L7-Design For Drift-Lateral Stability-Kelompok 4
L7-Design For Drift-Lateral Stability-Kelompok 4
L7-Design For Drift-Lateral Stability-Kelompok 4
Disusun Oleh:
Kelompok 4
Structural Stability
Scholl emphasizing the fact that the potential for drift related damage is highly variable, and is dependent on the
structural and nonstructural detailing provided by the designer, has proposed the following generalization of
damage potential in relationship to the interstory drift index δ:
1. at δ = 0.001 ; nonstructural damage is probable
2. at δ = 0.002 ; nonstructural damage is likely
3. at δ = 0.007 ; nonstructural damage is relatively certain and structural damage is likely
4. at δ = 0.015 ; nonstructural damage is certain and structural damage is likely
Human Comfort
Human comfort and motion perceptibility, which are of importance in the design of structures for wind induced
motions, are relatively insignificant in seismic design, where the primary objective is to limit damage and prevent
loss of life.
Some investigators have studied the behavior of building occupants during strong ground motions (7-4, 7-5, 7-6).
Such studies can provide owners, architects, and hazard mitigation authorities, with valuable guidelines for
considering these human factors in planning, design, and operation of building structures.
The Concept of Lateral Stability
P-Delta Analysis
In conventional first-order structural analysis, the equilibrium equations are formulated for the
undeformed shape of the structure. However, when a structure undergoes deformation, it carries the
applied loads into a deformed state along with it (Fig. 7-4). The changes in position of the applied forces
are cumulative in nature and cause additional second-order forces, moments, and displacements which
are not accounted for in a first-order analysis. Studies(7-16) have shown that the single most important
second-order effect is the P-delta effect. Figure 7-5 illustrates the P delta effect on a simple cantilever
column. 7
Factors Affecting Lateral Stability
The Effective Length Factor Method
Approximate Buckling Analysis
Approximate Buckling Analysis
Approximate Buckling Analysis
Approximate P-Delta Analysis
Three methods for approximate P-delta analysis Iterative P-Delta Method The iterative P delta
of building structures are presented in this method(7-16, 7-24, 7-25, 7-26) is based on the
section: the iterative P-delta method; the direct simple idea of correcting first-order
P-delta method; and the negative bracing displacements, by adding the P-delta shears to
member method. All three methods are shown the applied story shears. Since P-delta effects are
to be capable of providing accurate estimates of cumulative in nature, this correction and
P-delta effects. subsequent reanalysis should be performed
iteratively until convergence is achieved. At each
cycle of iteration a modified set of story shears
are defined as:
EXAMPLE 7-1 Iterative P-delta Method
EXAMPLE 7-1 Iterative P-delta Method
EXAMPLE 7-1 Iterative P-delta Method
EXAMPLE 7-1 Direct P-Delta Method
EXAMPLE 7-1 Direct P-Delta Method
Example 7.2
For the 10 story frame of Example 7-1 compute the second-order displacements and story drifts by the direct P-delta method. The calculations using the direct
P-delta method are shown in Table 7-4. For example, for the first floor which has a story height of 15 feet (180 inches), the story shear is 142.31 kips, the
total gravity force is 2124 kips, and the first-order drift is 0.765 inches.
7.4.3 Approximate P-delta Analysis
Negative Bracing Member Method
The cross sectional area of the negative braces for each floor level can be
obtained by a simple analogy to the Hooke’s law (F=KΔ). By equating the
brace stiffness to –ΣP/h, the required area of the equivalent negative
brace is obtained:
The negative brace area for each floor level may now be calculated using Equation 7-26. For example, for the fourth
floor where the total gravity force is 1476 kips, the negative brace area is:
The braces areas, the displacement obtained using the negative braces, are shown in Table 7-5. The very good
agreement with the “exact” results (Table 7-3) is evident.
Example 7.3
The braces areas, the displacement obtained using the negative braces, are shown in Table 7-5. The very good
agreement with the “exact” results (Table 7-3) is evident.
