Chapter 1 Shift of Educational Focus
Chapter 1 Shift of Educational Focus
Chapter 1 Shift of Educational Focus
Learning Outcomes
1. Explain the three (3) outstanding characteristics of
outcome-based education (OBE)
2. Distinguish between immediate outcomes and deferred
3. Distinguish among institutional outcomes, program
outcomes, course outcomes and learning outcomes
4. Differentiate educational objectives from learning outcomes
5. Formulate learning outcomes based on given educational
Education= educare, educere = to draw out
Ironically, we succeeded for centuries in
perpetuating the belief that education is a
“pouring in” process wherein the teacher is
the infallible giver of knowledge and the
student was a passive recipient.
Past Present
-The teacher was the infallible giver and/or -The teacher becomes facilitator of
source of knowledge knowledge, and assists in the organization,
interpretation and validation of acquired
facts and information
-Focus of instruction was content or subject - Focus of instruction is the learner
Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Characteristics
1. Student centered – places the students at the center of the
process by focusing on Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
2. Faculty driven – encourages faculty responsibility for:
a. teaching
b. assessing program outcomes
c. motivating participation from students
3. Meaningful – provides data to guide the teacher in making
valid and continuing improvement in instruction and
assessment activities.
Recommended Procedure to implement OBE
1. Identification of the educational objectives of
the subject/course
Educational objectives are broad goals that
the course expects to achieve. They define in
general terms the KSA that the teacher will help
the students to attain. Objectives are stated from
the point of view of the teacher such as: to
develop, to provide, to enhance, to inculcate, etc.
2. Listing of learning outcomes
Since course objectives are broadly stated,
they do not provide detailed guide to be
teachable and measurable. Learning outcomes
are stated as concrete active verbs such as: to
demonstrate, to explain, to differentiate, to
illustrate, etc. Good source is the taxonomy of
educational objectives by Benjamen Bloom
grouped into three (3):
a. Cognitive- Knowledge, head, mental skills such as:
remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing,
evaluating and synthesizing/creating
b. Psychomotor- Skills, hands, manual or physical skills
which proceed from mental activities and range from
simple to complex such as: observing, imitating, practicing,
adapting and innovating
c. Affective – Attitude, heart, growth in feelings or
emotions from simplest behavior to the most complex such
as: receiving, responding, valuing, organizing and
3. Drafting outcomes assessment procedure
This procedure will enable the teacher to
determine the degree to which the students are
attaining the desired learning outcomes. It
identifies for every outcome the data that will be
gathered which will guide the selection of the
assessment tools to be used and at what point
assessment will be done.
OBE focuses classroom instruction on the
skills and competencies that students must
demonstrate when they exit.
Types of outcome
1. Immediate outcomes are skills and competencies acquired upon a
completion of an instruction/lesson, a course, a grade level, a segment of
a program or of a program itself. These are referred to as instructional
Ability to communicate by writing and speaking
Mathematical problem-solving ability
Ability to do research
Skill in story telling
Promotion to a higher grade level
Passing the LET
2. Deferred outcomes refer to the ability to apply
cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills and
competencies in various situations many years after
completion of a degree program. These are referred to
as institutional outcomes.
Success in professional practice
Job promotion
Awards and recognition
Outcomes in OBE come in different levels:
-Uses basic thinking skills such as - requires higher thinking skills such as
knowledge, comprehension and application analysis, synthesis, evaluation
To enhance one’s skills and competencies To write an essay about the ideal set-up of a
in home economics (Psychomotor) house.