Haider Ali
• What is Icing
• Airframe icing
• Types of icing:
I. Clear ice
II. Rime ice
III. Mixed ice
IV. Hoar frost
• Icing and cloud type
• Flying in icing conditions
• Icing – refers to any deposit or coating of ice on an
• Icing exists when the air contains droplets of super cooled
liquid water
• Icing conditions are characterized quantitatively by the
average droplet size, the liquid water content and the air
• There are three basic classification of icing i.e.
Airframe ice, Carburetor ice and engine icing
• We will be discussing Airframe icing today
Airframe icing – Airframe or structural
icing refers to the accumulation of ice on
the exterior of the aircraft during flight
through clouds or liquid precipitation when
the skin temperature of the aircraft is
equal to, or less than 0°c
I. Clear ice
II. Rime ice
III. Mixed ice
IV. Hoar ice (frost)
Clear ice:
• forms when droplets impacting an
airplane freeze slowly, spreading
over the aircraft components
• Air temperatures are usually
between 0°c & -5°c
• These conditions create a smooth,
glossy surface of hard ice.
• Clear ice is less opaque than rime
• Most dangerous form of icing as it
is hard & disrupts flow of air
Rime ice:
• Most common type of icing
• Forms when droplets freeze on
impact trapping air bubbles
• Forms at Temp below -15°c
• Milky white and flaky in
• Only forms on leading edges of
airfoils & tends to build forward
into the airstream
Mixed ice: