Module 5.2 - The Calling Od The Disciples
Module 5.2 - The Calling Od The Disciples
Module 5.2 - The Calling Od The Disciples
Module 5.1
Meaning of “Disciple”
A disciple (from Latin discipulus,
‘pupil,’ ‘learner,’ corresponding to
Greek mathetes, from manthano, ‘to
learn’) is basically the pupil of a
teacher. Jesus was popularly known
as a teacher or rabbi and his
associates were known as disciples.
All who responded to his message is
a disciple (see Luke 6:17; 19:37).
Meaning of “Disciple”
This term may also be applied to a
believer, a convert to Christianity,
and to one who strives to measure up
to the demands of Jesus Christ in
terms of sacrificial devotion
(Harrison, 148). In verb form, the
term ‘disciple’ denotes the making of
converts (Acts 14:21).
Background of
This term may also be applied to
a believer, a convert to
Christianity, and to one who
strives to measure Jesus said:
“Follow me, and I will make
you fishers of men” Mark 1:17.
Background of
Jesus Christ selected and
trained men who would
represent him in the world in
the coming days, to minister to
the world for him. He selected
and called them by name and
bound them to himself.
They were ordinary men yet
skilled and resourceful. Six of
them were fishermen on the Sea
of Galilee and others with
different occupation. All were
from Galilee except Judas, the
man of Keriot, from Judea.
Jesus spent time with his
disciples, taught them, led them,
and prayed for them, that they
may learn to reach out people in
Jerusalem, in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the
Jesus selected and trained
them to conquer the world in
his name. “He called them his
friends rather than his servants
for he had taught them
everything he had learned
from his Father” (John 15:15).
• The disciples were
sent out for mission • They were also
as soon as they were called the 12
equipped and apostles of Christ,
empowered with the which means the
promise that God ambassadors, or
will never leave messengers of
them alone. Christ.
The Twelve Disciples
Module 5.2
The Twelve Disciples
The number 12 suggests the
influence of Hebraic tradition and
perhaps warrants the terminology so
commonly used today of the church
– the New Israel (Harrison, 139). The
following are the original twelve
appointed by Jesus (Matthew 10:2-4;
Mark 3:16-19; Luke 6:13-16).
The Inner Circle
Peter, James, and John were chosen
to be Jesus’ inner circle because He
was making a special effort to
prepare them for the leadership roles
they would later occupy in the
fledgling church. These three
witnessed Jesus’ greatest moments of
glory and His darkest trials. They
were His closest friends.
1 The Inner Circle
Simon Peter
• Also called Peter (The
reed changed to rock",
Petros, "rock")
• Home: Bethsaida,
Capernaum and Jerusalem
The Inner Circle
• Occupation:
• Labored among the
Churches in Asia
Minor, according to
tradition, especially in
The Quiet Workers
They are not usually
noticed by they
contributed a great part in
furthering the kingdom of
God in many places.
4 The Quiet Workers
Manly, "The Personal
• Brother of Peter, son of
• Home: Bethsaida and
• Occupation: Fisherman
The Quiet Workers
• Originally a disciple of
John the Baptist
• Preached in Scythia,
Greece and Asia Minor
• Death: Crucified on a St.
Andrew's cross
5 The Quiet Workers
Lover of Horses,
Home: Bethsaida
Preached in Phrygia,
baptized the Ethiopian
The Quiet Workers
Died a martyr at
6 The Quiet Workers
• Gift of God, Nathanael
• Son of Tolmai
• Home: Cana of Galilee
• A missionary to Armenia
The Quiet Workers
• Jerome says he wrote
a gospel.
• He was flayed to death
(skinned alive)
7 The Quiet Workers
• Twin, "The Doubter",
• Home: Galilee
• Labored in Parthia,
Persia and India
The Quiet Workers
• Occupation: Probably
• Suffering martydom
near Madras, at Mt.
St. Thomas
8 The Quiet Workers
• Gift of God, Levi
• Son of Alphaeus
• Home: Capernaum
• Occupation: Tax
The Quiet Workers
• Author of the Gospel
• Died a martyr in
The Little Known
Only little information
was given to them but
they had contributed a lot
in the ministry of Jesus.
9 The Little Known
James, the less
• "Supplanter", The Less
or Younger
• Son of Alphaeus or
Cleophas and Mary
• Home: Galilee
The Little Known
• Occupation:
• Preached in Palestine
and Egypt
• Was thown off wall
and clubbed to death.
10 The Little Known
• "Man of heart", Lebbaeus
or Thaddeus
• Brother of James
• Preached in Assyria and
• Home: Galilee
The Little Known
• Occupation:
• Died a martyr at
11 The Little Known
• "Hearing", The
Cananaean or
• Home: Galilee
The Little Known
• Occupation:
political activist
• Death: tradition
says he was
crucified, others
said he was cut in
12 The Traitor
• "The Traitor",
• Son of Simon
• Home: Kerioth of
The Traitor
• Betrayed Jesus for
30 pieces of silver
and afterwards
hanged himself
• Note that aside from the 12
disciples, Jesus had other
circle of disciples.