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Art Appreciation

Chapter 4
Group 2
Alegria, Alexis
Bantigue, Anthonette
Section and Course: BS Criminology (1-B)
Alsonado, Jasmine
Professor: Mrs. Rosemarie Almazan
Roberto, Juliana Cris
Enriquez Jr, Ferdinand D.
The Armed Forces of the Philippines Reserve
Command, also referred to as AFPRESCOM or
RESCOM, is one of the Major Support Commands
established for the only purpose of managing,
organizing, and procuring the Reserve Force.
What is the Mission of AFPRESCOM?
• Their mission is to develop, organize, train, equip, and administer AFP Affiliated and
Technical Service Reservists into capable, responsive and mobilize able reserve force as an
integral component of the AFP in the defense of the state and to participate in socio economic
development efforts.

• They are also tasked in augmenting the regular force whenever needed.
What is the Training of AFPRESCOM?
• Training is the major task handled by AFPRESCOM. Its primary modes of enlisting reservists are the
Military Orientation Training Course (MOTC) and the Basic Citizens Military Training (BCMT).Graduates
are given enlisted ranks based on reciprocity of their civilian experience in the military environment.
• Reserve officers are commissioned based on Armed Forces of the Philippines policy on (direct)
commission ship in the reserve force known as Circular 30. Those who are commissioned thru this source
subsequently undergo an officer orientation program. Many officers in AFPRESCOM are licensed
physicians, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, teachers, lawyers and chaplains. Some are directly commissioned
as Lieutenant Colonels thru the commissioning program of National Defense College of the Philippines as
graduates of the Masters in National Security Administration.
• Other than time-in-grade and merit promotions, rank adjustments are authorized depending on civilian
What are the types of Reservists?
• Ready Reservists - physically-fit and tactically-current reservist personnel that are
always on constant alert and training; and ready to mobilize once a mobilization
order has been given.

• Standby Reservists - reservist personnel who do not maintain currency in

specialization qualifications but the base for expansion, support and augmentation
to the Ready Reserve Force as needed.
What are the Commissioned Officer Corps?
• Lawyers and Paralegal Specialists (Judge Advocate General Service)
• Medical Doctors (Medical Corps)
• Nurses (Nurse Corps)
• Dentists (Dental Service)
• Veterinarians (Veterinary Corps)
• Licensed Teachers (Corps of Professors)
• Allied Medical, Business, and Mass Communication Specialists (Medical Administrative Corps)
• Licensed Engineers (Corps of Engineers)
• Ordained Chaplains (Chaplain Service)
• Thankyou

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