Quiz For PMP 2
Quiz For PMP 2
Quiz For PMP 2
A. Functional B. Matrix
C. Expediter D. Coordinator
You are managing a project to develop an online course in teaching English as a
second language. The project charter includes a requirement that the course include
complex interactive games, like the courses offered by your competitors. Since your
organization's current learning management system will not support these features, one
team member is researching new learning platforms while the others start work on the
course outline and learning goals. What kind of project is this?
A. This is a hybrid project since the team members B. This is a change-driven project since the
need to both adopt a new technology and deliver a technology and the product scope are emerging as
new product the work is being done.
C. This is a hybrid project since the team already D. This is a change-driven project since the
knows how to build an online course and only the organization must change their approach to keep up
technology will be new. with their competition.
A project manager has little project experience, but she has
been assigned as the project manager of a new project.
Because she will be working in a matrix organization to
complete her project, she can expect communications to be:
C. For each part of the project, you will need to D. You will need to design the best balance of agile
choose etither agile pratices or plan-driven and plan-driven practices based on the needs of the
practices. project and the organization.
Two project managers have just realized that they are in a weak
matrix organization and that their power as project managers is
quite limited. One figures out that he is really a project expediter,
and the other realizes she is really a project coordinator. How is
a project expediter different from a project coordinator?
A. Organizational project
B. The PMBOK Guilde
C. Analyze customer satisfaction improvement D. Analyze the customer feedback after each
after all releases have been delivered. release, comparing the results to predefined targets.
If a project manager is concerned with gathering,
integrating, and disseminating the outputs of all
project management processes, she should
concentrate on improving the:
C. Project management
D. Scope management plan
information system (PMIS)
A project manager is managing his 2nd project. It started one month after the
1st one did, and both projects are still in process. Though his first project is
small, the new project seems to be quickly growing in size. As each day
passes, the project manager is feeling more and more in need of help. The
project manager has recently heard that there was another project in company
last year that was similar to his 2nd project
A. Contact the project manager for the B. Obtain historical records and guidance
other project, and ask for assistance. from the project management office (PMO)
A. A project is a temporary endeavor with a beginning and an B. A project is a lengthy endeavor with a beginning and
end, a program may include other nonproject work, and a an end, a program combines two or more unrelated
portfolio is all the projects in a given department or division. projects, and a portfolio combines two or more programs.
A. Project A B. Project B
C. Project C D. Project D
Consideration of ongoing operations and
maintenance is crucially important to products of
projects. Ongoing operations and maintenance
C. Planning D. Executing
The project charter is created in which
project management process group?
A. Executing B. Planning
C. Closing D. Initiating
A detailed project schedule can be created
only after creating the:
A. Hybrid B. Incremental
C. iterative D. Release-driven
The project sponsor has just signed the
project charter. What is the next thing to
A. Initiating B. Planning
C. Make sure the project scope is D. Complete risk management and issue
defined. the responsibility assignment matrix
A project manager does not have much time to spend
on planning before the mandatory start date arrives.
He therefore wants to move thrugh planning as
effectively as possible. What advice would you offer?
C. Document all the known risks before D. Finalize the quality management plan
you document the high-level asumptions. before you determine quality metrics.
The best time to assign a project manager
to a project is during:
C. Initiating D. Planning
Why does the agile approach plan the work
continuously throughout the project?
C. Agile teams are asked to prioritize tasks that D. Agile projects are subject to uncertainty and
deliver value, rather than spending their time high rates of change that make upfront planning
planning. inefficient.
A project manager gets a call from a team member notifying him that there is
a variance between the speed of a system on the project and the desired or
planned speed. The project manager is surpriesed because that perfomance
measurement was not identified in planning. If the project manager then
evaluates whether the variance warrants a response, he is in which part of the
project managerment process?
A. Inititating B. Executing
C. Executing D. Initiating
Which of the following is a characteristic
of project management processes?
A. Iterative B. Unique
C. Unnecessary D. Standardized
What does a project manager need to do to
deliver value in the context of the
organization and its business environment?
C. Use people and process skills along with D. Continuously monitor any changes to the
understanding the organizational and business external business environment, such as competitive
environment. and requlatory changes.
Which project management process group
generally takes the most project time and
A. Planning B. Design
C. Integration D. Executing
You are managing 2 projects and have been assigned to a third project
that has just been approved. You begin the new project, and are able to
manage it well along with the others you are managing. During
initating, you are focused on accomplishing a number of activities.
Which of the following are you not concerned with at this time?
A. Both process groups and domain recommend B. Since the process group lack a definitive
the best practices that should be followed on all framework, they allow for more flexibility in the
projects. development approach.
C. Compared to process groups, the tasks involved D. The process groups and domains provide a
in the domains are more open to interpretation and different view of the project depending on the
the project manager's judgement. development approach being used.
The software development project has progressed according to plan.
The team is very enthusiastic about the product they have created. Now
they are looking ahead to finding new projects to work on. You caution
them that the current project cannot be considered complete until after
the closing process group. Closure includes all the following except:
C. Documenting the degree to which each project D. Updating the the company's
phase was properly closed after its completion organizational process assets
What key point about the process groups
and domains is important to know in
studying for the exam?
