Physical Science - Stellar Nucelosysnthesis

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Have you ever looked up
into the night sky and
wondered how many
stars are in space?
According to the
European Space Agency
(ESA), there are
estimated 1022 to 1024
stars in the universe.
How were the
elements formed?
True or False

Elements are made of

subatomic particles called
protons, neutrons and

Elements are made of

subatomic particles called
protons, neutrons and
True or False

The identity of an element

depends on how many
neutrons it has.

The identity of an element

depends on how many
neutrons it has.
True or False

Lithium is one of the

elements formed during the
Big Bang.

Lithium is one of the

elements formed during the
Big Bang.
True or False

Nucleosynthesis combines
nucleons (protons and
neutrons) to form elements.

Nucleosynthesis combines
nucleons (protons and
neutrons) to form elements.
True or False

The BIG BANG is an


The BIG BANG is an

True or False

The universe was colder

13.8 billions of years ago.

The universe was colder

13.8 billions of years ago.
True or False

The higher the energy of

the particles in an object
are, the higher the
temperature of the object
will be.

The higher the energy of

the particles in an object
are, the higher the
temperature of the object
will be.
True or False

Mass can be converted into


Mass can be converted into


The word “stellar” means star.

Stellar nucleosynthesis is the process by

which elements are formed by fusion of
lighter nuclei in the interior of stars or
simply the formation of elements in the
center of the star.

Nucleo – Nucleus

Synthesis – creating something

new by combining separate

The density inside a star is hot enough

to sustain fusion to synthesize heavy

Stars are hot and dense enough to burn

hydrogen-1 (1H) to helium-4 (4He).

Heavy elements were formed only

billions of years later after the
formation of stars after the Big

Elements heavier than beryllium

are formed through stellar
8 Important Concepts
1. All atoms are made of
subatomic particles.
2. The identity of an element
depends on how many protons
it has.
3. The light elements hydrogen,
helium, lithium and beryllium
were the very first to form.
8 Important Concepts
4. Nucleosynthesis combines
nucleons to form new elements.

5. Big Bang is an expansion.

6. As the universe expands, it

8 Important Concepts
7. The more energetic the particles
in an object are, the higher the
temperature of that object will

8. Mass can be converted into


Twinkle, twinkle big, big star.

Now I know how hot you are.
Heavy elements exist because of
Gold, nickel, platinum and silver
The evolution or life cycle of stars
is the sequence of events that
takes place in the life of a star
from its formation to its end.
Stage 1:
A star is formed from a
NEBULA, which is a huge cloud of
interstellar dust and a mixture of
gases, mostly comprising H.
Stage 2:
Gravity pulls the dust and gas
particles together to form clusters
in the nebula, which results in
particles gaining kinetic energy
and colliding with each other. This
forms a PROTOSTAR, an infant
Stage 3:
Due to strong gravitational force,
the protostar contracts and when
the temperature reaches 10M K,
nuclear reaction begin.
Stage 3:
The reactions release positrons and
neutrinos which increase pressure
and stop the contraction. As it
stops, gravitational equilibrium is
reached and the protostar has
Stage 3:
In the core of a main sequence
star, H is fused into He via proton-
proton chain reaction.
Evolution of a
Low-Mass or Average Star

Stage 4:
After several years of main
sequence behavior, the majority of
the H supply in the core of the star
is used and the nuclear fusion to
He stops.
Evolution of a
Low-Mass or Average Star

Stage 4:
Gravity squeezes the star to a
point that H and He burning occur.
He is converted to C in the core
while H is converted to He in the
shell. The star has become a RED
Evolution of a
Low-Mass or Average Star

Stage 5:
As the rate of fusion reaction slows
down to stop, there is not enough
carbon fusion to occur and gravity
becomes the dominant force. The
outer material of the star is blown
off into space leaving the inert C.
The remnant is a WHITE DWARF.
Evolution of a
Low-Mass or Average Star

Stage 6:
At this point, the star’s life is over
and the white dwarf continues to
cool down until eventually it no
longer emits a heat or light and is
known as a BLACK DWARF.
Evolution of a
Massive Star

Stage 4:
Large stars also expand when the
H supply in their core runs out and
fusion reactions occur in the outer
layers of the star.
Evolution of a
Massive Star

Stage 4:
The heaviest element that can be
produced in the main sequence
star is Fe. A massive star will
expand into a RED SUPERGIANT
which is the largest type of star
that we know of.
Evolution of a
Massive Star

Stage 5:
As massive stars burn their H fuel
much more quickly, the red
supergiant will collapse rapidly.
The extreme temperatures and
pressures created by the rapid
collapse cause a massive explosion
of the outer layers of the star.
Evolution of a
Massive Star

Stage 5:
This cosmic explosion is known as
Evolution of a
Massive Star

Stage 6:
The supernova ejects its outer
layers, scattering the elements into
space forming new stars and
planets. The surviving dense core
with three solar masses comprised
of neutrons is known as a
Evolution of a
Massive Star

Stage 6:
If the surviving core is greater than
three solar masses, it will collapse
due to gravity and form a BLACK
HOLE. The gravitation pull of a
black hole is so powerful that not
even light can escape its pull.

