Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Daniel Goleman
-Popularized Emotional
Negotiating solutions
This talent to bring people in conflict to talk and
come up with a solution is usually found among
mediators of disputes .
Personal connection
This is the talent where empathy and connecting
with another person’s emotions are manifested.
Social analysis
Is the talent to step out of a situations and
objectively form insights about the way people
feel and behave.
Variances of Emoion
Six basic emotions by paul ekman
1. Happy
2. Sad
3. Afraid
4. Anger
5. Surprise
6. Disgust
Robert Plutchik
Another psychologist who therized that
emotions are multidimensional or havinng
various intensities.
1. Adoration
2. Ecstasy
3. Anticipation
4. Rage
5. Disgust
6. Grief
7. Surprise
8. Fear
Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
It is often believed that emotional intelligence or also
referred to as EQ(emotional quotient) is more
important in achieving success in one’s career or
personal life then IQ
While high IQ is not a surefire element to one’s
success,EQ has been identified as the foundation in
developing important skills necessary for one’s at
Emotional Intelligence is
important as it directly affects:
1. Physical and mental health-emotional intelligence equips
one with tools in managing sttress;and stress,which
usually brings discomfort and illness can be avoided.
2. Work performance-either in school if you are still a
student,or at work ,if you are already employed.emotions
that are managed wwell relieve one from stressful
situations and misunderstanding with others.
3. Relationship-interpersonal realtionships are enhanced
because emotions are expressed in amore poitive
way,nd with wmpathy,genuine caring expressed and