A. Being able to correlate these 2 frameworks with B. By combining these 2 perspectives, you can
each other will help you understand the project determine the best sequence in which the work
management process should be done.
C. Analyzing the project characteristics from the D. Since these 2 frameworks should be used
standpoint of each of these frameworks will hlp you independently of each other, you need to be able to
choose the best development approach to follow. choose the best one for each project.
The first phase of your project has come to and
end. What is the most important thing to ensure
is done before beginning the next phase?
A. Initiating B. Executing
A. Initiating B. Planning
C. Executing D. Closing
All the following occur during the planning
process group except:
A. Optimization B. Integrity
C. Integration D. Differentiation
The customer has accepted the completed project
scope. However, the lessons learned required by the
project management office have not been
completed. What is the status of the project?
A. The project is incomplete B. The project is incomplete until all project and
because it needs to be replanned. product deliverables are complete and accepted.
A. The roles and responsibilities of the B. Authorization for the product owner
team members assigned to the project to prioritze features to maximize value
C. Effective communication at
D. Product control
key interface points
The project manager's many responsibilities include being of
service to the team, integrating new team members as the project
progresses, and ensuring that the project meets its objectives within
scope, time, budget, and other constraints. Which of the following
best describes the project manager's role as an integrator?
C. Put all the pieces of a project D. Get all team members together
into a program into a cohesive whole
Approved corrective actions are an input to
which of the following processes?
A. A team functioning throughout the project at a B. A team that initially experiences some amounts
very high level, demonstrating creativity and of confusion, but that after a period of time becomes
commitment a cohesive and effective unit
C. A team that is not highly productive, but that D. A team that is characterized by poor
stays together because of the work environment performance, low morale, high levels of conflict,
created by the project manager and high turnover.
You are in the middle of leading a major modification project for an existing
manufactured product when you learn that the resources promised at the
beginning of the project are not available. According to your plans, these
resources will be needed soon, and their unavailablility will affect your
timeline and possibily other aspects of the project. What is the best thing to
A. Show how the resources were B. Replan the project without the
originally promised to your project resources
A. Report the documentation violation to the project management B. Clarify the reasoning behind documentation being
office, evaluate the security of the control limits, and review the a problem, get the accounting department to assist the
emailing rules in the communications management plan. team member, and respond to the minor stakeholder.
C. Add the implemented corrective action to the change log, D. Find out who caused the problem with the accounting department,
respond to the minor stakeholder before responding to the other emails, and
discuss the value of doucmentation at the next team meeting, and review the process in the communications management plan for reporting
smooth the team member's issue with the accounting department concerns with the team member having the documentation problem.
Which of the following sequences
represents straight-line depreciation?
A. Changes should be addressed as low B. To avoid delays and cost overruns, only changes
as possible on the cost of change curve that add measurable value should be approved.
C. Agile tools and methods should be used to D. There is no difference in the basis for managing
reduce the number of changes needed and their changes on agile projects compared to plan driven
disruptive impact. projects.
The client demands changes to the product
specification that will add only two weeks to the
critical path. Which of the following is the best
thing for the project manager to do?
C. Consult with the sponsor about D. Advise the client of the impact
options of the change
You are asked to prepare a budget for completing a
project that was started last year and then shelved
for six months. All the following would be included
in the project budget except:
A. Contact the department and complain again B. Determine how this change will impact the cost
about their missing the deadline for submission of to complete the work package and the quality of the
scope. product of the work package.
C. The team has already made those updates, D. I will refer this request to the product
they will be included in the next backlog version owner, who will decide what to do about it
All the following occur during the Close
Project or Phase process except:
D. Performing cost-benefit
C. Performance reporting
The project manager can help influence the processes that affect change on
projects by creating and using the most appropriate planning strategies and
tools. Assuming the project manager has created and is executing the best
possible project management plan, the project sponsor should help the project
manager to protect the project against unnecessary changes. Which of the
following best reflects the phrase, "influencing the factors that affect change?"
A. Ask the development team to create a change B. Delegate authority to the team and the product
management plan before the work begins. owner to manage changes as they arise.
C. Prepare a comprehensive change D. Ask the product owner to refer all substantive
management plan, and manage to the plan. changes to the change management team.
The organization is about to begin a series of similar projects. The projects will be managed
consecutively. Each project involves developing an online cooking video focused on foods appropriate
to the month in which they will be released. For example, the summer videos will include picnic food
and cool treats, and the December video will feature holiday foods for Hanukkah, Christmas, and
Kwanzaa. The project sponsor is adamant that the management plan for each project includes and
emphasis on making the best possible use of the lessons learned register. He believes that other projects
have not been successful because they failed to take advantage of lessons learned from previously
completed projects. The lessons learned register should be updated:
C. Customer D. Stakeholder
During project executing, a team member comes to the
project manager because he is not sure what work he needs
to accomplish on the project. Which of the following
documents contains detailed descriptions of work packages?
A. Initiating B. Planning
A. Review the author input, choose the best B. Prepare a context diagram to map how the
design, and send it to the team for development course design interfaces with the stakeholders
C. Bring the authors together and facilitate a D. Hav the team develop a prototype based on the
design session to help them come to a consensus. author's ideas, and ask the authors to review it.
