SPED Presentation
SPED Presentation
SPED Presentation
MUSCULAR Central area of the retina gradually Tasks such as reading and writing
DEGENERA- deteriorates, causing loss of clear vision in are difficult; prescribed low-vision
TION the center of the visual field; common in aid or closed-circuit TV; provide
older adults but fairly rare in children. good illumination; avoid glare.
Types and Causes of Visual Impairment
Condition Definition and Cause Remarks and Implications
MYOPIA Distant objects are blurred or not seen at all Encourage child to wear
(nearsightedne but near objects are seen clearly; caused by prescribed glasses or contact lens;
ss) an elongated eye that focuses images in for near tasks, child may be more
front of the retina (refractive error). comfortable working without
glasses and bringing work close to
Types and Causes of Visual Impairment
Condition Definition and Cause Remarks and Implications
NYSTAG- Rapid, involuntary, back-and-forth movement of Close tasks for extended
MUS the eyes, which makes it difficult to focus on period can lead to fatigue;
objects; when two eyes cannot focus some children turn or tilt
simultaneously, the brain avoids a double image head to obtain the best
by suppressing the visual input from one eye; the focus; do not criticize this.
weaker eye (usually the one that turns inward or
outward) can actually lose its ability to see; can
occur on its own but usually associated with
other visual impairments.
Types and Causes of Visual Impairment
Condition Definition and Cause Remarks and Implications
STRABIS- Inability to focus on the same object Classroom setting should favor
MUS with both eyes because of an inward or student’s stronger eye; some students
outward deviation of one or both eyes; may use one eye for distance tasks;
caused by muscle imbalance; and the other eye for near tasks;
secondary to other visual impairments. frequent rest periods may be needed
during close work; may need more
time to adjust to unfamiliar visual
Identifying Learners with Difficulty Seeing
There are number of indicators of visual impairment that
parents and teachers need to be aware of. These indicators may
be observed from the student’s eye appearance and complaints
when using eyes during desk work. There are also behavioral
signs such as deficits in eye teaming abilities, eye-hand
coordination, visual form perception, as well as refractive
status indicating visual impairment.
Identifying Learners with Difficulty Seeing
1. In terms of eye appearance, turning of one eye in or out at
any time; reddening of eyes or lids; excessive tearing of
eyes; having encrusted eyelids; of frequently developing
styes on lids could be signs of developing eyes and visual
Identifying Learners with Difficulty Seeing
2. Behavioral signs indicating visual problems; deficits in eye
movement abilities (ocular motility) could signal visual
impairment (turning of head as one reads across the page;
frequently losing place during reading; needing the use of
finger or marker just to keep place when reading; having
short attention span in reading or copying; frequent
omission of words; writing in uphill or downhill direction
on paper; rereading or skipping lines without being aware
of it; and poor page orientation of drawing).
Identifying Learners with Difficulty Seeing
3. Behavioral signs that could indicate dysfunction in eye
teaming include: complaining of having double vision;
repeating of letters within words; omission of letters,
numbers or phrases; misalignment of digits in number
columns; frequent squinting, or the need to close or cover
one eye to see better; extreme tilting of head during desk
work.; and consistent gross postural deviations when doing
desk work.
Identifying Learners with Difficulty Seeing
4. Other behavioral indicators of visual impairment include
deficits in eye-hand coordination abilities such as
handwriting that is crooked; poorly spaced, and inability to
stay in crooked lined; not using the eyes to “steer” hand
movements, etc.
5. Problems with refractive status (e.g., nearsightedness,
farsightedness, and focus problems may also be inferred
from behavioral indicators of visual problems.
Identifying Learners with Difficulty Seeing
The Snellen Eye Chart
The Snellen Chart is used to test
visual acuity. It was developed by a
Dutch ophthalmologist in 1962, and
still a widely used tool in measuring
visual acuity today. It consists of rows
of letters, with each row corresponding
to the distance that a normally sighted
person could discriminate letters.
Identifying Learners with Difficulty Seeing
The Vision Services Severity Rating Scale (VSSRS)
It was developed by the Michigan Department of Education (2013)
in order to assist the Teacher Consultant for the Visually Impaired
(TCVI) or Teacher of Visually Impaired (TVI) in making
recommendations for services to students who are blind or visually
impaired. The VSSRS is intended for use with students in general
education settings and may be applicable for some students with
additional blind impairments .
Learners with Difficulty
Learners with Difficulty Hearing
The Decibel Scale
Decibels (dB) refer to the
intensity or loudness of sound.
