Lecture 3 - Branches Scope of Toxicology

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Branches & Scope of


Dr. Nirbhay Kumar

Asstt. Professor & Head
Deptt. of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology
Bihar Veterinary College, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna
Branches of
Clinical Toxicology

It deals with the effects of

poisons/ toxicants on human
beings, animals and other living
organisms, their diagnosis and
treatment and methods for
their detection etc.
Environmental Toxicology (ENTOX)
It is a multidisciplinary field of science concerned with the study
of the harmful effects of various chemical, biological and physical
agents on individual living organisms. It is not to be confused with
ecotoxicology which is concerned on studying the harmful effects
at the population and ecosystem levels.

Rachel Carson is considered to have established

environmental toxicology as a distinct field within
toxicology in 1962, with the publication of her
book Silent Spring, which covered the effects of
uncontrolled pesticide use.
Forensic Toxicology
It is the use of toxicology and
other disciplines such as
analytical chemistry, pharmacology
and clinical chemistry to aid
medico-legal or vetero-legal
investigation of death, poisoning,
and drug use.
Regulatory Toxicology
It deals with the administrative functions
concerned with the development and
interpretation of the mandatory
toxicology testing programmes and
controlling the use, distribution and
availability of chemicals used commercially
and therapeutically. For example, Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates
drugs, cosmetics and food additives.
Nutritional Toxicology
It is the study of toxicological aspects of food/ feed
stuffs and nutritional habits.

Aquatic Toxicology
It deals with assessing the toxicity on aquatic organisms
of chemicals discharged into marine and fresh water.
Industrial Toxicology
It deals with the clinical study of workers of industries
and environment around them.

Occupational Toxicology
It deals with assessing the potential of adverse effects
from chemicals in occupational environment and the
recommendations of appropriate protective and
precautionary measures.
Geographical Toxicology
It deals with the geographical distribution of toxicants/
toxicity, e.g. poisonous plants, poisonous animals and

Reproductive Toxicology
It is the study of occurrence of adverse effects on the
male or female reproductive system due to exposure to
chemical or physical agents.
Developmental Toxicology
It is the study of adverse effects on the developing
organisms occurring anytime during the life span of the
organism due to exposure to chemical or physical agents
before conception (either parent), during prenatal
development or postnatally until the time of puberty.

Genetic Toxicology
It deals with the study of interaction of toxicants with
the process of heredity.
It refers to the process of absorption, distribution,
biotransformation and excretion of toxicants in relation
to time, i.e. what the body does to the poison with relation
to time.
It refers to the study of biochemical and physiological
effects of toxicants and their mechanisms of action and
comprises the sequence of events following interaction of
the toxicants with target molecules.
Scope of
 Mechanisms of actions
 Effects of exposure
 Understanding biological responses through
model toxic compounds

Public Health
 Recognition and identification of hazards
 Occupational exposure
 Development and use of pesticides
 Development of exposure standards
 Detection methods

 Chemical effects on plants, animals & ecosystems

 Development of antidotes & treatments
 Recognition of exposure
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