Team Building

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Welcome to the training on

Team building
Trainer – Dr. Hailemariam
Educational Background:
 BA Degree in Management - Mekelle
 MBA in Business Administration –
Addis Ababa University.
 Higher Diploma in Pedagogy (HDP)
– Addis Ababa University.
 PhD in Business Leadership – UNISA
Certified Management Consultant –
Issued by EMI.
• Summary of my experience
 Training,
 Consultancy,
 Researcher,
 Lecturer &
 Practitioner.
• Trained For:
• .

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Learning Objective
• To gain a greater understanding of how teams develop,
behave and perform.
• To utilize this knowledge to develop high performing teams
in our institutions.

Team Building
• Process of establishing and developing a greater sense of
collaboration and trust between members

• Concept of people working together as a team

Team player

• A team player is someone who is able to get along with their

colleagues and work together in a cohesive group
Why Should We Be a Team?
• When staff use their skills and knowledge together, the
result is a stronger agency that can fulfill its mission

“To provide accurate information that would assist individuals

in achieving a better quality of life.”

• People working together can sustain the enthusiasm and

lend support needed to complete the work of each
• Group: A collection of two or more interacting
individuals with a stable pattern of relationships among
them, who share common goals and who perceive
themselves as being a group.
• Essentials of a group
1. Social interaction
2. Stable structure
3. Common interests
4. Perceive themselves as part of group
Team: A team is a small number of people with
complementary skills who are committed to a
common purpose, performance goals, and
approach for which they hold themselves
mutually accountable.
This definition highlights the essentials of a
team or in other words the team basics. Here the
focus or emphasis is on three characteristics –
small number, complementary skills and
commitment. These are what basically
differentiates a team from a group and makes a
team something much more productive and result
oriented than a group. We shall analyze them:
• Small number – five to twelve people
• Complementary skills – appropriate balance or mix of
skills and traits
• Commitment to a common purpose and performance
goals – specific performance goals are an integral part of
the purpose.
• Commitment to a common approach – team members
must agree on who will do a particular job & develop a
common approach.
• Mutual accountability – at its core, team accountability is
about the sincere promises we make to others &
ourselves – commitment & trust.
GROUP • Shared leadership roles.
• Strong, clearly focused. • Individual and mutual
• Individual accountability. accountability.
• The group’s purpose is the same as • Specific team purpose that the
the broader organizational mission. team delivers.
• Individual work products. • Collective work products.
• Runs efficient meetings. • Encourages open-ended
• Measures performance indirectly by discussions, active problem
its influence on others. solving meetings.
• Discusses, decides, and delegates.
• Measures its effectiveness
direct by collective work
• Discusses, decides, & does real
work together.

Very often we use the word team work in our

organizational context without perhaps fully
understanding what we mean by team work.
Team work is an abstract concept. It represents a
set of values that:
• Encourages behaviors such as listening &
responding to view points of others, giving benefit
of doubt to others.
• Providing support to those who need it.
• Recognizing the interests & achievements of
• Also promote performance as individuals and the
performance of the entire organization.
Though a very large number of people believe in the argument for
greater focus on teams, yet when it comes to using the team
approach, the people are reluctant to rely on teams. Three primary
sources for people’s reluctance about teams that stand out are:
• Lack of conviction: Some people do not believe that teams, really
do perform better than individuals. Others think that teams are
probably useful, from a human relations point of view, but are
hindrance when it comes to work productivity and decisive action.
• Personal discomfort & risk: Many people fear or do not like to work
in teams. Most people’s discomfort with teams, however is because
they find the team approach; too time consuming, too uncertain or too
• Weak performance ethics: Some organizations lack compelling
purpose that would appeal rationally and emotionally to their people.
At worst, the environment of internal politics or external public
relationship undermines the mutual trust and openness upon which
teams depend.