Zero hearing-threshold level is
the smallest sound a person with
normal hearing can perceive; also
called the audiometric zero. Hertz
(Hz) pertain to the frequency, or
pitch, of sound. (Heward, 2017)
Learners with Difficulty Hearing
Learners with Difficulty Hearing
Learners with Difficulty Hearing
Learners with Difficulty Hearing
Is defined as severe hearing loss in hat the learner is
impaired in processing linguistic information through
hearing, with or without amplification, and which
negatively affects a learner’s educational performance.
Learners with Difficulty Hearing
Hearing Loss
Pertains to loss in hearing, whether permanent or
fluctuating, that negatively affect the learner’s
educational performance, other than those that qualify as
Learners with Difficulty Hearing
Residual Hearing
Refers to some sounds perceived by most deaf people.
However, those who are deaf still use vision as their
primary mode of learning and communication.
Individuals who are hard of hearing are those who can
use their hearing to understand speech, generally with the
help of hearing aid.
Learners with Difficulty Hearing
Deaf Culture
While person-first language is the appropriate way to
refer to individuals with disabilities, people who identify
with the Deaf culture prefer terms such as Teacher of the
Deaf, School for the Deaf, and Deaf Person.
Characteristics of Learners with Difficulty Hearing
Postlingual Hearing
This hearing loss
happened after the
development of spoken
Possible Causes of Hearing Loss
Genetic Factors – e.g., Autosomal dominant hearing Otitis media – a temporary, recurrent infection of the
loss, when one parent passes on a dominant gene for middle ear.
hearing loss to a child; autosomal recessive hearing Meningitis – a bacterial or viral infections of the
loss, when both parents have recessive genes for hearing central nervous system and is the leading cause of
loss; X-linked hearing loss, when the mother carries the postlingual hearing loss.
recessive trait for hearing loss on the sex chromosome Meniere’s Disease –sudden and unpredictable attacks
and passes it to a male offspring but not to females. of vertigo, fluctuations in hearing, tinnitus (perception
Maternal Rubella – when a pregnant woman of sound when no outside sound is present).
contracted rubella, which could cause deafness in the Noise Exposure – repeated exposure to loud sounds.
developing child.
Congenital Cytomegalovirus – when a woman
contracts cytomegalovirus, which risk deafness in the
developing child.
Classification of Hearing Loss
Degree of Classification Impact on Speech and Language
Hearing Loss
Slight • No difficulty understanding speech in
27 to 40 dB quiet settings, but noisy environments
pose problems to learning
• May benefit from favorable setting and
sound field amplification
Classification of Hearing Loss
Degree of Classification Impact on Speech and Language
Hearing Loss
56 to 70 dB Moderate • Without hearing aid can hear conversational
speech only if it is near, loud, and clear
• Finds it extremely difficult to follow group
• Full-time amplification is necessary
• Speech noticeably impaired but intelligible
• May benefit from time in a special class where
intensive instruction in language and
communication can be provided.
Classification of Hearing Loss
Degree of Classification Impact on Speech and Language
Hearing Loss
71 to 90 dB Severe • Can hear voices only if they are very loud and 1 foot
or less from the ear
• Wears a hearing aid, but it is unclear how much it
• Can hear loud sounds such as slamming door, vacuum
cleaner, and airplane flying overhead
• May distinguish most vowel sounds but few if any
• Communicates by speech and sign
• May split school day between a special class and a
general education classroom with an educational
Classification of Hearing Loss
Degree of Classification Impact on Speech and Language
Hearing Loss
91 dB or more Profound • Cannot hear conversational speech
• Hearing aid enables awareness of certain very
loud sounds, such as bass drum
• Vision is primary modality for learning
• American Sign Language likely to be first
language and principal means of communication
• Has not developed intelligible speech
• Most require full-time special education program
for students who are deaf
Identifying Learners with
Difficulty Hearing
Identifying learners with hearing problems may be challenging for
parents and teachers. It can be mistaken as another problem and may be
misdiagnosed (e.g., attention deficit disorder (ADD), specially if
hearing loss is unilateral, or it can go undiagnosed and thus, may affect
a student’s learning. A number of indicators that may signify hearing
difficulties, which teachers, and parents need to pay attention to, have
been identified (People Hearing Better, 2014). The following describe
the signs that indicate a child has hearing problems.
Identifying Learners with
Difficulty Hearing
Signs that a child has hearing problems:
1. Speech Problems
2. Inattentiveness
3. Increasing Volume
4. Not Following Directions
5. Learning Difficulties
6. Social Withdrawal
Assessment of Hearing Loss
Assessment of Infants
The following table shows the expected auditory behaviors during the baby’s first year.
The lack of ability to execute movements involved in
speech, which is a motor planning disorder.