7.4.3 Approximate P-delta Analysis
Modified Versions of Approximate P-Delta Methods
The P-delta methods presented in this chapter ignore the “C-S” effect (Figure 7-4d). For most practical problems, the
C-S effects are much smaller than the P-delta effects and can be ignored. However if needed, the P-delta methods
described in previous sections, can be simply modified to include this effect.
The modification is achieved by multiplying the member axial forces by a flexibility factor, . For a single column, is
given by:
with GA and GB ae the stiffness ratios as defined in section 7.4.1. The flexibility factor has a rather small range of
variation (from 1,0 for GA=GB=, to 1,22 for GA=GB=0). For design purposes a conservative average value of can be used
for the entire frame. Lai and Macgregor suggest an average value of = 1,15, while Stevens has proposed an average
value of = 1,11.
To include the C-S effect in the previously discussed P-delta methods, it is sufficient to use .
Example 7.4
For the 10 story frame of Example 7-1 compute the second-order displacements and story drifts at the first, fifth, and
the roof levels by the modified direct P-delta method. An average value of is assumed for all calculations :
Using the values listed in Table 7-4 we have:
Comparison of these results with those obtained by the original method reveals an increase of less than 1% in the story
drifts due to this modification.
7.4.4 “Exact” P-Delta Analysis
Construction of the geometric stiffness matrix is the backbone of any exact secondorder analysis. Consider the deformed
column shown in Figure 7-18. For the sake of simplicity, neglect the axial deformation of the member, and the small C-S
effect. The slope deflection equations for this column can be written as:
7.4.4 “Exact” P-Delta Analysis
Since we wrote the equilibrium equations for the deformed shape of the member, this is a second-order stiffness matrix.
The stiffness matrix given by Equation 7-33 can also be written as:
Where is the standard first-order stiffness The geometric stiffness matrix for a three The non-zero terms of this matrix are given
matrix (material matrix) and is the geometric dimensional rigid diaphragm building is given by:
stiffness matrix given by: in Figure 7-19.
7.4.4 “Exact” P-Delta Analysis
7.4.5 Choice of Member Stiffnesses for Drift and P-Delta Analysis
The seismic design codes in the United States are not specific about this matter. Hence, the choice of section
properties used in lateral analysis in general, and seismic analysis in particular, varies widely.
Contributing to the complexity of this issue, as the following factors:
1. Although elastic material behavior is usually assumed for the sake of simplicity, reinforced concrete is not a
homogeneous, linearly elastic material.
2. Stiffness and idealized elastic material properties of a reinforced concrete section vary with the state of behavior
of the section (e.g. uncracked, cracked and ultimate states).
3. Not all reinforced concrete members in a structure, and not all cross sections along a particular member, are in
the same state of behavior at the same time.
4. For many beams and other nonsymmetrically reinforced members, the stiffness properties for positive bending
and negative bending are different.
5. Stiffness of reinforced concrete members and structures varies with the time, and with the history of past
exposure to wind forces and earthquake ground motions.
6. Stiffness of reinforced concrete members and structures varies with the amplitude of the applied forces
7.4.5 Choice of Member Stiffnesses for Drift and P-Delta Analysis
According to Reference 7-40, in the case of large amplitude motions up to the yield level, the stiffness of the building
is usually somewhere between the computed values based on the gross concrete section properties and the cracked
section properties.
For force analysis, the gross concrete section properties and the clear span dimensions be used and the effect of
nonseismic structural and nonstructural elements be considered.
For drift calculations, either the lateral displacements determined using the above assumptions should be doubled or
the center to center imensions along with the average of the gross section and the cracked section properties, or one
half of the gross section properties should be used.
MacGregor and Hage(7-16) recommend using 40% of the gross section moment of inertia for beams and 80% of the
gross section moment of inertia for columns.
7.5.1 Drift Design of Moment Frames and Framed Tubes
The lateral displacements and story drifts of moment resistant frames and symmetrical framed tubes are caused by bent action, cantilever
action, the shear leak effect, and panel zone distortions.