“Great people don’t equal great teams.” –Tom Peters

Stages of team building:

1. Stage 1- Forming :Team acquaints & establishes
ground rules.
2. Stage 2 – Storming : Members resist control by group
leaders and show hostility.
3. Stage 3 – Norming : Members work together
developing close relationships & feelings of
4. Stage 4 – Performing : Team members work toward
getting their job done.
5. Stage 5 – Adjourning : Team may disband on achieving
their goals or because members leave.
Stage 1: FORMING
The Team
defines the problem

agrees on goals and formulates strategies for

tackling the tasks

determines the challenges and identifies information


Individuals take on certain roles

develops trust and communication

Team Roles - Leader
Encourages and maintains open communication
Leads by setting a good example
Motivates and inspires team members
Helps the team focus on the task
Facilitates problem solving and collaboration
Maintains healthy group dynamics
Encourages creativity and risk-taking
Recognizes and celebrates team member contributions
Other Team Roles – Members Can Formally or
Informally Take on These Roles
Initiator - Someone who suggests new ideas. One or more people can have this
role at a time.

Recorder - This person records whatever ideas a team member may have. It is
important that this person quote a team member accurately and not "edit" or
evaluate them.

Devil's Advocate/Skeptic - This is someone whose responsibility is to look for

potential flaws in an idea.

Optimist - This is someone who tries to maintain a positive frame of mind and
facilitates the search for solutions.

Timekeeper - Someone who tracks time spent on each portion of the meeting.
Gate Keeper - This person works to ensure that each member gives input on an
issue. One strategy to do this is to ask everyone to voice their opinion one at a
time. Another is to cast votes.

Summarizer - Someone who summarizes a list of options.

From Individuals A Group Forms
Help members understand each other

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Extraverts ------------------ Introverts
Sensors --------------------- iNtuitive
Thinker ---------------------- Feelers
Judger ----------------------- Perceiver

By selecting one from each category, we define our personality type,

Relevance to Teams (E/I)
• Extraverts • Introverts
• Need to think aloud • Need time to process
• Great explainers • Great concentration
• May overwhelm others • May not be heard
Relevance to Teams (N/S)
• Intuitive • Sensor
• Great at big picture
• Great executors
• See connections
• May miss big picture,
• May make mistakes in
relative importance
carrying out
Relevance to Teams (T/F)
• Thinker • Feeler
• Skillful at understanding • Knows why
how anything works something matters
Relevance to Teams (J/P)
• Judger • Perceiver
• Good at schedules,
• Always curious,
plans, completion
wants more
• Makes decisions easily
• May not get around
• May overlook vital issues
to acting
During the Storming stage team members:
realize that the task is more difficult than
they imagined
have fluctuations in attitude about chances
of success
may be resistant to the task
have poor collaboration
Storming Diagnosis
• Do we have common goals and objectives?
• Do we agree on roles and responsibilities?
• Do our task, communication, and decision systems work?
• Do we have adequate interpersonal skills?
Negotiating Conflict

• Separate problem issues from people issues.

• Be soft on people, hard on problem.

• Look for underlying needs, goals of each party rather than

specific solutions.
Addressing the Problem
• State your views in clear non-judgmental language.
• Clarify the core issues.
• Listen carefully to each person’s point of view.
• Check understanding by restating the core issues.
Stage 3: NORMING
• During this stage members accept:
• their team
• team rules and procedures
• their roles in the team
• the individuality of fellow members

• Team members realize that they are not going to crash-

and-burn and start helping each other.
• Competitive relationships become more cooperative.
• There is a willingness to confront issues
and solve problems.
• Teams develop the ability to express criticism
• There is a sense of team spirit.
Giving Constructive Feedback
• Be descriptive

• Don't use labels

• Don’t exaggerate

• Don’t be judgmental

• Speak for yourself

Giving Constructive Feedback
• Use “I” messages.

• Restrict your feedback to things you know for certain.

• Help people hear and accept your compliments when

giving positive feedback.
Receiving Feedback

• Listen carefully.
• Ask questions for clarity.
• Acknowledge the feedback.
• Acknowledge the valid points.
• Take time to sort out what you heard.
Team members have:
gained insight into personal and team
a better understanding of each other’s
strengths and weaknesses
gained the ability to prevent or work through
group conflict and resolve differences
developed a close attachment to the team
Formula for Successful Team
• Commitment to shared goals and

• Clearly define roles and responsibilities

Use best skills of each
Allows each to develop in all areas
Formula for Successful Team
• Effective systems and processes
• Clear communication
• Beneficial team behaviors; well-defined decision
procedures and ground rules
• Balanced participation
• Awareness of the group process
• Good personal relationships