The inability to coordinate speech movement; also a motor
planning disorder.
The inability to produce speech wherein muscles are unable
to move.
Delayed Language
Pertains to the language of a child who is slow to develop
language skills, in the context of typical development of
motor and other cognitive skills.
Specific Language
Pertains to the language of a child who is developing skills
in a different pattern, but typically in terms of motor and
other cognitive skills.
Phonological Disorder
Is the difficulty with phonological rules that govern the
patterns of speech production.
Articulation Disorder
Pertains to the difficulty with particular sounds that may
relate to structural differences, such as cleft palate, or learned
movements, such as lisp.
Umbrella of Communication Disorders
Disorders Voice Esophageal Voice
Oral Mutism
Muscular Dysarthria
Characteristics of Learners with Difficulty
Speech-sound Errors
This could include the following:
1. Distortions – when speech sounds like the intended phoneme other than
another speech sound but is conspicuously wrong.
2. Substitutions – when one sound is used as substitute for another.
3. Omissions – when certain sounds are omitted.
4. Additions – when extra sounds are added.
Characteristics of Learners with Difficulty Communicating
Articulation Disorder
When one is not able to produce a given sound physically because
that sound is not in one’s repertoire.
Phonological Disorder
When one has the ability to produce a given sound but does so
Characteristics of Learners with Difficulty Communicating
when there is a rapid-fire repetitions of consonants or vowel sounds,
especially at the beginning of words, prolongations, hesitations,
interjections, and complete verbal blocks.
Characteristics of Learners with Difficulty Communicating
When there is excessive speech rate, repetitions, extra sounds,
mispronounced sounds, and poor or absent use of pauses.
Characteristics of Learners with Difficulty Communicating
Voice Disorders
It is characterized by having abnormal production and/or absences or
voice quality, pitch, loudness, resonance, and/or duration that is
inappropriate for one’s age and/or sex. It could involve phonation
disorder, which causes the voice to sound breathy, hoarse, husky, or
strained, or resonance disorder, in which too many sounds come out
through the air passages of the nose, or not enough resonance of the
nasal passages.
Characteristics of Learners with Difficulty Communicating
Language Disorders
When there are problems w/ one or more of the five dimensions of
language (i.e., phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, or
pragmatics). It could be receptive, which involves understanding of
language; or expressive, which involves the production of language.
Types of Communication Disorders
Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics
Limitations in communications skills could have an effect on other
developmental domains including social, cognitive, and academic
development. In some cases, delinquent behavior can occur. They may
also have difficulty acquiring metalinguistic abilities.
Characteristics of Learners with Difficulty
Language Disorders
Persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of language across
various modalities, including spoken, written, sign language, or others,
as a result of deficits in comprehending or producing language. This
could include reduced vocabulary, limited sentence structure, or
impairments in discourse.
Those with language disorder have languages abilities that are
substantially and quantifiably lower than those expected for their age.
Characteristics of Learners with Difficulty
Speech Sound Disorder
Involves having persistent difficulty with speech sound production
that interferes with the understandability of speech prevents verbal
communication of messages. This results to limitations in
communicating effectively, participating in social situations, achieving
academically, or performing well in one’s work.
Characteristics of Learners with Difficulty
Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder (Stuttering)
This involves disturbances in the normal fluency and time patterning of
speech that are inappropriate from what is expected of one’s age and
language skills; and endures over time.
The occurrence of the following could indicate stuttering: sound and
syllable repetitions, sound prolongations of consonants and vowels, broken
words, audible or silent blocking, circumlocutions, words produced with
excess physical tension, and monosyllabic whole-word repetitions.
Characteristics of Learners with Difficulty
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
Refers to difficulties in the social use of verbal and nonverbal
communication. These difficulties are manifested in the following:
1. Deficits in the use of communication for social purposes;
2. Lack of ability to change communication to match context or the needs
of the listener;
3. Difficulties following rules for conversation and storytelling;
4. Difficulties understanding what is not explicitly stated.
Characteristics of Learners with Difficulty
Unspecified Communication Disorder
This pertains to having symptoms that are characteristics of
communication disorder that cause significant distress to an individual
or impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of functioning but
do not meet the full criteria of the abovementioned disorders.
Causes of Communication Disorders
. Phonological disorders Factors
The loss of the ability to and stuttering could be
linked to genetic causes. For instance, when
process and use speech. children are punished for
This could be due to a talking, gesturing, or
cardiovascular event trying to communicate, or
among adults, or head the lack of stimulation and
injury among children. motivation to participate in
communication or interact
Genetics with others at home.
