Prof Elect 1 REPORT
Prof Elect 1 REPORT
Prof Elect 1 REPORT
Arnold Ocampo
Airine Trapalgar
Apple Joy Magno
Individual Differences in
Every individual is eunique.
• Physical
• Psychological
• Emotional
The Concept of
Being good at our job is
important but it is not enough.
We need Fit with our
organization & workgroup as
Types of Fit
01 02
Person-Job Fit Person-Group Fit
- Is the fit between a - Recognizes that
person’s abilities, the employees often must
demands of the job, the work effectively with
fit between a person’s their supervisor,
desires, motivations, the workgroup &
attributes & reward of a teammates to be
job. successful.
03 04
Person Organization Fit Maximizing Fit
Myers - Briggs
Type Indicator
Other Important Personality Traits
Locus of control - the extent to which people believe that their behavior has a real effect
on what happens to them.
Self-efficacy - refers to the belief that a person has in their own capabilities to perform a
specific task.
Authoritarianism - the belief that power and status differences are appropriate within
hierarchical social system such as organization.
Mechiavellianism - traits causing a person to behave in ways to gain power and control
the behavior of others.
Tolerance for ambiguity - reflects the tendency to view ambiguous situation as either
threatening or desirable.
Type B personality - is more relaxed and easygoing and less overtly competitive than
Type A.
Attitudes in
a person's complexes of beliefs and
feelings about specific ideas, situations,
or other people.
How attitudes are
Attitudes are formed by a variety of
forces, including our personal
values, our experience, and our
New information can help to
change attitudes.
Normative commitment
Continuance commitment
Perception in
The set of processes by which an individual
becomes aware of and interprets information
about the environment
Basic Perceptual Processes
Selective perception
The process of screening out information that
we are uncomfortable with or that contradicts
our beliefs.
The process of categorizing or labeling people
on the basis of a single attribute
Errors in Perception
Self-fulfilling prophecy
a method by which a previously false
expectation becomes confirmed by
Self Handicapping
occurs when people create obstacles for
themselves that make success less likely.
Perception and Attribution
The way we explain the causes of our own as
well as other people’s behaviors and
achievements, and understand why people
do what they do.
Perception of Fairness, Justice, and Trust
Life Stressors
Various factors in the
workplace that can cause Factors in your life that
stress can cause stress
Consequences of Stress
Work-Life Balance