Noncompliance Jurisdiction
The Regional Trial Court shall have jurisdiction over any
Failure to comply with the provisions of violation of the provisions of this Act, including any
Chapter IV hereof specifically the orders from violation committed by a Filipino national regardless of
law enforcement authorities shall be punished the place of commission. Jurisdiction shall lie if any of the
as a violation of Presidential Decree No. 1829 elements was committed within the Philippines or
with imprisonment of prison correctional in its committed with the use of any computer system wholly or
maximum period or a fine of One hundred partly situated in the country, or when by such
thousand pesos (Php100,000.00) or both, for commission any damage is caused to a natural or
each and every noncompliance with an order juridical person who, at the lime the offense was
issued by law enforcement authorities. committed, was in the Philippines.
General Principles Relating to
International Cooperation
1. Executive Director of the Communications Technology Information and Office under the
Department of Science and Technology (ICTO-DOST) as Chairperson
1. To formulate a national cybersecurity 5. To coordinate the support and participation of the business sector,
plan and extend immediate assistance for local government units and nongovernment organizations in
the suppression of real-time commission cybercrime prevention programs and other related projects;
of cybercrime offenses through a
computer emergency response team 6. To recommend the enactment
of appropriate laws, issuances,
measures and policies;
2. To coordinate the preparation of
appropriate and effective measures to
prevent and suppress cybercrime 7. To call upon any government agency to
activities as provided for in this Act; 3. To render assistance in the accomplishment of the
monitor cybercrime cases being bandied CICC's mandated tasks and functions; and
by participating law enforcement and
prosecution agencies;
8. To perform all other matters related to cybercrime
3. To monitor cybercrime cases being prevention and suppression, including capacity building
bandied by participating law enforcement and such other functions and duties as may be necessary
and prosecution agencies; for the proper implementation of this Act.