Defination of Education

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• Origin: The term Education has been derived from two Latin words Educare and Educatum.
• Educare: it means Train or Mould. It indicates the development of the latent faculties of the child.
• Latent faculties mean the intangible abilities which are present in the child but we cannot touch or
see. For instance, perception, motivation, and intelligence.
• Basically, educare means to bring up or lead out the or develop the abilities of students from inward
to outward.
• Educatum: It denotes the act of teaching and throws light on the principles and practices of teaching.

• A combination of educatum and educare is what know as education.

• It is the process of the educator helping the child explore and develop his/her latent
• Definition of education according to the oxford dictionary: The process of receiving or
giving systematic instruction, especially at the school or university.
Socrates: "Education means the bringing out of the ideas of universal validity which are latent in the mind of every man".
Plato: "Education is the capacity to feel pleasure and pain at the right moment. It develops in the body and in the soul of the
pupil all the beauty and all the perfection which he is capable of."
Aristotle: "Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body. It develops man's faculty, especially his mind so that he
may be able to enjoy the contemplation of supreme truth, goodness and beauty of which perfect happiness essentially consists.
Rousseau: "Education of man commences at his birth; before he can speak, before he can understand he is already instructed.
Experience is the forerunner of the perfect".
Herbert Spencer: "Education is complete living".
Heinrich Pestalozzi: "Education is natural harmonious and progressive development of man's innate powers".
Friedrich Willian Froebel: "Education is unfoldment of what is already enfolded in the germ. It is the process through which
the child makes internal external"
• Rigved: "Education is something which makes man self-reliant and selfless".
• Upanishad: "Education is for liberation".
• Gunrunner: "Education is self-realization and service to people".
• Kautilya: "Education means training of the country and love of the nation".
• Vivekanand: “Education is the manifestation of the divine perfection, already existing in man."
• Tagore: "The widest road leading to the solution of all our problems is education."

In groups of four, ask students to construct their own definition of education which they
believe completely defines education.
Education as a lifelong process

• Education, in the broader sense of learning and personal growth, is typically not something that can be
completely stopped. While formal education through schools, colleges, or universities may have specific
timeframes and endpoints, the concept of lifelong learning suggests that individuals continue to acquire
knowledge and skills throughout their lives.
• Education is a lifelong process, beyond the boundaries of formal schooling. It signifies an ongoing
commitment to learning, growth, and adaptation at all stages of life. This continuous quest for knowledge
and skill development is essential for personal and professional evolution. It encourages individuals to stay
current in a world of rapid change, fosters critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, and provides
opportunities for personal enrichment beyond the confines of the classroom. Education as a lifelong process
empowers individuals to thrive in a dynamic, ever-evolving world.

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