The Vertebral Column Nic
The Vertebral Column Nic
The Vertebral Column Nic
The vertebral column consist of 33 vertebrae 7cervical ,12
thoracic, 5 lumbar ,5 sacral and 4 coccygeal
The coccygeal segments in some cases are three fused together
and form a triangular bone.
The vertebrae in each region show variation from basic pattern.
Each region demands its own technique to demonstrate it.
When dealing with radiographic technique of the vertebral
column, the following terminologies should be remembered;
Kyphosis-abnormal backward bending of the spine
Lordosis -abnormal forward bending of the spine
Scoliosis-abnormal lateral bending of the spine
The Vertebral Column
Vertebrae separated
by intervertebral
The spine has a
normal curvature
Each vertebrae is
given a name
according to its
Most of the examination in the vertebral column
need a Bucky or stationary grid except the lateral
view of the cervical spine.
Arrested respiration for this examination of this
region is necessary
After routine examination of part of the vertebral
column, the doctor may request a coned view of
particular vertebrae
At least three to five vertebrae should be be
covered in coned view views
Vertebral levels
• Some useful land marks
1. Angle of mandible 2-3 CV
2. Sternal notch T2-T3
3. Sternal angle T4-T5
4. Xiphisternal junction T9-4
5. Lower coastal margin 3-4 LV
6. Umbilicus 3-4 LV
7. Iliac crest 4 LV
8. ASIS 2 sacral
9. Symphysis pubis-1st piece of coccyx
Radiation protection
With the exception of lumbo-sacral region and
sacrum in female patients, it is always possible
to protect the gonads from direct radiation by
accurate conning and lead rubber placed over
the gonad area
The ten day rule should be observed for
female patients of child bearing age.
• Note; the vertebral column of a child may be
shown almost completely on one film.
The cervical spine is convex forwards.
The seven cervical vertebrae show marked
differences from each other, particularly the
first(atlas)which has an anterior arch instead of
vertebral body,into which first the odontoid peg of
the second CV (AXIS).
In the AP view, the upper CV is obscured by the jaws
and occiput .
But they can be demonstrated if this view is taken
with patients mouth open.
Preparation of the patient
• Remove dentures, hairpins and neck and ear
• The patients should undress and given the x -
ray gown
Basic views
• AP (CV 1-3)
• AP ( CV 3-7)
• Lateral view
Antero-posterior – first ,second and 3rd
cervical vertebrae (open mouth)
Position of patient and cassette
A 5–15-degree cranial
angulation is employed, such
that the inferior border of the
symphysis menti is
superimposed over the
occipital bone.
The beam is centered in the
midline towards a point just
below the prominence of the
thyroid cartilage through the
fifth cervical vertebra.
Axial – upper cervical vertebra
This is a useful projection if the odontoid peg
cannot be demonstrated using the open
mouth projection. Remember that the neck
must not be flexed in acute injuries.
Position of patient and cassette
The patient lies supine on the Bucky table, with the median
sagittal plane coincident with, and at right-angles to, the
midline of the table and Bucky.
The anterior superior iliac spines should be equidistant
from the tabletop.
The hips and knees are flexed and the feet are placed with
their plantar aspect on the tabletop to reduce the lumbar
arch and bring the lumbar region of the vertebral column
parallel with the cassette.
The cassette should be large enough to include the lower
thoracic vertebrae and the sacro-iliac joints and is centred
at the level of the lower costal margin. The exposure
should be made on arrested expiration, as the diaphragm
will cause the diaphragm to move superiorly.
The air within the lungs would otherwise cause a large
difference in density and poor contrast between the upper
and lower lumbar vertebrae.