Stage 5 – ADJOURNING :
Stage Theme Task - Relationship
Orientation -Orientation
1 Awareness Commitment Acceptance

2 Conflict Clarification Belonging

3 Co-operation Involvement Support

4 Results Achievement Pride

5 Separation Recognition Satisfaction

• Team members should feel that their participation is
important and personally beneficial to them.
• Teams should only remain intact as single entities so long
they are working on a particular problem.
• Whenever possible, the team should include some of the
persons who will be responsible for implementing the
• Members of a team must possess the appropriate balance
or mix of skills and traits.
• A team should be around of 5 to 12 members maximum.
• Members of the teams should have knowledge and
information that is relevant to the problem and task.
• It is necessary for the team to select a leader.
• The influence of members on decisions in teams should
be based on their capacity to contribute ( relevant
expertise) and not on the authority they possess in the
• Team decisions should be integrated with the normal or
regular decisions of the departments or units from which
the members are drawn.
• Conflicts that develop within should be confronted and
resolved with a problem solving approach, instead of
being avoided or smoothed over.
• You cannot easily describe the team’s mission.
• The meetings are formal, stuffy, or tense. People do not do
their best in an uncomfortable atmosphere.
• There is a great deal of participation but little accomplishment.
Some teams exhibit to talk but much action.
• There is talk but not much communication. Many teams are
composed of very talented people who enjoy talking but not
listen to the contributions of others.
• Disagreements are aired in private conversations.
• Decisions tend to be made by the formal leader with little
meaningful involvement of other team members.
• Members are not open with each other because trust is low.
• There is confusion or disagreement about roles or work.
• People in other parts of the organization who are critical to
the success of the team are not cooperating. There is
rarely a period in a team’s history when external relations
are not important.
• The team is over loaded with people who have the same
team player style. Style diversity leads to looking at all
aspects of team effectiveness.
• The team has been in existence for at least three months
and has never assessed its functioning. Periodically ,
teams need to assess progress towards goals and to
evaluate team process.

Besides seeing the characteristics of an effective team as

well as an ineffective team, it would be prudent to
examine the characteristics of effective team members. It
will be observed that organizational failures often are not
a result of poor leadership but of poor follower ship. An
effective team member is, therefore, on who:
• Understands and is committed to group goals.
• Is friendly, concerned and interested in others.
• Acknowledges and confronts conflict openly.
• Listens to others with understanding.
• Includes others in the decision making process.
• Recognizes and respects individual differences.
• To convey interest in what the other • I see!
person is saying.
• To encourage the individual to • Yes, go on or Tell us more.
expand further on his or her
• Then the problem as you see is
• To help the individual clarify the
problem in his or her own thinking.
• This is your decision then and
• To get the individual to hear what he
the reasons are ….If I
or she has said in the way it understand you correctly you
sounded to others. are saying that we should ...

• To pull out the key ideas from a long • Your major point is …
You feel that we should ….
• You feel strongly that …..
• To respond to a person’s
feelings more than to his or You do not believe that ….
her words.
• To summarize specific points • We seemed to agreed on
of agreement and the following points….., but
disagreement as a basis for we seem to need further
further discussion.
clarification on these
• To express a consensus of
group feeling.
• As a result of this
discussion we as a group
seem to feel that
Conflict Resolution.
• Disagreement is a euphemism for conflict.
• Groups have to learn the requisite conflict-resolution
• Disagreements are to be encouraged and accepted as a
natural consequence of a dynamic, active organization.
• Effective teams create a climate in which people feel free
to express their opinions even when those opinions are at
odds with those of other team members.
• Opens up issues of importance
DESTRUCTIVE resulting in their clarification.
• Diverts energy from more • Results in the solution of the
important activities and issue. problems.
• Destroys the morale of people or • Increases the involvement of
reinforces poor self- concepts. individuals and internal
• Polarizes differences in values. cohesiveness.
• Deepens differences in values. • Causes authentic
• Produces irresponsible and communication to occur.
regrettable behavior such as • Serves as a release for pent up
name calling and fighting. emotion, anxiety and stress.
• Helps build cohesiveness
among people sharing the
conflict, celebrating in its
settlement, and learning about
each other.

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