Identifying Learners with Difficulty
Case History and Physical
The child’s history is documented. The specialist assesses speech errors
Biographical information as well as and records sounds that are produced
milestones of child’s development is incorrectly, types of
asked from parents, and the specialist mispronunciation, and number of
does a physical examination of the errors.
child’s mouth palate, or other
structures that could affect speech
Identifying Learners with Difficulty
Hearing Phonological Awareness and
The child’s hearing is evaluated in When children lack phonological
order to identify whether it is a child’s awareness and processing skills, they
hearing problem that is causing the could have problems w/ receptive and
communication disorder. expressive spoken language, as well as
difficulties in learning to read.
Identifying Learners with Difficulty
Overall Language Development Assessment of Language
and Vocabulary Function
This includes the identification of a
Tests that measure a child’s vocabulary learner’s strengths and weaknesses in
(e.g., Peabody Picture Vocabulary various language functions, then
Test-4 (Dunn & Dunn, 2006) as an comparing them to language and
indicator of language competence can communication skills of typically
be administered. developing children.
Identifying Learners with Difficulty
Observation in Natural Settings
Language Samples
Domain Characteristics
Social Social difficulties include:
Communication • Demonstrating appropriate play skills
Impairments • Some may reject or ignore the social approaches of others
• Responding to and initiating joint attention for social purposes
• Using and interpreting body language
• Staying on topic, turn-taking, asking related or appropriate questions
during conversations
• Taking other people’s perspective
Characteristics of Learners with Autism
Spectrum Disorder
Domain Characteristics
Speech/ Language For those who are nonverbal:
Impairments • Delay in, or lack of, spoken speech/language
• Lack of an effective way to communicate
For those who are verbal:
• Delayed or immediate echolalia
• Stereotyped or repetitive use of non-echolalic language routines
• Use of idiosyncratic speech
• Immature grammatical structure
• Abnormal use of speech, intonation, rhythm or stress
Characteristics of Learners with Autism
Spectrum Disorder
Domain Characteristics
Sign Language
Filipino Sign Language or FSL is the national sign language of the Philippines.
It has its own grammar, syntax, and morphology that are based on manual hand
signals supplemented by body and facial gestures. FSL is not the same as American
Sign Language and is neither based on Filipino or English. It has no written systems
and is governed by purely visually motivated grammatical devices found in
nonmanual signal of the face and body.
There are also other technological aids such as Speech-to-text Translation,
Television, Video and Movie Captioning, Text Telephones, and other Computer
Oral/Aural Approaches
This approach views speech as essential if learners deafness are to function in
the hearing world. This approach trains the learners to produce and understand
speech and language w/ auditory, visual, and tactile methods of input.
Auditory Training
This is commonly given to young learners w/ residual hearing to get them
acquainted w/ sounds. The three levels of auditory training includes detecting,
discriminating and identifying sounds.
This process is done through retrieving spoken message by paying attention to
the speakers’ lip movements, facial expressions, eye movements, and body gestures.
This approach however has many limitations like faulty interpretations on lips.
Walker (1986) estimates that even best speechreaders detect only about 25% of
what is said through visual cues alone; and the rest is contextual piecing together of
ideas and expected constructions.
Educational Approaches
(Learners with Communication
Discrimination Vocabulary Building Augmentative and Alternative
Communication (AAC)
These activities are developed to Specialists as well as classroom AAC includes different ways of
help learners produce and teachers use variety of techniques sharing thoughts and emotions to
discriminate b/w similar sounds in building learners’ vocabulary. the receiver without talking.
like pin and pin, cheap and jeep, Among these include development Unaided AAC techniques do not
cheese and she’s. activities could of graphic organizer, mnemonics, require physical aid or device such
be done through creating stories, repetition, word walls, vocabulary as speech, gestures, facial
drawing large /p/ and /b/, journals, and using context clues. expressions, body posture, and
visualization of sounds through manual signs while aided AAC
mirror modeling, and producing techniques use external device
sounds in front of a lighted candle. such as pen and paper, and
computerized voice-input device.
Educational Approaches
(Learners with Autism Spectrum
Disorder or ASD)
Applied Behavior Analysis The Picture Exchange
(ABA) Communication System
Is a therapy based on science of learning and The PECS aims to help learners to request
behavior w/ the goal of increasing positive things or activities from others w/ the use
behaviors and decreasing harmful ones that of pictures. Learners exchange picture or a
negatively affects learning. It includes symbol representing an item or activity for
something that they would like.
behavioral principles such as positive
reinforcement & modeling that yield
beneficial outcomes for learners w/ ASD.
Some practices derive from ABA include
Picture Exchange Communication System
(PECS), peer mediated interventions, and
self-management tactics.
Social Stories Jigsawing