The 7 P S of Marketing

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Learning Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, the learner

should be able to
Describe the Marketing Mix (7ps) in
relation to the business opportunity vis-
à-vis product, price, place, promotion,
people, packaging, and positioning
Develop a brand name
Describe the 4Ms (manpower, method,
machine, materials) of operations in
relation to the business opportunity
1. Hanabishi aircon .6 horsepower two
years used - Php 4000.00 ( negotiable )

2. Canon Mp 237 continuous need to buy a

new cartridge - Php 800 .00
( negotiable )

3. Samsung Galaxy 4 fold z second hand

Php 38 ,000.00

4. Reason for selling – Relocation to Subic .

House is foreclosed.

5. Please text only no call 09129806425

( Larry ) and tell your concern. First Come !
First Serve
The marketing mix simply refers to a mode,
means, or tool used by the entrepreneur to
position the product in the target market segment
to efficiently and effectively deliver it to the
And to convince them about the benefits that they
will derive from buying the product.
It is widely accepted marketing tool that combines the original 4 P’s
with the extended 3P’s in formulating tactics for product or

It is choosing and implemeting the best possible course of action to

attain organization’s long term objectives and gain competitive
The marketing mix is also knows as the “Ps” in
marketing. Originally, there were only 4Ps, but
the model has been continuously modified until
there became 7Ps.

The original 4Ps stand for product, place, price,

and promotion. – Product Industry

Eventually, there elements have been added,

namely, people, packaging, and positioning to
comprise the 7ps. - Service Industry

This refers to the tangible or intangible goods and

services offered by the business to the target

Entrepreneurs do not create products without any

existing need or want for them in the market.

The products must satisfy the needs of the

consumers better than the other competing
Tangible products these that the products that can perceive by our
senses; see, touch feel.

• Intangible products are goods sold by a company that are not
physical in nature but can be felt indirectly.

• The most popular are usually products that exist digitally, such as
insurances licenses and software.

• Despite not being a physical product, intangibles are still extremely

valuable, though their value is a bit more difficult to sell.
Our Own Business ….
Fish Fillet Chicken Fillet
For emphasis, the two basic
entrepreneurial tenets relative to
product are as follows:

The product is only produced once

Technology, there is an existing need or want.
convenience, value The product must satisfy the need
quality accessories or want better than the competing
warranties, products.
Information about consumers’ tastes,
preferences, perceptions, and priorities
has significant contribution to design of
the product.

This enables the entrepreneur to satisfy

the needs and wants of the consumers.
Satisfied customers mean satisfactory
sales and income for the entrepreneur.
The term place in the marketing mix simply
to the place where the target consumers are.

The entrepreneur must establish his/her

business or
product in the most strategic place or location.

The basic entrepreneurial concept relative to place in

the marketing mix is very simple and straightforward,
that is, put your business
where your consumers are willing to buy the
Retail , wholesale, mail order,
direct sales , peer to peer
•Refers to a location or medium of transaction.
•Example of Distribution Channel
•Channel 3 - called a “ direct marketing “
•The place whether on-site or online, should also be presentable,
appealing and catchy.
3.Price (capturing value)
• Is the peso value ( money ) that entrepreneur assigns to a certain
product or service after considering its costs, competition, objectives,
positioning, and target market.
• The amount or value that a customer gives up to enjoy the benefits of
having or using a product or service.
• It is the only P that generates revenue for the business.
Common Pricing Strategies

• 1.Bundling- two or more products or services in one reduced price.

Ex. 3-in-1 favorite coffee brand for P8.00,
Manicure and pedicure for P150.00)

2.Premium pricing- refers to setting a very high price to reflect elitism

( exclusiveness )
Ex. Prices of branded clothes, bags, perfume etc.
Common Pricing Strategies
3.Competitive pricing- refers to the benchmarking prices with the competitor.

4.Psychological Pricing- considers the psychology and positioning of price in the

Ex. Price of haircut service in a “suking” beauty salon at publick market of Php
199.00 because customers tend to think that odd prices are considerably lower than
what they are; in this example, they tend not to round off the price to Php200.00

5. Optional pricing- refers to adding an extra product or service on top of the

original to generate more revenue. Ex. Meals on top of air fare
•Through promotions, the business
communicates to the target
consumers the pertinent
information about the product
including its benefits, price, and
position in the market.
• It creates awareness of the
product in the minds of consumers
and elicits their desire to buy it.
4.Promotion (communication value)
Promotion (communication value)Involves presenting the products or
services to the public and how these can address the public’s needs,
wants, problems, or desires.
The main goal of promotion is to gain attention and to deliver message
Different Promotional tools
•Advertising- type of communication that influences the behavior of the
customer to choose the product or service of the entrepreneur over the

•The objective of advertising is to (1) inform, educate and familiarize the

public with the product and service offering (2) build a trustworthy
image; (3) increase sales
Different Promotional tools
•Public relations- these are image building initiatives of the
entrepreneur to make the name of the business reputable to stakeholders
(government, target customers, media and public).