All of the following are parts of the scope
baseline except the:
C. Make sure the impact of the change D. Find out the root cause of why the scope
is understood by the stakeholder was not identified during project planning.
Which of the following is an output of the
Collect Requirements process?
A. Requirements traceability
B. Project scope statement
A. The project manager should attend B. The product owner should carefully
the team's reviews and retrospectives. review the early, incomplete increments.
A. It provides assurances that the deliverable meets B. It ensures the deliverable is completed on time,
the specifications, is an input to the project ensures customer acceptance, and shows the
management plan, and is an output of Control Quality. deliverable meets specifications
A. Control Scope focuses on making changes to the B. Control Scope focuses on controlling the scope of the project,
and Perform Integrated Change Control focuses on determining the
prodct scope, and Perform Integrated Change impact of a change of scope on time, cost, quality, risk, resources,
Control focuses on making changes to integration. and customer satisfaction.
C. Control Scope focuses on controlling the scope D. Control Scope focuses on making changes to the product scope,
and Perform Integrated Change Control focuses on determining the
of the project, and Perform Integrated Change impact of a change to scope, time, cost, quality, risk, resources, and
Control focuses on making changes to integration. customer satisfaction.
It's Monday morning, and you just found out that the lead
developer on your agile team has broken his leg and will be out
for six weeks. The team is in the middle of a two-week iteration
that ends in 4 days, on Thursday. What should you do?
C. Ask the team how much of the iteration D. Ask HR to find a temporary replacement
plan can be completed by Thursday. on a rush basis from another team.
Being prepared to do a complete job of developing and finalizing
the scope baseline requires that you have done a thorough and
timely job of identifying and analyzing stakeholders, and of
collecting requirements. The development of the scope baseline
can best be described as involving:
A. Effective scope definition can lead to a B. The Control Scope process must
more complete project scope statement be done before scope planning.
C. The Control Scope process must be D. Controlling the schedule is the most
integrated with other control processes. effective way of controlling scope.
The product owner on your agile project has learned that a competitor is
planning to release a similar product to the one your team is working on. To
make sure your product will be competitive, she has added two major new
features to the backlog. Your team estimates that this addtional work will take
five one-week iterations to complete. The sponsor asks you how this addition
will impact your ability to meet the delivery deadline. How do you respond?
A. We will still release on time, but the release B. We will try to crash the work, but the
version won't include the least important features. release may be delayed by up to five weeks.
C. We should still release on time, if we are D. We can still release on time if you authorize
able to shorten the usual testing process. overtime pay and temporary help for the team.
Which of the following best describes
product analysis?
A. The critical path helps prove B. There can be only one critical
low long the project will take. path.
A. Tell the PMO that this is the story point your B. Ask your team lead to coordinate their story
team has chosen, and it doesn’t matter how large it point metric with the other teams to ensure that the
is relative to the other teams. different components interface smoothly.
C. Explain to the PMO that the size of each team's D. Whow the PMO why your story point has to be
story point doesn’t matter since this is just a larger, since your part of the solution has more
theoretical concept, not a real-world metric. complex requirements than the others.
A new project manager is walking you through the schedule she
has created for her project. She asks you about the duration of a
particular milestone, so she knows how to properly schedule it.
What will you tell her about a milestone's duration?
C. Meet with the team to look at options for D. Work hard and see what the
crashing or fast tracking the critical path. project status is next month.
Although the customer agreed to the original project schedule, they are now asking for
an earlier project finish. They are being pressured by their own customers. The project
manager's sponsor thinks finishing early is not ony a viable option but also a good idea
for your organization because it will enable you to start another project sooner. In
attempting to complete the project faster, the project manager looks at the cost associated
with crashing each activity. The best approach to crashing would also include looking at
A. Agile developers don’t plan when the work will B. Agile teams need to develop quick, coarse-
be finished, they just start the work and get as much grained estimates to do just enough planning to get
done as they can before the deadline. the work started.
C. The agile approach means doing as little D. There is still too much uncertainty about the
planning as possible so the team can focus on what product features to develop a schedule model yet;
they do best, delivering value. the team will do that later.
During project planning, you estimate the time needed
for each activity and then total the estimates to create
the project estimate. You commit to completing the
project by this date. What is wrong with this scenario?
A. The team did not create the estimate, and B. The team did not create the estimate,
estimating takes too long using that method. and a network diagram was not used.
C. The estimate is too long and D. The project estimate should be the same
should be created by management. as the customer's required completion date.
You are a project manager on a $5 million software development
project. While working with your project team to develp a network
diagram, you notice a series of activities that can be worked in
parallel but must finish in a specific sequence. What type of
activity sequencing method is required for these activities?
A. Precedence diagramming
B. Arrow diagramming method
D. Operational diagramming
C. Critical path method
You are a project manager on a US $5 million software development project.
While working with your project team to develop a network diagram, your data
architects suggest that quality could be improved if the data model is approved
by senior management before moving on to other design elements. They
support this suggestion with an article from a leading software development
journal. Which of the following best describes this type of input?
C. External regulatory
D. Heuristic
Based on the following, if you needed to
shorten the duration of the project, which
activity would you try to shorten?
A. They are trying to find out how long it B. They are determining when this
will take to complete the first iteration. release will be ready to deploy.
