Adult Orthodontics
Adult Orthodontics
Adult Orthodontics
• Muscle Examination :-
A. Masseter.
B. Internal Pterygoid.
C. Anterior Belly Temporalis.
D. Middle Belly Temporalis.
E. Posterior Belly Temporalis.
F. Sternocleidomastoid.
G. Trapezius.
Splint Therapy.:-
If patients have extremely tender muscles of
mastication and have enough other TMJ
symptoms, it sometimes is advantageous to
place some kind of repositioning splint to allow
the muscles of mastication to relax and thereby
allow the mandible to rest into its centric
relation. This sometimes is helpful in convincing
the adult patient that they have a more serious
dental problem, since upon beginning splint
therapy many of them start to experience a
relaxation and comfort around their head and
neck area that they had long since forgotten.
A Full Pantographic Tracing
Stress Evaluation:-
Stress increases the severity of symptoms associated with
occlusal problems. The adult patient, especially the female
adult patient with TMJ signs and symptoms should be
evaluated regarding her exposure to stress and her handling of
Diet Evaluation.
We also find it helpful, especially with TMJ-ortho
patients, to take a diet evaluation of adult
patients. People who are tender in their chewing
muscles, whose teeth hurt, are more likely to
become hypoglycemic during the daytime,
because they are eating softer foods which are
normally higher in refined carbohydrates. The
body reaction to the initial hyperglycemia
produces hypoglycemia. If the patient is in a
hypoglycemic valley, it is likely that their
symptoms are going to be much more severe
than if they were at a normal blood level.
Conferences With Allied
If there is extreme wear on the teeth or
missing teeth that will have to be replaced
later, it may be very helpful to seek a
consultation with the dentist or with the
prosthodontist prior to beginning the case.
Knowing the prosthetic limitations and
problems sometimes helps to decide
whether to close spaces caused by
missing teeth or to leave the spaces open
for future bridgework.
Certainly, if there are deep periodontal
pockets, a consultation with a periodontist
is indicated before treatment is begun. I
would advocate a periodontal consultation
and deep scaling in any adult mouth prior
to beginning orthodontic treatment.
Finding Centric Relation
Using mandibular manipulation, we must
"romance" centric relation occlusion from
our patients at each appointment. The
technique used is important. If the
mandible is not supported , the patient will
go immediately into centric occlusion or
"Sunday bite" , rather than centric relation
The important features of a satisfactory
method are:-