Bent Displacements
A significant portion of drift in rigid frames and framed tubes is caused by end rotations of beams and columns (Figure 7-20). This
phenomenon is commonly referred to as bent action (also called frame action, or racking). In the design of framed tubes, it is
usually desirable to limit the bent action drifts to 30 to 40% of the total drift. If a framed tube is also braced, the bent action drifts
are usually limited to about 20 to 25% of the total drift(7-1). The bent action drift for any level I of a frame may be estimated by:
7.5.1 Drift Design of Moment Frames and Framed Tubes
Bent Displacements
Where is the story shear, is the story height, and:
Equation 7-44 can be derived by applying the slope deflection equations to the typical subassemblage shown in Figure 7-21.
In the derivation of Equation 7-44, it is assumed that the points of contraflexure are at the mid-span of beams and columns .
Example 7.5
For the bent at the 5th floor of the 10-story frame of Example 7-1 (Figure 7-22), estimate the story drift caused by bent
action. Modify member sizes, if necessary, to limit the bent drift ratio to 0,0030. Neglect the P-delta effect.
Example 7.5
Select new beam and column sizes 2. Increasing beam sizes only:
Additional member weight required
for drift control
Therefore, bent drift control by increasing column sizes only is not feasible.
In this case, drift control by increasing beam sizes only, requires less material. However in general, one should be
careful about increasing beam sizes alone, since it can jeopardize the desirable strong column-weak girder behavior.34
7.5.1 Drift Design of Moment Frames and Framed Tubes
In tall frames and tubes, there is significant axial deformation in the In a properly proportioned framed tube, the cantilever deflections are
columns caused by the overturning moments. The overturning significantly smaller than a similar rigid frame. As shown in Figure 7-
moments cause larger axial forces and deformations on the columns 24, this is due to the participation of some of the columns in the flange
which are farther from the center line of the frame. This action, frames in resistance to cantilever deformations. The taller the framed
which causes a lateral deformation that closely resembles the tube, the closer the column spacings, and the stronger the spandrel
deformation of a cantilever beam (Figure 7-23), is called the girders, the more significant the tube action becomes.
cantilever or chord action.
7.5.1 Drift Design of Moment Frames and Framed Tubes
Cantilever displacements may be estimated by simple application of
the moment-area method. The moment of inertia for an equivalent
cantilever beam is computed as:
Example 7.6
Use the moment-area method and the procedure explained in this section to compute displacements at points 1, 2
and 3 of the simple cantilever column shown in Figure 7.26. Assume EI = 58 x 106, kips, in2
Overturning moments:
Example 7.6
7.5.1 Drift Design of Moment Frames and Framed Tubes
Shear Leak Displacements
In buildings with closely spaced columns and deep girders, such as framed tubes, the contribution of shearing deformations
to the lateral displacements (called the shear leak effect) may be significant. Story drifts due to the shear leak effect at level
i,, may be estimated as:
where G is the shear modulus and A'gi and A’ci are the shear areas of individual girders and columns at level i.
In order to simplify the design process, an effective moment of inertia, Ieff, can be defined where the contributions of both
flexural and shearing deformations are considered :
where A' is the shear area, L is span length, I is the moment of Inertia of the section, and v is Poisson's ratio.
Example 7.7
For the bent of Example 7-5, estimate the additional story drift caused by the shear leak effect. We have
7.5.1 Drift Design of Moment Frames and Framed Tubes
Panel Zone Distortions
When joint shear forces are high, and the beam-column panel zones are not
dequately stiffened, panel zone distortions can have a measurable impact on the
story drift. Cheong-Siat-Moy(7-44) has recommended a simple method based on
elastic theory to estimate this effect. The method assumes a linear relationship
between the shearing forces and the panel zone distortions.
where Mc is the moment from one column, dg is the girder depth, V is the column
shear, G is the shear modulus, t is the panel zone thickness, dc is the column depth,
and h is the story height.Hence, (h - dg) is the clear column height.
7.5.1 Drift Design of Moment Frames and Framed Tubes
Panel Zone Distortions
When If the points of contraflexure are assumed to be at mid-span of the beams and columns, Equation 7-51 can be
further simplified to:
where In one of these studies, conducted at Lehigh University, several beam-column subassemblage specimens were
subjected to cyclic loads far beyond their elastic limits. Based on these tests a formula, similar to Equation 7-53, for
estimation of panel zone distortions was recommended:
where L is the beam span length, Lc is clear column length , G is the shear modulus which is taken as 11,000 ksi, and is
the panel zone distortion in radians.
