Chem 1

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Scientific Notation was developed to assist

mathematicians ,scientists and others when expressing and
working with very large and very small numbers . Scientific
notation follows a very specific format in which a number is
expressed as the product of a number greater than or equal to
one and less than ten ,and a power of 10. The format of N x In
this form ,( N ) is a numeral coefficient ,while (n) is the power
of 10 . The n indicates the number of times the coefficient is to
multiplied or divided by 10.
Examples :
1. one mole of an element consist of 602 000 000
000 000 000 000 000 atoms .
2. The radius of a hydrogen atom is 0.000 000 000
079 meters .
Number Scientific Notation Explanation

1.85 X YES 1 ≤ 1.85 and -2 is an integer

1.083 x NO ⅓ is not an integer

0.83 x NO O.82 is not ⦥ 1

10 x N0 10 is not ⪡ 10
 Which number below is written in scientific notation and explain
why ?

 1. 4.35 x
 2. 0.425 x
 3. 42. 5 x
 4. 4.25 x
 Significant figures are any non-zero digits or
trapped zeros.
 Significant figures (also known as the significant
digits and decimal places )of a number .
 Rules in determining the number of significant
 1. All nonzero digits are significant .
 2. All zeros between two nonzero digits are significant
 3. All zeros before the first nonzero digits are not significant .
 4. All zeros to the right of a decimal point and a nonzero digits are
significant .
 5. All zeros to the left of an unexpressed decimal point are not
significant .
 6. All zeros to the right of a nonzero digit with out decimal point are
not significant
 Answere the following
 The World population is estimated to be about 6 ,800 ,000,000 people . Which answer expresses
this number in scientific notation and explain each ?
 A. 7 x
 B. 0.68 x
 C. 6.8 x
 D. 68 x
Convert the following numbers into Scientific Convert the following numbers into Standard
Notation Form

340 ,000 2.30 x

0.0000043 8.65 x

240 000 000 7.10 x

0.00671 1.901 x

45.54 9.11 x
Number Figures Significant Figures Rules

1. 122. 3
2. 409.00
3. 300.000
4. 0.00035
5. 12.67
6. 200
7. 20000008
8. 0.2
9. 110
10. 0.0000000034

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