Chapter 4-Layered Architecture
Chapter 4-Layered Architecture
Chapter 4-Layered Architecture
By Leweyehu Y.
Chapter 4: Network Models
Leweyehu Y.
Leweyehu Y.
Task of solving a mathematics problem with a computer
Fundamental job is done by hardware (tedious task if only
hardware is involved)
Task is mush easier if software is available
Levels of solving the problem
Highest level Program
Lowest level Hardware
Leweyehu Y.
Layered Tasks 4.1
Leweyehu Y.
Layered Tasks 4.1
Leweyehu Y.
The OSI Model 4.2
Leweyehu Y.
The OSI Model 4.2
Layered Architecture:7 ordered layers ( P D N T S P A )
Leweyehu Y.
The OSI Model 4.2
Leweyehu Y.
The OSI Model 4.2
Leweyehu Y.
The OSI Model 4.2
Peer-to-Peer Processes
At the physical layer, communication is direct
Each layer in the sending device adds its own
information to the message it receives from the layer
just above it and places the whole package to the
layer below it
At layer 1 the entire package is converted to a form
that can be transmitted to the receiving device
At the receiving device machine, the message is
unwrapped layer by layer, with each process receiving
and removing the data meant for it
Leweyehu Y.
The OSI Model 4.2
Leweyehu Y.
The OSI Model 4.2
Leweyehu Y.
The OSI Model 4.2
Leweyehu Y.
An exchange of Data
An exchange using the OSI model
H7 D7 H7 D7
H6 D6 H6 D6
H5 D5 H5 D5
H4 D4 H4 D4
H3 D3 H3 D3
H2 D2 T2 H2 D2 T2
A packet: data and header and maybe trailer)
The data portion of a packet at level N-1
carries the whole packet from level N
Level N-1 is not aware of which part of the
packet is data, header, or trailer
For level N-1, the whole packet coming from
level N is treated as one integral unit
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Physical Layer
Coordinates the functions required to carry a bit
stream over the physical medium
Deals with the mechanical and electrical
specifications of the interface and transmission
Defines the procedures and functions that physical
devices and interfaces have to perform for
transmission to occur
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Physical Layer
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Physical Layer
Physical characteristics of interfaces and medium
Representation of bits (encoding: bits signals)
Data rate (duration of a bit: how long it lasts)
Synchronization of bits (clocks)
Line configuration (connection of the devices to the
media: point-to-point or multipoint)
Physical topology
Transmission mode (simplex / half-duplex / full-
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Hop-to-hop delivery
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Network Layer
Responsible for the source-to-destination delivery of a
packet possibly across multiple networks (links)
Ensures that each packet gets from its point of origin
to its final destination
No need for network layer if systems are on the same
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Network Layer
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Network Layer
Logical addressing
Addresses of the sender and receiver when the packet
passes the network boundary
Routing or switching the packets to their final
destination using connecting devices (routers or
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Source-to-destination delivery
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Transport Layer
Responsible for process-to-process delivery
A process is an application program on a host
Ensures that the whole message arrives intact and in
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Transport Layer
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Transport Layer
Service-point addressing
Delivery not only from one computer to the next but
also from a specific process (running program) on one
computer to a specific process on the other
Include service-point address (or port address)
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Transport Layer
Segmentation and reassembly
Divide message into segments each contains a sequence #
Connection control
Connectionless: send packets to destinations
the packets
Flow control
End to end rather than across a single link
Error control
Process to process rather than a single link
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Session Layer
It is the network dialog controller
It establishes, maintains, and synchronizes the
interaction among communicating systems
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Session Layer
Dialog control
Allows two systems to enter into a dialog
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Session Layer
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Presentation Layer
Concerned with the syntax and semantics of the
information exchanged between two systems
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Presentation Layer
Concerned with the syntax and semantics of the
information exchanged between two systems
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Presentation Layer
Interoperability between different coding systems
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Application Layer
Enables the user to access the network
Provides user interfaces
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Application Layer
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Application Layer
Enables network virtual terminal (a software version
of a physical terminal) it allows a user to log on to a
remote host
File transfer access, and management
Mail services
Directory services
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Summary of Layers
Leweyehu Y.