•Selling- act of trading a product or service for a price or fee.

•Sales Promotions- short-term promotional gimmicks wherein practical

incentives and appealing activities are incorporated to entice customers
to buy the product or service.
Ex. Sales discount, discount coupons, raffles, promo items, reward cards
• Advertising, Personal selling, Sales promotion, Public relations, and
Direct marketing.
• Contests are a frequently used promotional strategy. ...
• Social Media Promotion. ...
• Mail Order Marketing. ...
• Product Giveaways and Samples. ...
• Customer Referral Incentive Program. ...
• Causes and Charity. ...
• Branded Promotional Gifts.
• Leaflets, posters, free gifts.
5.People( employees and
management )
•The term people here refers to
individual employees or workers
who are directly involved in the
production, marketing, and sale
of the product or service.
•Hence, the entrepreneur must
be sure to hire right person for
the position.
•term right in this context
simply means that the
educational qualifications
and expertise of the
person to occupy the
position match the
specifications and
requirements for the job.


The basic purpose of packing is to

protect the product from spillage,
damage, or spoilage.
The type of product basically
determines the kind of packaging
whether it will be plastic container,
breakable bottle, tin can, carton, or
The packing of a product must be user-friendly, that is, it must be
easy to open, handle, and store.

It can be resealable and reusable.

It can also be environment-friendly.

The label printed on the packaging material must be attractive,

readable, and complete with the necessary product information.
7. Processes
defined as step-by-step procedure or activity
workflow that the entrepreneur or employees follow
to effectively and efficiently serve customers.
7. Processes
Internal process- includes the back-office operations
wherein employees or machines process customers’
request without being seen.
External process- includes actual servicing where
customers are part of the process.

•For example: in food

industries, food processors are
indispensable in producing

QUIZ Item No. 1
Encircle the best answer .

• Q. The employees who interact with customers, require training,

motivation and communication are:
answer choices
B.Physical Evidence
QUIZ Item No. 2
Encircle the best answer .

Q. An intangible product supplied by a business is:

answer choices
A. Service
B. Physical Evidence
• Directions: You will perform your jingle performance at class or submit
a jingle performance commercial video that will be assessed
according to the rubrics provided by the teacher.
• A. Look for songs to use in making a Jingle for your product/s or
service/s.  The idea is for you to promote your product using familiar
tunes for your consumer to remember.  This old technique is a method
that has been used for years and still manages to catch attention of
the target market.  Be sure to use music that doesn’t need permission
to use from the songwriter/singer.  The purpose of this activity is for
you to use free advertisement for your product.

•For example: in food

industries, food processors are
indispensable in producing

QUIZ No. 1
Encircle the best answer .

Q. The employees who interact with customers, require training,

motivation and communication are:
answer choices
B.Physical Evidence
The 4 M’s of Operations

•This refers to the
workforce, whom will
help a business to
produce more
•An entrepreneur
needs to hire good and
competent people to
produce quality

•For example: in food

industries, food processors are
indispensable in producing

• Directions: You will perform your jingle performance at class or submit
a jingle performance video that will be assessed according to the
rubrics provided by the teacher.
• Directions: A. Look for songs to use in making a Jingle for your
product/s or service/s.  The idea is for you to promote your product
using familiar tunes for your consumer to remember.  This old
technique is a method that has been used for years and still manages
to catch attention of the target market.  Be sure to use music that
doesn’t need permission to use from the songwriter/singer.  The
purpose of this activity is for you to use free advertisement for your

Pertains anything used as inputs to
production or manufacturing.

•It can be a finished product or an

unprocessed raw material.

•Raw materials are first harvested,

extracted and processed to produce semi-
finished materials.

Sample of raw materials
• Cotton
• metal
• leather
• woods
• Sand
• Flour


•This refers to the ways of

producing a particular product
from raw materials.
•This may refer to traditional
method, such as producing the
product manually,
• or it may be machine-assisted
and automated.

• Directions: You will perform your jingle performance at class or submit
a jingle performance video that will be assessed according to the
rubrics provided by the teacher.
• Directions: A. Look for songs to use in making a Jingle for your
product/s or service/s.  The idea is for you to promote your product
using familiar tunes for your consumer to remember.  This old
technique is a method that has been used for years and still manages
to catch attention of the target market.  Be sure to use music that
doesn’t need permission to use from the songwriter/singer.  The
purpose of this activity is for you to use free advertisement for your
Presentation from the Group

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