C. They are estimating how long it will D. They are evaluating the relative size in
take to develop and test this release. story point of the stories for this release.
You have a project with the following activities: Activity A takes 40 hours
and can start after the project starts. Activity B takes 25 hours and should
happen after activities B and C and takes 30hrs. Activity E must take place
after activity C and takes 10hrs. Activity F takes place after Activity E and
takes 22 hrs. Activities F and D are the last activities of the project. Which of
the following is true if activity B actually takes 37 hrs?
A. Communications management
B. Update management plan
A. No; this looks like fairly typical B. No; velocity is just used to track
data for an agile team's velocity effort, not to evaluate performance
C. Yes, because velocity has been D. Yes; the team needs to stabilize their
unusually low for the last 4 sprints. velocity soon so they can start planning
A project manager for a small construction company has a project that was
budgeted for $130k over a six-week period. According to the schedule, the
project should have cost $60k to date. However, it has cost $90k to date.
The project is also behind schedule, because the original estimates were
not accurate. Who has the primary responsibility to solve this problem?
A. Crashing B. Floating
A. Wait until all changes are know, B. Make sure the project charter
and then print out a new schedule is still valid
A. 350 B. -75
C. 400 D. -50
The customer responsible for overseeing your project asks you to
provide a written cost estimate that is 30% higher than your
estimate of the project's cost. He explains that the budgeting process
requires managers to estimate pessimistically to ensure enough
money is allocated for projects. What is the best way to handle this?
A. Add the 30% as a lump sum B. Add the 30% to your cost estimate by
contigency fund to handle project risks. spreading it evenly across all project activities.
A. $496k B. $400k
C. $320k D. $200k
You're managing a project to develop a new mobile application for the inventory tracking and-control system of a restaurant
fanchise organization. Schedule is the highest-priority constraint for the leadership team, but the franchise owners are most
concerned about cost and the quality of the application. If there are bugs and errors in the sys, they will pay higher costs on
waste or lost sales. But investing a lot of effort into delivering great functionality could be expensive. It was decided that an
adaptive approach to the project life cycle would likely be the best way to balance the competing priorities and deliver a
working, cost-effective application. The franchise decision team has been meeting with the development team. The groups
feel good about the project's progress, but they are hearing concerns from other stakeholders about what the impact will be to
the bottom line and whether the sys will be ready for launch. These concerns were anticipated in planning, and will be
managed with cost performance measurement. Cost performance measurement is best done through which of the following?
A. Asking for a percent complete from each team B. Calucluating earned value, and using indexes and
member and reporting that in the monthly progress other calculations to report past performance and
report forecast future performance
C. Using the 50/50 rule, and making sure the D. Focusing on the amount expended last month
life cycle cost is less than the project cost and what will be expended the following month
A cost performance index (CPI) of 0.89
A. At this time, we expect the total B. When the project is completed we will
project to cost 89 % more than planned have spend 89% more than planned.
C. Bottom-up D. CPM
A rough order of magnitude (ROM)
estimate is made during which project
management process group?
A. Planning B. Closing
C. Executing D. Initiating
For each activity on your project, you hav worked with designers, engineers, technical experts, and consultants to
come up with details on the resources needed to complete the activity. For some of the activities the lists are quite
long, as you need raw and finished materials, equipment, and people. You have a limited amount of warehousing
available, so you have to coordinate the deliveries and work so that the materials and equipment are delivered as
close to the start of an activity as possible. You and the project management team have identified the amount of time
and money needed for each of the activities, which you have then aggregated and analyzed with their help. These
efforts will eventually result in the creation of a cost baseline for the project. A senior manager is trying to better
understand the work of project management and has asked which process produces the cost baseline. What is the
correct response?
C. The team to buy into the D. A less costly way of doing the
project same work
The project management team is busy breaking down deliverables, and the procurement department has started
looking for possible sellers to help produce the deliverables. There are departmental concerns that the project could
go over budget because the scope will be iterated and the planning and development will be done in increments. At
a recent company gathering, the sponsor asked questions of the project manager and the project management staff
team about how changes in scope will affect the estimates. The sponsor wanted to know how the project estimates
could be relied upon, given that they were planning to iterate the scope. The project manager reassured them that
the team has the right tools with which to provide accurate estimates, and will utilize the tools throughout the
project. Which of the following is not needed in order to come up with a project estimate?
A. Bottom-up B. Analogous
C. Parametric D. 50/50
To gain a clear indication of how the project is progressing, the buyer expects
periodic reporting that includes analysis of the work that has been
accomplished according to plan, the dollars that have been spent and how
they reflect the planned expenses, the accepted deliverables, and evaluation of
the risk events that hav occurred. Which of the following represents the
estimated value of the work actually accomplished?
A. The level of accuracy needed for estimates, rules B. Specifications for how estimates should be
for measuring cost performance, and specifications stated, rules for measuring cost performance, and
for how duration estimates should be stated. the level of accuracy needed for estimates.
C. Rules for measuring team performance, the level D. Specifications for how estimates should be
of accuracy needed for estimates, and specifications stated, the level of risk needed for estimates, and
for how estimates should be stated. rules for measuring cost performance
Your project has a medium amount of risk and is not very well
defined. The sponsor hands you a project charter and asks you
to confirm that the project can be completed within te project
cost budget. What is the best mehtod to handle this?
