Referring figure a
• At T< D; the conductivity rises more steeply with falling
temperature, although the heat capacity is falling in this region. Why?
k /a
• This is due to the fact that Umklapp3 processes which will only
occur if there are phonons of sufficient energy to create a phonon
• So Energy kof
phonon must be the Debye energy ( )
The energy of relevant phonons is thus not sharply defined but
their number is expected to vary roughly as
when , e / bT
eD / bT
is lthen limited by collisions with the specimen surface, i.e.
l Specimen diameter 3
T dependence of K comes from Cv T
which obeys law in this
12 Nk B T
D Temperature dependence of