Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Measured in g/cm3,
kg/L or metric ton/m3
Properties of Fluids
Properties of Fluids
Properties of Fluids
Specific gravity:
Force is required to
overcome the internal
friction in the fluid and
the plates. This force is
different for:
(a) Different velocities
(b) Different plate sizes
(c) Different fluids
(d) Different distance
At low velocity between the plates
Properties of Fluids
Viscosity: It is a measure of internal, fractional resistance to flow.
Properties of Fluids
Viscosity: It is a measure of internal, fractional resistance to flow.
Properties of Fluids
Viscosity: It is a measure of internal, fractional resistance to flow.
Properties of Fluids
Viscosity: It is a measure of internal, fractional resistance to flow.
Properties of Fluids
Viscosity: It is a measure of internal, fractional resistance to flow.
Properties of Fluids
Common non-Newtonian fluids
Properties of Fluids
Properties of Fluids
Kinematic viscosity:
Properties of Fluids
Surface tension: In dealing with multiphase systems, it is necessary to
consider the effect of the forces at the interface when two immiscible
fluids are in contact. When these two fluids are liquid and gas, the term
surface tension is used to describe the forces acting on the interface.
When the interface is between two liquids, the acting forces are called
interfacial tension.
Properties of Fluids
Measurement of Surface tension:
Properties of Fluids
Measurement of Surface tension:
Properties of Fluids
Pressure is defined as a compressive stress, or compressive force per unit
Ordinary fluids cannot permanently resist shear forces, so the water begins to flow
and finally flows away. The eraser also flowed, until it had taken up a new shape, in
which its internal tensile and shear resistance were enough to hold
our fingers apart.
Properties of Fluids
Pressure in a solid : Pressure at a point is the average of the compressive
stresses measured in three perpendicular directions.
• Weight is a force.
• English systems that use the poundal or the slug and with specialized industrial
units, such as the 42-gal barrel for petroleum products or pressure differences
expressed in inches of water. U.S.
• one barrel (unit symbol bbl) is a unit of volume used for measuring oil defined as
42 US gallons or 158.987 litres or 35 imperial gallons.
Properties of Fluids
• In fluid mechanics, j most often we deal with dimensioned quantities, such as
12ft/s( = 3.66 m/s), rather than with pure numbers, such as 12 or 3.66.
The pound-force (Ibf) is defined as that force which, acting on a mass of 1 Ibm,
produces an acceleration of 32.2 ft/s2.
Properties of Fluids
Properties of Fluids
• The transformative impact of digital computers, transistors, and the space industry post-
1954 underscores the significance of a solid grasp of Newtonian laws and thermodynamics.
• In contrast to rigidly following cookbook methods, those who mastered underlying concepts
in the author's era effectively adapted to rapid technological advancements.
• Flow Control: Designing innovative methods to manipulate fluid flows and reduce
drag, enhance mixing, or prevent cavitation, with applications in aviation,
automotive, and marine industries.
Properties of Fluids
• Fluid at rest
This is the basic equation of fluid statics, also called the barometric equation.
It is correct only if there are no shear stresses on the vertical faces of the
This equation is correct if the fluid is not moving at all, which is the case in fluid statics, or if it is moving but
only in the x and y directions, or if it has a uniform velocity in the z direction.
The basic equation of fluid statics
The barometric equation tells the change in pressure with distance upward,
where upward is opposite to the direction of gravity and is called z.
The change in pressure with distance in some other, nonvertical direction, call it
direction a, then
The product of density and gravity, which appears in Eq. 2.1, is often
called the specific weight, and given the symbol ϒ, where
Example. Calculate the specific weight of water at a place where the acceleration of gravity is 32.2 ft/s.
A first order differential equation is separable if it can be written in one of the following
forms: dydx=f(x,y)=g(x)h(y)
Equation 1 is a separable, first-order differential equation. It can be
sepa rated and integrated as follows:
Example. When the submarine Thresher sank in the Atlantic, it was estimated in
the newspapers that the accident had occurred at a depth of 1000 ft (304.9 m).
What is the pressure of the sea at that depth?
Solution: Seawater may be considered incompressible, with density 63.91 bm/ft3.
The pressure at the surface is atmospheric pressure i.e., 14.7 lbf/in2. The
acceleration of gravity is 32.2 ft/s2.
Example. When the submarine Thresher sank in the Atlantic, it was estimated in
the newspapers that the accident had occurred at a depth of 1000 ft (304.9 m).
What is the pressure of the sea at that depth?
The gauge pressure is zero at the free surface: P{ gauge = 0. We now define)
the depth as the distance measured downward from the free surface and
give it the symbol h,
Example1 . At sea level the atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psia and the temperature is 70°F. Assuming that the
temperature does not change with elevation (a poor assumption, but one that simplifies the mathematics), calcu-
late the pressure at 1000, 10,000, and 100,000 ft. For air the molecular weight M is 29 Ibm/lbmol. For z = 1000 ft
Ideal gas law:
The density of gases changes significantly with the pressure,
Example. Rework Example1, assuming that air is a constant-density fluid, which has the same density at all
elevations as it has at 14.7 psia at 70°F.
Ideal gas law:
Ideal gas law:
Ideal gas law:
1234Eq. (a)
Eq. (a)
Pressure forces on surfaces:
• Static, simple fluids (e.g. NaCl, H2O) can exert only pressure forces on
surfaces adjacent them.
• If the pressure over an entire plane surface is constant
• F = PA (Constant pressure, plane surface)
Pressure forces on surfaces:
1 lbf = 4.44822 N
Why vent in an oil storage tank?
• When both side in the oil tank subjected to atmospheric pressure in
addition to the gauge pressure of the liquid. Tanks are normally
vented to the atmosphere to prevent gauge pressure or vacuum in
the tank.
Pressure force for the complicated surfcace