B. Unavailability of desired
A. Inadequate scope definition
C. Determine why the sponsor D. Try to convince the sponsor to allow expert
wants such an accurate estimate judgement because it is typically more accurate
You have just completed the initiating processes of a
small project and are moving into project planning
when a project stakeholder asks you for the project's
budget and cost baseline. What should you tell her?
A. Start the project and constantly B. Tell all the team members to
look for cost savings. cut 15% from their estimates
A. There are risks that will cost B. The project is too risky from a
the project money cost perspective.
C. There is a risk that project costs D. There is a risk that the cost of the
could go higher than planned project will be lower than planned
A project manager is analyzing the project
to find ways to decrease costs. It would be
best if the project manager looks at:
A. Variable costs and fixed costs B. Fixed costs and indirect costs
C. Direct costs and variable costs D. Indirect costs and direct costs
[Preparation for PMI certification]
To what does the following definition refer? “A type of analysis
focused on finding the point at which
the benefits or revenue to be received from improving quality
equals the incremental cost to achieve
that quality”
A. The project manager should check the B. The customer should review the product as it is
quality of the product before release. built to ensure that it is fit for business purpose.
C. The development team should verify, validate, D. The users should try out the first release and
and test the product while it is being built. send feedback and bug reports to the team.
A manager notices that a project manager is holding a meeting with some of the team and
some stakeholders to discuss the quality of the project. The project schedule has been
compressed, and the CPl is 1.1, The team has worked hard on the project and has been
rewarded according to the reward system the project manager put in place. Overall, there is
a strong sense of team. ‘The manager suggests that the project manager does not have
enough time to hold meetings about: quality when the schedule is so compressed. Which
of the following best describes why the manager is wrong?
A. Improved quality leads to increased productivity, B. Tmproved quality leads to increased productivity,
increased cost effectiveness, and decreased decreased cost effectiveness, and increased
‘ cost risk. cost risk.
C. Improved quality leads to increased productivity, D. Improved quality leads to increased productivity,
increased cost effectiveness, and increased decreased cost effectiveness, and decreased
cost risk. cost risk.
Quality is:
A. The QA team finds the errors B. The developers find the errors
during alpha testing. in automated unit testing
C. The customer finds the errors when D. The users find the errors on the
reviewing the product increment first day of release
Standard deviation is 2 measure of:
A. Investigate and try to quickly resolve any B. Carefully follow their progress and assign
impediments mentioned in the team’s daily stand- improvement initiatives at the iteration
up. retrospectives.
C. Monitor their work to ensure that the D. Leave the team alone as much as possible to
development cycle time doesn't fall too rapidly. allow them to build their problem-solving skills.
You are managing a project in a just in time
environment. This will require more attention
because the amount of inventory in such an
environment is generally:
A. 45 percent B. 10 percent
C. 12 percent D. 0 percent
There are several executing activities underway on your project.
You are beginning to get concerned
about the accuracy of the progress reporting your team members
are doing. How could you verify
‘whether there is a problem?
Afver making three calls, the project manager is finally able to talkwith the department manager
o determine whatis going on. The conversation is slow because both speak different native languages,
and they are trying to converse in French, a shared langusge. To make communication casier, the
project manager frequently asks the department manager to repeat back what has been said.
‘The department manager communicates that his stafi following a company policy that requires
two levels of testing. During the conversation, the department manager also makes a comment that
Leads the project manager to believe the policy may include excessive work. This is the fourth time the
project manager has heard such a comment. What s the best thing to do?
A. Create a better communications management plan that requires B. Contactsomeone else i the department who
one universal language on the speaks the project manager's native language better
project and have translators readily available on a moment’ notice. to confirm the department manager’s opinion.
C. Alert the testing department to watch out D. Discuss the issue with the developer
for similar issues in the rest of the code. without telling the other team members.
As the project manager, you are preparing your quality management plan. You are
looking for a tool
that can demonstrate the relationship between cvents and their resulting effects. You want
to use this
tool to depict the events that cause a negative effect on quality. Which of the following is
the best
choice for accomplishing your objective?
A. Get the instructions translated B. Look for quality impacts of the poor
by a more experienced party. translation of the instructions for the footings.
C. Bring the issue to the attention of the team, and D. Inform the sponsor of the
ask them to look for other translation problems. problem in the next project report.
While performing quality planning for the design and manufacture of a new medical
device, the team
hasidentified the need to keep variances to a minimum because the end product must be
of the highest
quality possible. They are researching the practices of comparable projects for ideas on
how to achieve
this requirement. The team is using which of the following techniques?
A. Formal B. Reward
C. Penalty D. Expert
The highest point of Maslow's hierarchy of
needs is
A. Forcing B. Smoothing
C. Compromise D. Problem-solving
The most common causes of conflict on a
project are schedules, project priorities,
A. Personalities B. Resources
C. Cost D. Management
Two stakeholders are disagreeing via a series of emails as to whether a deliverable meets the acceptance
criteria. One of the stakeholders wanted different criteria, but the cost-benefit analysis done in planning
did not support delivering that level of performance. The stakeholders agreed that the higher level of
performance was not required and was not cost effective. A team member has just informed you that a
problem with her work has occurred. The deliverable she is working on must be shipped today, or there
will be a project breach. One of the stakeholders having the email disagreement comes to you to
complain about the other. You say, "I cannot deal with this issue right now." Which of the following
techniques are you using?
