SSS, BCS, Avf, Mal
SSS, BCS, Avf, Mal
SSS, BCS, Avf, Mal
Subclavian Steal
Reversal of Vertebral Artery Flow in
Subclavian Steal.
Incomplete Subclavian Steal
presteal (“bunny”) waveform
Clinical features
• intermittent abdominal pain, typically epigastric and usually postprandial.
• weight loss, nausea and diarrhea.
• mild epigastric tenderness
• midabdominal systolic bruit on auscultation
Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome
Radiologic findings
• MAL thickness of more than 4 mm is considered abnormal
• Focal narrowing of the proximal celiac axis with a characteristic hooked
appearance caused by the inferior displacement of the celiac artery by the
• Sagittal axis for visualizing the “hooking” of the proximal celiac trunk
• Associated findings include poststenotic dilatation or collateral vessel
formation from the SMA branches.
Sagittal arterial volume-rendered
phase CT image 3D
Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome
Doppler ultrasound
• noninvasive
• A peak systolic velocity of greater than 200 cm/s has a reported sensitivity
• flow turbulence, accentuated during the expiratory phase
AV Fistula
AV Fistula
A.Radiocephalic fistula at
the wrist
B. Brachiocephalic fistula
at the antecubital fossa
C. Brachiobasilic vein
D.The forearm loop graft
E. Upper arm straight graft
F. Axillary loop graft
Pre op
Peripheral arteries
• Diameter at least 1.6mm
• Patent palmar arch
Peripheral veins
• Diameter at least 2.5mm with tourniquet,
>2mm without tourniquet.
• Course - linear (for a distance of at least 8–
10 cm) and should lie < 6 mm below the skin
surface. Thin, regular walls and a completely
anechoic lumen.
Reactive hyperemia test