Air Springs
Air Springs
Air Springs
By P.K.Bajpai
Sr. Prof.(UGT)
Air suspension technology
• 1956: First German Rail Bus fitted with
Air Springs.
• Presently, most of the high speed trains
including French TGV running with max.
speed of 515 Kmph has air springs.
• With varying vehicle loading, there is a
need to maintain “Ride Height” to have
parity with the way side “Platforms” and
“Coupling Height” for train formation
Need for adoption of Air suspension
Growth Of Passengers
(In Terms of Passengers)
– Tare Weight (T) 32.5 51.0
– Pay Load (T) 18.0 15.5
Past PDCL 28.5 21.00
Present SDCL 34.0 28.0
Design loads for DCEMU
• Initial Design
DCL Condition – Sitting + Number of standing
passengers @ 200% of sitting passengers
Total Pay Load (Motor Coach) = 18 T
Total Pay Load (Trailer Coach) = 15.5 T
Intermediate Period
PDCL Condition – sitting + Number of standing
passengers @ 12 per Square Mtr. of floor space.
Total Pay Load (Motor Coach) = 28.5 T
Total Pay Load (Trailer Coach) = 21.0 T
Design loads for DCEMU
Present Scenario
SDCL CONDITION – Sitting + No. of Standing
passenger @ 16 per square mtr. Of floor
(average passenger weight is 60 Kg.)
Lateral Spring
Self Damping Characteristics
Modifications for Air Spring Fitment
Working Principle
• Rubber bellows containing presurised air and
emergency rubber spring provide various suspension
characteristics including damping.
• Air springs are height –controlled load levelling
suspension devices.
• With changing loads, air spring reacts initially by
changing the distance between air-spring support &
vehicle body.
• The height monitoring valve (levelling valve) in turn
actuates , either getting the compressed air pressure to
the air spring or releasing air pressure to atmosphere.
• The process continues until the original height is
Working principle of Pneumatic
Working principle of Pneumatic
Delayed reaction of Control valve
EMPTY 2.95 3.11
LOADED 3.11 3.75
Vertical Ride Index
Vertical & Lateral Ride Index of FAC (EOG) coach at 145 KM/H
• Fitment of air springs for secondary suspension of
mainline ICF coaches.
Design of Air Spring has been finalized.