A. Problem-solving B. Forcing
C. Withdrawal D. Compromising
What does a resource histogram show that
a responsbility assignment matrix does
A. Time B. Activities
A. The product owner will need to submit all B. The user story backlog can be
substantive scope changes to the PMO for review. reprioritized or updated at any time.
A. Responsibility assignment
B. Resource histogram
B. Lack of a responsibility
A. Lack of a WBS
assignment matrix
A. She should listen to the differences of opinion, B. She should postpone further discussions, meet
determine the best choice, and implement that with each individual, and determine the best
choice. approach.
C. She should listen to the differences of opinion, D. She should help the team focus on points on
encourage logical discussions, and facilitate an which they agree and build unity by using relaxation
agreement. techniques and common-focus team building.
For your upcoming change-driven project, you are assigned a
newly formed development team. The team members haven't
worked together before, and they don’t know each other very
well. As their servant leader, what can you do to help them
come together as a cohesive unit?
A. Encourage them to come to you whenever B. Guide them in finding the best way to do the
they run into a problem they cant solve work so they can get off to a productive start
C. Share the project vision, then leave them D. Facilitate team-based planning sessions to
alone to figure out how to achieve those goals help them learn to work together
A project is in the middle of the executing effort when a stakeholder suggests
a change that would result in the 3rd major overhaul of the project. At the
same time, the project manager discovers that a large work package was not
completed because a team member's manager moved her to another project
that had a higher priority. Of the following, who is the best person for the
project manager to address these issues with?
A. Ask the sponsor if the information needed could B. Inform the team member who asked to be
be sent in report rather than have her attend the excused from the meeting of the value of
meetings communication in such meetings
A. Confronting B. Compromise
C. Smoothing D. Forcing
During the 1st half of the project, 5 team members left for other
projects without being replaced, 2 team members went on vacation
without informing you, and other team members expressed uncertainty
about the work they were to complete. In this situation, it is best if you
update which of the following for the 2nd half of the project?
A. Communications management
B. Resource histogram
D. Responsibility assignment
C. Resource management plan
As the manager of an agile project, you normally attend the team retrospectives as an observer;
however, last week you were out of the office and unable to attend. Upon returning, you review the
action points listed on the meeting whiteboard, and everything seems fine. THe mood in the team room
appears to be normal, and everyone is busy. However, one of the team members approaches you
privately with a concern about the meeting. He says that the two lead developers had a heated exchange
about whether the team's development approach was working as planned, making everyone else feel
uncomfortable. The team didnt take any actions to resolve the issue, and the disagreement wasnt
documented on the meeting whiteboard. What should you do?
C. You don’t need to do anything; it sounds as if D. Tell the team lead that all disagreements need
this team member is just trying to cause trouble. to be documented on the meeting whiteboard.
A large project is underway when one of the team members reviews the project status
report. He sees the project is currently running late. As he looks the report futher, he
notices the delay will cause one of his activities to be scheduled during a time he will be
out of the country and will be unable to work on the activity. This is of great concern to
the team member because he is committed to the success of the project and does not
want to be the cause of the project being further delayed. What is the best thing for him
to do?
A. Forming B. Reforming
C. Storming D. Resourcing
A team member has missed the last two team meetings. Several of his assigned deliverables were
completed late, and not all were of acceptable quality. He requests a meeting with the project manager,
where he explains that he has been dealing with a number of personal issues, which he realizes have
affected his work. Although this has been concerning for the project manager, as he has had to smooth
the irritation of other team members and even taken on some of the team member's responsibilities, the
project manager shows concern to the team member. He works with the team member to reschedule his
work to allow him long weekends to deal with his personal situation and still get his activities
completed on time. This is an example of:
D. Senior management is
C. Conflict occurs.
Formal written correspondence with the
customer is required when:
C. What reporting methods the team D. How much time you are able
has used before and is familiar with to allocate to the reporting task
A large, one-year telecommunications project is about halfway done when
you take the place of the previous project manager. The project involves
three different sellers and a project team of 30 people. You would like to
see the project’s communications requirements and what technology is
being used to aid in project communications. Where will you find this
D. The communications
C. The bar chart
management plan
Changes to some project deliverables have been documented in the project
management plan. These changes, along with other project information, have been
distributed according to the communications ‘management plan. One stakeholder
expressed surprise to the project manager upon hearing of 5 documented change to a
project deliverable. All stakeholders received the communication providing
notification of the change. What should the project manager do?
A. 7 B. 10
C. 0 D. 16
Two people are arguing about what needs to be done to
complete 2 work package. In addition to the
words being spoken, if the project manager wants to know what
is going on, she should pay most
attention to:
C. Physical mannerisms and when during D. The pitch and tone of their
the schedule this discussion s taking place voices, along with their gestures
What's the best way for your agile team to
share their progress with other project
A. Informal verbal
B. Formal written communication
D. Informal written
C. Formal verbal communication
You have just been assigned as project manager for a large manufacturing
project. This one-year project is about halfway done. It involves five
different sellers and 20 members of your company on the project team. You
want to quickly review where the project now stands. Which of the
following reports would
be the most helpful in finding such information?
