Digital Marketing: Marketing On Mouse Click
Digital Marketing: Marketing On Mouse Click
Digital Marketing: Marketing On Mouse Click
•It has not taken long for the www to take over the living rooms of the
world . People of all ages collect, compare & buy.
•Experts agree that digital media will become the center of the marketing
mix of the future
•Digital Mktg helps in tracking the customers purchase process from the
initial awareness of the products and the desire to test the products & the
services that follow.
Marketing By Mouse Click
•Titan supports a host of Fan communities on social networking sites
like facebook and orkut. Also seeks feedback on these sites dedicated to
fastrack brand used to tweak brand positioning & sometimes even
pricing. Preview of products to select fastrack fans.
•HUL promotes sunsilk range of products through interactive website
‘sunsilkggangofgirls’ hosted by bollywood star priyanka chopra.
•HR depts are using the benefits of the social media for recruitment or
more cohesive workforce.
•There is at least one evangelist in every company in age group of 25-35
who is perhaps a blogger himself , pushing the concept of social media
and online mktg internally.
•Nike leverages social media by hosting popular communities on
facebook , QQ (localized website in china).
•Club force , official fan club of force India F1 team gets their fans to
share their perspective , not just listen to what they have to say.
•Growing trend of travellers choose holiday spots and air travel based on
travel blog postings.
Marketing By Mouse Click
•394 million people in age group of 16-54 watch video clips posted
on the internet & 346 million active internet users read blogs &
active internet users at 425 million according to Loadstar
universal report.
•In India there are 17.8 million users , out of which 15.1 million
users read blogs and watch online videos.
•There is a wealth of learning's and ideas floating around these
•As per Market research firm Forrester Research demand for web
2.0 tools such as wikis is expected to grow in 2008.
•IBM Blog central hosts 1400 + active blogs to initiate dialogues
on emerging topics that are relevant to IBM.
•An automotive components company from India is building a
virtual plant on second life that is up to scale by Anantara
Solutions Pvt. Ltd. This will help company make sales pitches and
offer plant visits to customers across geographies.
Marketing By Mouse Click
•IBM’s live sales avatars based in India will now interact with
customers both in Hindi and English on second life.
•Cisco maintains a campus in second life and launched its new
integrated services router there.
•Marketers need to use social media to listen by building in
tracking devices like RSS , Google reader and keywords to
understand what customers are saying.
•Start ups use social medias effectively like in case of online travel
search engine , Ticket wala promotes intercity bus travel.
•Senior Managers in India spend 3~20 hours a week on social
media sites and blogs .
Marketing By Mouse Click
Olympics & Social Media…
•Coca-Cola design the world a coke , digital effort invites
consumers to design virtual Coke bottles . They can build their
own bottle artwork galleries or display them in Coke gallery ,vote
for favorite design ,post their creations on personal web pages.
•McDonald Corp focused on their maiden reality game ‘Lost Ring’
The game challenges players to solve mysteries related to the
•Lenovo created blogs for 100 Olympic athletes. Their website did
not host the blogs , but showcased that the participating athletes
have ‘Lenovo 2008 olympics Blogger’.
•Panasonic photo contest , consumers can upload photos on
subject of Olympics and vote for prizes.
•Samsung electronics had a video contest based on the torch relay
Marketing By Mouse Click
Olympics & Social Media…
•Volkswagen launched Honk for China Campaign . Netizens who
write about the torch relay passing their town could upload videos
on VW official torch map website and receive ‘honking badge’
•China Mobile did a cheering for Olympics video share portal
•Haier sponsored Olympics online ‘love torch’ relay.
•Nike had a ‘creative community’ for sharing creative works.
•Pepsi website celebrated ‘Everyone can be on the can for China’
•Consumers can upload pictures or articles on their love for china.