There are three nuclear synthetic

pathways: these are the PROTON-
Process and CNO (Carbon-
Nitrogen-Oxygen) Process.
Proton-Proton Chain
It is a reaction by which stars
convert H to He. The process is
slow and calculated to take more
than ten billion years to complete.
CNO Cycle
Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen cycle is a
process of stellar nucleosynthesis
in which stars in the Main
Sequence fuse H into He via six-
stage sequence of reactions. A 12C
is used as a catalyst.
Triple Alpha Process
Tri Alpha Process happens in red
giant star once they leave the
stage of main sequence. Three 4H
are converted into C.
Triple Alpha Process
A star accumulates more mass and
continue to grow into red super
giant. Alpha particle fusion
happens in the core and creates
more heavy elements until Fe. This
is know as the Alpha Ladder
Quiz Time!
1. Which among the listed element
is the most abundant in the
A. C
B. He
C. H
D. N
Quiz Time!
2. Which of the following describes stellar
A. It is the formation of elements during a
supernova explosion.
B. It is the formation of light elements such as
hydrogen and helium.
C. It is the process by which elements are
produced in gas clouds.
D. It is the process by which elements are
formed within stars.
Quiz Time!
3. What did the Big Bang Theory formed during
the beginning of the universe?
A. The Big Bang nuecleosyntheis formed the
light elements (H, He, and Li)
B. The Big Bang formed the the heavier
elements (C and Be)
C. The Big Bang nucleosynthesis did not form
any elements
D. The Big Bang nucleosynthesis does not exist
at all
Quiz Time!
4. What are the two elements
created at the beginning of the
A. C & H
B. H & He
C. N & C
D. O & He
Quiz Time!
5. What happens when most of the hydrogen in the
core is fused into helium in the stellar core?
A. Hydrogen fusion stops, and the pressure in the
core decreases.
B. Hydrogen fusion continues, and the pressure in
the core increases.
C. Gravity squeezes the star until helium and
hydrogen burning occur.
D. Nuclear energy increases until carbon and
helium burning occur
Quiz Time!
6. Which of the following is NOT true about the
cosmic stages through which specific groups
of element were formed?
A. The Big Bang nucleosyntheis formed the light
elements (H, He, and Li).
B. Stellar formation and evolution formed the
elements from Be to Fe.
C. Stellar explosion, or supernova, formed the
elements heavier than Fe.
D. Stellar evolution formed no elements at all
Quiz Time!
7. Which of the following are TRUE about the formation
of elements lighter than iron in the core of the stars?
I. When the elements combine, they release energy which
can fuel the nuclear fusion reactions in the star.
II. When the elements combine, they produce a nucleus
with a mass lower than the sum of their masses.
III. When there is an input of energy from nuclear fission
reactions in the star, the elements are formed.
IV. When the elements combine, they produce a nucleus
with a mass greater than the sum of their masses.

A. I only C. I and II
B. II only D. III and IV
Quiz Time!
8. Which of the following reaction
best represent the burning of
carbon in the stars?
Quiz Time!
9. Which of the following processes
is likely to generate the heaviest
A. Big Bang nucleosyntheis
B. CNO Cycle
C. Triple-Alpha Process
D. R-Process
Quiz Time!
10. What force pulls matter together to
form regions when formation of a
star starts with the dense regions of
molecular clouds?
A. electromagnetic force
B. gravitational force
C. magnetic force
D. nuclear force
Quiz Time!
11. Which of the following is not a
light element?
A. He
B. H
C. Li
D. Fe
Quiz Time!
12. At which phase of star life cycle
is our sun in?
A. Main Sequence Star
B. Nebula
C. Red Giant
D. White Dwarf
Quiz Time!
13. How is the energy of star
A. By combustion
B. By decomposition
C. By nuclear fission
D. By nuclear fusion
Quiz Time!
14. Which type of nuclear fusion
occurs at the core of a medium-
sized star?
A. Alpa Ladder Process
B. CNO Cycle
C. Proton-Proton Chain Reaction
D. Triple Alpha Process
Quiz Time!
15. What is the explosion of the stars
A. Supernova
B. Black Hole
C. Neutron Star
D. Big Bang

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