C. Forecast D. Communications
A team member is visiting the manufacturing plant of one of the
suppliers. Which of the following is
the most important thing to be done in any telephone calls the
project manager might make to the
team member?
C. Send both stakeholders a copy of the issue D. Arrange a meeting with both stakeholders to
log, and ask for additional comments. allow them to voice any concerns they may have.
Things have been going well on the project. The work authorization system has allowed people to
know when to start work, and the issue log has helped keep track of stakeholders’ concerns. The
sponsor has expressed his appreciation for the team members' efforts by hostinga milestone party. The
project manager gets a call rom a team member saying the results from the completion of her activity's
‘predecessor are two days late. Which of the following reasons would best describe why this occurred?
C. The successor activities should have D. The right people were not
been monitored, not the predecessors. invited to the milestone party:
A project manager has just been assigned a team
comprised of team members from many countries
including Brazil, Japan, the United States, and
Britain. What is her best tool for success?
A. Encourage knowledge sharing if possible, B. Give the team many tools and
where the team shows an interest. opportunities to share knowledge.
C. Hold a meeting of all the D. Make sure the manager has a copy of the
communications management plan so that he is reminded
stakeholders to discuss their concerns that such concerns should be sent to the project manager.
The requirements of many stakeholders were not approved for inclusion in
your project. Therefore, you had a difficult time gaining formal approval of
the project management plan. The stakeholders argued and held up the project
while they held meeting after meeting about their requirements. The project
was finally approved and work began six months ago. All of the following
would be good preventive actions to implement except:
C. The team needs to see the product owner’s body D. The team will be able to address the product
language and facial expressions to understand what owner’s needs better if they can have a
they really want conversation and ask questions
The project manager is expectinga deliverable to be submitted by email from a team member today. At
the end of the day, the project manager contacts the team member to notify him that it has not been
received. The team member apologizes and explains that he was not able to email the deliverable, and it
was sent through the mail instead. The team member goes on to remind the project manager that he had
informed the project manager during a phone conversation that this would occur, “Was tht the
conversation we had when told you could not hear you well due to poor cell phone coverage?” asks
the project manager. “Yes,"replies the team member. What could have been done to avoid this problem?
A. Ask the team to perform thorough proof- B. Do a risk-based spike to determine if the
of-concept tests before starting development. Kansas testing faclity is tornado-proof.
C. Have the team begin planning and D. Do an exploratory spike to research potential
development, and see if they reach an i m passed. quality control issues and ways to mitigate them.
If a risk has a 20 percent chance of happening in a
given month, and the project is expected to last five
months, what is the probability that this risk event
will occur during the fourth month of the project?
C. 60 percent D. 80 percent
If a risk event has a 90 percent chance of
occurring, and the consequences will be
$10,000, what does $9,000 represent?
A. Document them for historical B. Document them and revisit them during
use on other projects. project monitoring and controlling.
C. Document them and set them aside because they D. Document them and give the
are already covered in your contingency plans.
to the customer.
You are embarking on a new technology upgrade project that is considered key
to future growth of the business. Because of the critical nature of the project,
you recognize the importance of performing thorough risk management, and you
want to make sure you have considered all relevant project information before
beginning. All the following are ahways inputs to the risk management process
C. The communications
D. The project charter is changed
management plan is changed
You have identified several risks on your project for which purchasing insurance is a
possibility. The insurance company your firm uses has quoted reasonable rates, and
your analysis shows that purchasing insurance makes sense as a contingency plan in
these cases. Your organization has a low threshold for risk but wants to keep costs in
line as the profit margin on the product of this project is low. The
strategy of purchasing insurance is best considered an example of risk:
A. Escalation B. Transference
C. Acceptance D. Avoidance
The project has been chartered to address concerns of ow levels of customer satisfuction
with the help desk of alarge online retailer. You and your team are considering options
including upgrading compute systesns and software programs, adding additional help
desk staff, and improving help desk training, You reaize the impact of such changes will
be diffcul to measure, and you are finding i challenging to evaluate the exact cost impact
of risks and responses the team has identified. You should evaluate onan):
C. Invite key stakeholders to the team’s standup D. Conduct regular risk reviews to discuss
meetings to provide immediate feedback the effectiveness of planned risk responses
What trend are you hoping to see on the
top line of your teams risk burn down
A. Reserves B. Opportunities
A. Get more people involved in the Identify B. Make sure the project work is
Risks process,since risks have been missed better understood
C. Spend more time making sure the D. Document the new risks and continue
risk responses are clearly defined the Plan Risk Responses process
A watch list is an output of which risk
management process?
