Unit 2 Ethics
Unit 2 Ethics
Unit 2 Ethics
Rules of
Ethical Moral
practices Principles
Definition of Ethics
According to Mackenzie:
• It is the study of what is right or good in human conduct or the
science of the ideal involved in human life.
Descriptive Normative
Ethics Ethics
Three Broad Categories of Moral
Philosophy or Ethics
• Metaethics- is the study of the nature and the basis of
ethicss; it is philosphical discussion about moral
concepts, practices and judgement outside ethical
practice, dealing with problems concerning ethics, not
with problems within ethics.
• Metaethics is the most abstract area of moral philosophy.
It doesn’t ask what acts, or what kind of acts are good or
bad, right or wrong;rather, it asks about the nature f
goodness and badness, what it is to be morally right or
Three Broad Categories of Moral
Philosophy or Ethics
• Normative Ethics is the study of norms, rules, values,
and standards that should guide our moral decisions (how
we ought or sought not to act and behave, and what we
ought or ought not to do)
• It is an attempt to figure out what people should do or
whether their current moral behavior is reasonable.
• How people ought to act is the question of normative
Three Broad Categories of Moral Philosophy or Ethics
• Descriptive Ethics
–describing how people behave
–people might say that stealing is bad
–moral beliefs of a specific culture
–what dopeople think is Right is the question
of descriptive ethics.
Relation of ethics with Other Sciences
• 1. Ethics and Logic- Logic is the science of right
– Ethics is the science of right living.
– But right living presupposes right thinking.
– doing follow thinking
– to think right often means to do right, as knowledge of right
leads to the doing of right.
– both ethics and logic aim at rectitude; the former aims at right
doing; the latter, at right thinking.
Relation of ethics with Other Sciences
2. Ethics and Psychology- bothe deal with the study of
man human nature, and human behavior.
– psychology is not interested in the morality of human behavior,
unlike ethics.
– psychology studies how man behaves while ethics studies how
man ought to behave.
– the word “ought” is emphasized to show the difference;
– ethics is concerned with moral obligation while psychology is
Relation of ethics with Other Sciences
3. Ethics and Sociology- ethics deals with the moralorder
which includes the social order.
– whenever does violence to the social order does violence also
to the natural and the moral order.
– society depends on ethics for its undelying principles: sociology
deals with human relations in a society but human relations are
based on proper order and it comes onlywith theproper
observance of moral laws and principles which regulatethe
actions of mean in a community.
Relation of ethics with Other Sciences
4. Ethics and Economics- economics and morality are two
aspects of one and the same human nature.
– economics deals with such topics as wages, labor, production,
and distribution of wealth.
• But what will determine the relations between employer and employee,
for instance?
– in order that peace and happiness will prevail in a community,
the actions of man must governed by invariable princils of
Morality and the Other Phases of Human
Ethics Psychology
Ethics Sociology
Ethics Economics
Ethics Education
Activity 1: Fill it Up!
• Direction: Compare the difference between Ethics and
other Sciences using the table below.
Ethics Law
Ethics Art
Ethics Religion
Do I Live Morally?
Is my behavior
Morally right?
Is my relationship to
other people morally
Am I good steward of
God’s created world?
Am I developing
moral and spiritual
Do I make decisions
for the spiritual
benefit of the people?
Am I committed to
build structures
Nurse/ Doctors
Am I faithful in
preserving life and
healing the sick?
Am I dispensing the
correct and proper
Am I giving the
passenger a safe and
comfortable service?
Am I studying well to
give justice to my
parent’s support?