Drift Design of a 10 story Momen
Resistant Frame
The goal is to achieve an economical design that meets the story drift index limitation of 0.0033.
First Step: estimate the lateral displacements and story drifts of the structure.
Calculations of story drifts and lateral displacements due to bent action, the shear leak effect, and chord
action are presented in Tables 7-6, 7-7 and 7-8 respectively.
Story drifts
and lateral
due to chord
Story drifts
and lateral
due to shear leak
Story drifts
and lateral
due to shear leak
The total displacements and story drifts are magnified using the direct P-
delta Method (Table 7-9)
Figures 7-27 and 7-28 depict the contribution of each action to the total lateral displacement
and story drift. The dominance of bent action in the lateral response of this frame can be clearly
seen in these figures.
if the frame was significantly taller, bent action would be replaced by chord action as the dominant
contributor to lateral displacement.
the results of an exact elastic analysis in Figures 7-29 and 7-30
Assuming that the drift control is to be
achieved by increasing both beam and
column sizes, the average magnification
factors Φ by which the moment of inertia of
beams and columns should be multiplied
can be calculated as described in part 1 of
Example 7-5. Based on the average values of
Φ, new member sizes for beams and
columns are selected. These member sizes
are shown in Figure 7-31, where the
computed values of Φ are shown in
At this stage, another round of displacement analysis, similar to that performed in
Tables 7-6 to 7-9, is necessary to make sure that the new design satisfies the drift
design criteria.
Results of this analysis are shown in Figures 7-32 and 7-33, which indicate that the
new design satisfies the design drift criteria.
This was also confirmed by performing an exact structural
analysis (Figures 7-34 and 7-35).
The last item, is to check the satisfaction of the strength criteria
by the new design. Codified equivalent static lateral forces,
which are based on a pre-determined fundamental period for
the structure, do not necessarily change with variation of
7.5.2 Drift Design of Braced Frames
story shear
Estimate the first and second-order lateral displacements and story drifts for the 10-
story braced steel frame shown in Figure 7-38!
EXAMPLE 7-9 The tributary width of the frame is 30 ft. The gravity load is 100 psf on the roof
level and 120 psf on typical floors.
7.5.3 Drift Design of Frame - Shear Wall Systems
Design aid for drift design of frame-shear wall systems
Sc/Sb = 1 Sc/Sb = 5 Sc/Sb = 10
Assume a uniform
lateral pressure of
30psf. Story heights are
12.5 feet. Use gross
concrete section
properties and E = 4000
7.5.4 Torsional Effects
One of the most important tasks in the process of the selection
of a structural system minimization of torsional response.
1. For buildings which are composed of only one type of 2. For combination systems (frame-shear wall systems,
lateral load resisting system, the torsional rotation at the ith moment frame and braced frame combinations), the
floor, θi, and the corresponding torsional drift of the j th process is more complex:
frame at this floor, ∆j, may be estimated as:
• The direct lateral displacements and story drifts of the structure are obtained
eccentricity of the via the Khan-Sbarounis charts.
Story Shear • The total direct story shear carried by the frames subjected to the above
"center of rigidity"
from the center of displacements, Vfi, are calculated (see Section 7.5.1, “Bent Displacements).
mass • The shear Vfi is distributed among the various frames according to their
relative stiffness in the direction of applied load.
• The rest of the story shear (ΣVi - Vfi) is distributed among the various walls
torsional story stiffness (braced frames) according to their relative stiffness in the direction of applied
loads. The shear in each frame or wall, as calculated in the two preceding
steps, is used as a measure of rigidity, and the center of rigidity of the entire
system is located
• The torsional rotation and the corresponding torsional drift of individual
frames and walls are calculated using Equations 7-57 and 7- 58.
closest distance
from the jth
frame to the
center of rigidity 60
7.6.1 UBC-97 Provisions
maximum inelastic
response displacement reduced lateral displacement
calculated by utilizing the
reduction factor, R