A. Reduce the time allowance for meetings B. Add more flexibility for adjusting
and planning activities with the team the iterative delivery deadlines
A. Reduce costs for the buyer B. Help the seller control costs
C. Void the contract and start legal D. Change the contract to require
action to recover overpayments more frequent audits
Buyers and sellers have many common goals, but some goals of
the buyer will not benefit the seller. Likewise, the seller will
sometimes have goals that conflict with those of the buyer. These
could negatively affect the project contracts are not negotiated
appropriately. The primary objective of contract negotiations to:
A. The team is making sure the B. All costs invoiced are being
seller does not cut scope audited
C. There can only be a maximum 10 percent D. The fee is only received by the
increase i there is an unexpected cost overrun seller when the project is completed
Your CFO has decided to switch to graduated fixed-price contracts for
change-driven initiatives, On your projects, you've been working with the
same subcontractor for five years under a standard fixed. price contract. The
sales rep tels you they are concerned about this contract change and
wondering if they can afford to accept any more work from you. How do
you explain the change to her?
A. You will get shorter assignments, but your B. Your hourly rate will be higher if you deliver
hourly rate will be higher, making the work more before your deadline, and lower if you deliver after
proftable. it
C. You will have to pay all your own costs now, but
D. Your hourly rate will be lowes, but if you get the
your hourly rate will be higher to compensate for
work done early, you will rceive a big bonus fee
You are considering using a fixed-price (EP) contract because you have
well-defined requirements for ‘your construction project. With your
requirements and your understanding of the seller's competition, you
are confident you will be able to establish a complete statement of
work. The fee or profit in this type of contract s:
A. Make sure the selleris satified with their B. As a servant leader, motivating and encouraging
compensation, to promote trust and collaboration the development team should be your first priority
C. Offer a financial bonus to compensate the seller D. Provide a clear way to communicate the
for the higher risk involved in an agle setting: evolving scope and acceptance criteria to the seller
You are trying to make sure all records from the
procurement are documented and indexed, Which
of the following do you not have to worry about?
A. Plan Procurement
B. Control Procurements
A. You do not need toattend this session; B. Make sure you negotiate
the procurement manager will hold it project scope
C. Make sure you give all the sellers D. Let the project sponsor handle the meeting so
the opportunity to ask questions you can be the good guy in the negotiation session
A seller is awarded a contract to build a pipeline. The contract
terms and conditions require a work plan to e ssued for the
buyer's approval prior to commencing work, but the sellerfailsto
provide one. Which of the following s the best thing for the
buyer’s project manager to do?
C. Meet with the sellr to discuss D. Adjust the contract to allow for
the overcharge variations in monthly billings
You are the project manager at a software development company, leading a project to
develop an innovative application for a client. The project has followed a strict software
engineering process. The requirements have been specified in detai, resulting in extensive
functional and technical specification documents. Your project team member delivers an
interim project deliverable to the buyer. However, the buyer refuses the deliverable stating
it does not meet the requirement on page 300 of the technical specifications. You review
the document and find that you agree. Whatis the best thing to do?
C. The procurement statement of work should D. The procurement statement of work should be
be detailed, to allow for clarification later as detailed as necessary for the type of project
[Preparation for PMI certification]
The project has been going well, except for the number of changes being made. The
product of the projects being installed into seven diffrent departments within the
company and wil greatly improve departmental performance when operational. The
team has selected the appropriate processes i ygg on the project. The project manager
s technical expert and has been trained in communications and ‘managing people.
Which of the following is the most likely cause of the project changes?
C. The project should have used more D. Some stakeholders were not
of e project management processes identified
You have been tentatively assigned to a project that has not yet
received final approvl. Several stakeholders who will likely be
involved o impacted by the project have already been identified,
Stakeholders can be identified during which project management
process groups?
A. They help to determine the project B. They help to determine the project
schedule, deliverables, and requirements constraints and product deliverables
C. They help to determine the resource needs D. They approve the project charter, help provide
and resource constraints on the project assumptions, and create the management plans
You know that some groups within your organization are going to provide
input to requirements that may impact your ability to develop a realistic
schedule. Managing stakeholder expectations is always important, but
achieving stakeholder satisaction wil be more critical with some groups than
with others. All the following are parts of the teans stakeholder management
effort except:
A. Determining stakeholders
B. Identifying stakeholders
C. The team and the project D. The project manager and the
manager stakeholder
You are managing a project to update an existing payroll application. You
have identified and analyzed ‘your stakeholders and taken measures to
ensure positive stakeholder engagement and to ensure that requirements
will meet project objectives. The stakeholder register has been an
important part of much of this effort. What is stakeholder register?
A. A process of systematically gathering and analyzing B. A project document containing assessment and
quantitative and qualitative information to determine whose clasification information regarding identified
interests must be taken into account throughout the project stakeholders
C. Explain their requirements and D. Decide who will make the key
needs decisions for the project
The project manager is trying to recall a
stakeholder’s preferred communication
method. Where can she find that information?
B. Stakeholder engagement
A. RACI chart
assessment matrix
A. Communication B. Coordination
C. Satisfaction D. Relationships
As project manager, you are unable to allocate as
much time as you would like to interact with your
stakeholders. Which of the following stakeholders
will you are it priority to get to know?
A. The stakeholder who is an expert on the product B. The manager of the department that will use the
of the project, but is not interested in implementing product of the project, who is known to be resistant
it in his department to change
A. Requirement B. Heuristic
C. Expectation D. Constraint
The degree to which a particular
stakeholder may be able to positively or
negatively affect a project is their:
A. Join the conversation and explain B. Gather the rest of the team to discuss the
the requirements needed for the test issue and come up with a collective solution