Biogen 2021

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Developing of Secondary Selection

Characters of Indonesian Kenaf (Hibiscus

Taufiq Hidayat RS , Marjani ,L)
1) Germplasm
Nurindah for
, Muhammad Rasyidur
1) 1)
Ridho ,

Developing Superior Varieties

Cynthia Lestari Hertianti and Widya Fatriasari
2) 2)

Indonesian Sweetener and Fiber Crops Research Institute
Research Center of Biomaterial, Indonesian Institute of Sciences
Produce natural fiber
Use raw material for product textile, pulp, paper,
feed and food, bioenergy and traditional medicine
Kenaf production has decreased up to 21%

Kenaf Superior varieties and high fiber

Selection stage on germplasm or selecting
segregated populations
Observation of secondary characters, namely
agronomic characters related to high production.
Coefficient of Correlation Path Analisys
• A method of determining the • Describe the reciprocal relationship
closeness of one character to another. between characters and yield
• Unable to determine the relationship components or the result of
between direct and indirect effects on interactions between genotypes and
the environment
the outcome
Scatter plot
Determine the
• Testing of close relationships and characters that can be
determining the type of relationship used as a secondary
between two variables. selection characters for
• The scatter plot shows formation of developing new
four quadrants which have different superior varieties
distribution of kenaf accessions Purpose
Material and Methods

Location Germplasms
Indonesian Sweetener 70 kenaf accessions
and Fiber Crops from ISFCRI and
Research Innstitute International Jute
(ISFCRI) Organization (IJO)

Methods Analisys Data Analisys

Coefficient of Correlation Minitab software
Path Analisys version 15
Scatter plot
Observations  X9 = rootstock stem diameter
 X1 = leaf length  X10 = medium stem diameter
 X2 = leaf width  X11 = top stem diameter
 X3 = petiole length  X12 = core diameter
 X4 = first flower  X13 = number of internodes
 X5 = 50% flower blooming  X14 = 1000 seeds weight
 X6 = fiber harvest  X15 = dry core weight
 X7 = seed harvest  Y = dry fiber weight
 X8 = plant height
Result and Discussion
Correlation of Agronomic Character to Dry Fiber Weight
Variable (Xi) Correlation coefficient value on yield (Y)
X1 Leaf length -0.182
X2 Leaf width -0.054
X3 Petiole length 0.188 Six variables are
X4 First flower age 0.467 positively
X5 50% flower blooming 0.474 correlated with the
X6 Harvest of fiber 0.581 yield
X7 Harvest of seeds -0.107
X8 Plant height 0.650
X9 Rootstock stem diameter 0.150
X10 Medium stem diameter 0.171
X11 Top stem diameter -0.004
can be used as a
X12 Core diameter 0.404
X13 Number of internode 0.280 selection character
X14 1000 seeds weight 0.082 for developing new
X15 Dry core weight 0.916 superior varieties
Result and Discussion
Path analysis to Obtain Variables Affecting to Yield Production

The coefficient value of the indirect effect of the variables

Direct effect Total effect
Characters X4 X5 X6 X8 X12 X15
X4 -0.82460 0.78108 -0.10281 0.08906 0.06882 0.43089 0.44242
X5 0.78500 -0.82048 -0.10329 0.08733 0.06842 0.38447 0.40145
X6 -0.15866 -0.53434 0.51104 0.08096 0.03995 0.53511 0.47405
X8 0.13272 -0.55331 0.51653 -0.09678 0.05583 0.57890 0.63389
X12 0.09988 -0.56815 0.53773 -0.06346 0.07419 0.33630 0.41649
X15 0.87579 -0.40570 0.34462 -0.09694 0.08773 0.03835 0.84384
Note: X4 = the first flowering, X5 = 50% flower blooming, X6 = fiber harvest, X8 = plant height, X12 = core diameter,
X15 = dry core weight
• The 50% flowering blooming, plant height, core diamater and dry core weight has
a value direct effect positive to the yield.
• The dry core weight has the highest direct and total effect
Result and Discussion
Path analysis to Obtain Variables Affecting to Yield Production
 The first flowering and
fiber harvest had low
indirect effects for all
agronomic characters
 The 50% flower blooming
has a large indirect effect
on the dry core weight

Direct effect
Note: X4 = the first flowering, X5 = 50% flower blooming, X6 = fiber harvest, X8 = plant
height, X12 = core diameter, X15 = dry core weight, DCW= Dry core weight, E =Error. Indirect effect
Result and Discussion
Distribution of 70 Kenaf Accessions Based On Dry Core and Fiber
Weight Characters
Quadrant I there are 7 kenaf
Quadrant II there are 61 kenaf
accessions and
Quadrant III there are 2 kenaf
Quadrant III have accessions
capable of producing the best of
dry fiber and potential to be used
as material for developing new
superior variety of kenaf
Agronomic characters of kenaf have a positive correlation
coefficient with the yield characters are of the first flower, 50% flower
blooming, fiber harvesting, plant height, core diameter and dry core
The dry core weight to be used as a direct selection character and the
50% flower blooming can be used as an indirect selection character.
Distribution accessions in quadrant III have potential producing the
best dry fiber and can be considered as a source of parent in
developing new superior variety of kenaf.
 Grateful to International Jute
Organization (IJO) for the assistance
of kenaf germplasms management.
 highly appreciated to National
Research Priority on Biodiversity
(PRN Keanekaragaman Hayati) for
financial support for this publication.
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