Kodak Clicks with Social Media Success
Over 11 million
Users in India
By Mar’08
Market Share of ISP’s In India
DSL Dominates
Technology with
3.2 million subs by
The Internet …Big Picture
Population Users Internet Usage, % Population Usage Usage Growth
( 2008 Est.) 31-Dec-00 Latest Data ( Penetration ) % of World 2000-2008
Africa 955,206,348 4,514,400 51,065,630 5.30% 3.50% 1031.20%
Asia 3,776,181,949 114,304,000 578,538,257 15.30% 39.50% 406.10%
Europe 800,401,065 105,096,093 384,633,765 48.10% 26.30% 266.00%
East 197,090,443 3,284,800 41,939,200 21.30% 2.90% 1176.80%
America 337,167,248 108,096,800 248,241,969 73.60% 17.00% 129.60%
aribbean 576,091,673 18,068,919 139,009,209 24.10% 9.50% 669.30%
Oceania /
Australia 33,981,562 7,620,480 20,204,331 59.50% 1.40% 165.10%
TOTAL 6,676,120,288 360,985,492 1,463,632,361 21.90% 100.00% 305.50%
Asia and Europe have 66% of the world users. Highest Population penetration is USA,
Followed by Australia & Europe. Asia has the highest number of users (578 million).
Country Wise Internet Users
Country or
# Region Internet Users, Penetration % of World Population User Growth
TOP 20
Countries 1,115,713,572 25.40% 76.20% 4,388,052,548 284.50%
Rest of the
World 347,918,789 15.20% 23.80% 2,288,067,740 391.20%
Total World -
Users 1,463,632,361 21.90% 100.00% 6,676,120,288 305.50%
TOP 20 Countries constitute 76% of world users. India, Germany, UK, Italy are our
Focus Areas too.
In the Social Space
Social Network Profiles India
12% 26%
21% 0% 14%
1% 2% 2%
5% 5%
0% 0%
Age 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50 or Age 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50 or
Below Above Below Above
15 15
Age Profile
Total Subscribers %
57.4 mn 17.7 82.3
33.7 mn 15.6 84.4
3 mn 20.9 79.1
1.2 mn 18.6 81.4 Source: TGI’07
Cellular Operators Market Shares
In 4 out of 5 major activities under mktg ,majority of executives say that online or
atleast some what important.
Digitizing Sales & Service
Frequent users of digital tools used the mix of all the tools.
Becoming More Digital by 2010
Becoming More Digital by 2010
Search advertisements considered to be efficient rank 3 rd, but respondents say they
are likely to increase spending here.
Half of respondents say that they run integrated online and offline campaigns,
companies already using this are more likely to do this.
Adoption Barriers
More than half of the current users see insufficient metrics as a barrier.
Ease of measurement is one of the key selling point for vehicles like paid key search.
Collaborating with customers
•Collaborative tools such as blogs, wikis, and social networks are being
used in advertising, product development, and customer service. At the
simplest level, for instance, 22 percent of respondents say that their
companies host user forums for customers to help one another.
•Over half of those whose companies advertise online - say that their
companies use some kind of collaborative or interactive tool to advertise.
About 22 percent are using these tools for customer retention, which fits
into the common under-standing that they help build relationships
between customers and companies.
•Some two-thirds of all survey respondents use online tools to involve
their customers in product development; about a quarter do so
frequently. The reasons vary notably by industry: respondents in both
financial services and manufacturing, for example, focus on testing
concepts and screening ideas, while those in high tech focus on
generating new ideas.
•Further, 31 percent of all the survey respondents are using collaborative
product-development tools, such as initiating discussions in blogs to test
ideas, involving customers in the use of collaborative design tools, or
testing how well products sell in virtual worlds.
Role of Digital Tools in 2010
3. Dilution of positioning
Companies positioning their brands on the net differently than
in the real world. This confuses the buyer, who no longer finds
the product in the store that has been promised to him or her on
the Internet. Moreover, the company is diluting its overall
positioning on the market. Here, it is important to consistently
maintain the product image across all media and not to shift
from clear positioning, even for the Web presentation.
Risks of a Digital Marketing
4. Deficits in the marketing mix
No one buys policies on the net, many insurance companies thought
that continued to rely on their broker networks and failed to provide
direct insurance. A mistake: today, direct sales already hold a market
share of 5 percent Whoever
misses out on key elements such as online sales in their marketing mix
will easily fall behind in highly competitive markets, particularly if the
competition is already offering these elements.
The jump on the digital marketing bandwagon therefore also means
that the marketing mix is becoming more complex, the management
more complicated, the dangers more costly, and the failures greater.
Correctly assessing and weighing up the opportunities and risks of
digital marketing will be the challenge of the future.
With systematic planning, careful analyses, not least through the
provision of corresponding financial means, this challenge can be
overcome. And whoever wants to generate the best-possible
marketing ROI for their company should begin today.
Way Forward…