Layers in The OSI Model 4.3
Summary of Layers
Leweyehu Y.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4.4
Leweyehu Y.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4.4
Leweyehu Y.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4.4
Leweyehu Y.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4.4
Leweyehu Y.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4.4
Network Layer:
TCP/IP supports the Internetworking protocol (IP)
It uses 4 supporting protocol
Leweyehu Y.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4.4
Network Layer
Internetworking Protocol (IP)
The transmission mechanism used by the TCP/IP protocols
Leweyehu Y.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4.4
Network Layer
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Used to associate a logical address with a physical
Each device on a on a link is identified by a physical or
station address usually imprinted on the network
interface card (NIC)
Leweyehu Y.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4.4
Network Layer
Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP)
Allows a host to discover its Internet address when it
knows only its physical address
It is used when the computer is connected to a network
for the first time
Leweyehu Y.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4.4
Network Layer
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
A mechanism used by hosts and gateways to send
notification of datagram problems back to the sender
Internet Group Message Protocol (IGMP)
Used to facilitate the simultaneous transmission of a
message to a group of recipients
Leweyehu Y.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4.4
Transport Layer
Protocols TCP, UDP, and SCTP
IP is host-to host
UDP and TCP are process-to-process
Leweyehu Y.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4.4
Transport Layer
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Process-to-process protocol
Port addresses
Checksum error control
Length information to the data from the upper layer
Leweyehu Y.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4.4
Transport Layer
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Provides full transport-layer services to applications
Leweyehu Y.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4.4
Transport Layer
Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)
Provides support for newer applications such as voice
over the Internet
Leweyehu Y.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4.4
Application Layer
The application layer in TCP/IP is equivalent to
the combined session, presentation, and
application layers in the OSI model. Many
protocols are defined at this layer.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Governs the transmission of mail messages and
attachments. SMTP is used in the case of
outgoing messages.
Leweyehu Y.
Application Layer
Leweyehu Y. 62
Application Layer
Leweyehu Y. 63
Application Layer
Leweyehu Y. 64
Application Layer
Domain Name Service (DNS)
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a directory
lookup service that provides a mapping between
the name of a host on the Internet and its
numerical address.
Domain Name Service (DNS)-resolves
hostnames- to IP addresses specifically, Internet
names, such as But you don’t
have to actually use DNS.
Leweyehu Y. 65
Application Layer
Domain name
A domain name is represented by a series of
character strings, called labels, separated by
dots. Each label represents a level in the domain
naming hierarchy.
E.g In the domain name, com
is the top-level domain (TLD), google is the
second-level domain, and www is the third-level
Leweyehu Y. 68
Application Layer
Leweyehu Y. 69
Application Layer
Leweyehu Y. 70
Addressing 4.5
Leweyehu Y.
Addressing 4.5
Relationship of layers and addresses in TCP/IP
Leweyehu Y.
Addressing 4.5
Leweyehu Y.
Addressing 4.5
Example 1: A node with physical address 10 sends a
frame to a node with physical address 87.
Data Data
10 87 Data T2 10 87 Data T2
10 87
Leweyehu Y.
Addressing 4.5
Example 2: LANs use 48- bit (6-byte) physical address
written as 12 hexadecimal digits; every byte is separated
by a colon.
Leweyehu Y.
Addressing 4.5
Logical Addresses
Necessary for universal communication that are independent of
underlying physical networks
Physical addresses are not adequate in an internetwork
environment where different networks can have different
address formats
A universal addressing system is needed in which each host can
be identified uniquely, regardless of the underlying physical
Logical address in the Internet is currently a 32-bit address that
can uniquely define a host connected to the internet
No two publicly addressed and visible hosts on the Internet can
have the same IP address
Leweyehu Y.
Addressing 4.5
The following exhibit shows part of an internet with:
3 LANs
2 Routers
Each device has a pair of addresses (logical &
Computer with logical/physical address A/10 needs to
send a packet to the computer with address P/95
Leweyehu Y.
IP addresses
.Leweyehu Y
Addressing 4.5
Leweyehu Y.
Addressing 4.5
Port Addresses
Arrivalat the destination host is not the final objective
of data communication on the Internet
A system that sends nothing but data from one
computer to another is not complete
Today computers are devices that can run multiple
processes at the same time
The end objective of Internet communication is a
process communicating with another process
For processes to receive data simultaneously, a
method to label the different processes is needed
In TCP/IP the label is called: port number (16-bit)
Leweyehu Y.
Addressing 4.5
Port addresses
Leweyehu Y.
Addressing 4.5
Port Addresses
Leweyehu Y.
Addressing 4.5
Port Addresses
Example: A port address is a 16-bit address
represented by one decimal number
Leweyehu Y.
In a computer network, a Port is a logical
address that is assigned to each application on
the computer that utilizes the internet for
Port is an address of a 16-bit unsigned integer
number that ranges from 0 to 65535.
Leweyehu Y. 84
Addressing 4.5
Specific Addresses
Some application have user-friendly addresses that
are designed for that specific address
Example: e-mail address, URL, These addresses,
however, get changed to the corresponding port and
logical addresses by the sending computer
Leweyehu Y.
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