Biomolecules, like (DNA, RNA) nucleic acids, Amino acids, proteins, etc.
carry +ve /-ve charge with them.
Molecules with +ve charge moves toward cathode & Molecules with -ve
charge move toward Anode.
What is the principle of electrophoresis (1.5/20 + 17 + 15)
Migration and separation of charged particles (ions) under the
influence of an electric field.
a power pack
an electrophoresis unit
Electrophoresis units are available for running either vertical or horizontal gel systems
Vertical slab gel units are commercially available and routinely used to separate
proteins in acrylamide gels
The gel is formed between 2 glass plates that are clamped together but held apart by
plastic spacers.
The most commonly used units are the so-called mini gel apparatus
Gel dimensions are typically 8.5 cm wide and 5 cm high, with a thickness of 0.51 mm
A plastic comb is placed in the gel solution and is removed after polymerization to
provide loading wells for up to 10 samples.
Factors Affecting Electrophoresis (2/18 + 20 +17)
1. Number of charges on molecule:
The velocity of molecule ∝ Number of charges
If an increasing number of charges then electrophoretic Velocity is also increased.
(Al^+3 > Mg^2+ > Na+)
4. pH of buffer solution:
pH ↓ → ion ↑ ∝ Current ↑
If pH is decreased then the concentration of ions will be increased & more current
will flow.
5. Temperature:[optimum temperature is 4°C]
↑ temperature, ↑ diffusion
↑ temperature, ↑ evaporation
↑ temperature, ↓ density
The Net Charge is Determined by the pH of the Medium
o Various type has been used for the separation either on a slab or capillary form
• The higher the percentage of agarose, the smaller the pore size, thus the smaller the
molecules able to pass, and the slower the migration.
• In the molecular biology lab, 0.7-1% agarose gel is typically used for day-to-day DNA
separations, offering good, clear differentiation of fragments in the range of 0.2-10
Power supply
Gel tank
Electrical leads
Casting tray
The protocol can be divided into four stages
2. Sample and
1. Preparation Marking
of agarose gel Loading
Structure of (EDTA)
Gel casting tray & combs Preparing the casting tray
Seal the edges of the casting tray and put them in the combs. Place the
casting tray on a level surface.
None of the gel combs should touch the surface of the casting tray.
Agarose Buffer Solution
Agarose is insoluble at room The agarose solution is boiled until clear (right)
temperature left
• Gently swirl the solution periodically when heating to allow all the
grains of agarose to dissolve.
Allow the agarose solution to cool Each of the gel combs should be
by placing the flask in a water bath submerged in the melted
set at 55◦C. Add DNA dye, and mix Agarose solution. Remove air
by swirling. bubbles with a pin or pipette tip.
Then carefully pour the melted
agarose solution into the casting
tray. Avoid air bubbles.
Place the gel in the
When cooled, the agarose
electrophoresis chamber.
polymerizes, forming a flexible gel. It
should appear lighter in color when
completely cooled (30-‐45
Cathode Anode
Function of buffer (positive)
Loading dye
Mix the samples of DNA with 2X sample loading buffer containing a dye.
(Mix 1 part loading buffer with 1parts DNA sample).
Approximately 5-‐10 microliters (μL) of the sample are loaded into a well,
depending on the size of the well.
The dye in the loading buffer allows the samples to be seen when loading
onto the gel. Glycerol in the loading buffer increases the density of the
samples, causing them to sink into the wells.
The loading buffer dye, which migrates during electrophoresis, also helps
to monitor the progress of the separation.
Loading the Gel
o When the power is turned on, bubbles should form on the electrodes in the
electrophoresis chamber.
DNA Ladders
Take 1 gram of Agarose powder in a flask and mix with 100 ml of 1X TAE or TBE
Add 6 microliter Ethidium Bromide and pore gel to the casting tray
Take 2 microliter DNA sample and mix with 2 microliter loading dye and load gel
2. Analytical Applications-
Determination of DNA sequences Analysis of
PCR products, e.g. in molecular genetic
diagnosis or genetic fingerprinting.
4. Vaccine Analysis
Advantage Disadvantage
R+ M → RM·
RM + M →RMM·
RMM + M → RMMM· etc.
The pore size in the gel can be varied by changing the concentrations of both the
acrylamide and bis-acrylamide.
The smaller pore size introduces a sieving effect that contributes to the
separation of proteins according to their size.
The procedure of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
Step 3:
Pour acrylamide solution into a separating
Quantifying proteins
Blotting applications
Advantages & Disadvantages of
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
Advantage Disadvantage
Toxic monomers
Stable chemically cross- Gels are tedious to prepare and often
linked gel leak
Sharp bands Need new gel for each experiment
Good for separation of low
molecular weight fragments
Diiference between Agarose and PAGE (2/18)
Agarose is poured horizontally, while
polyacrylamide is poured vertically.
Agarose is used for large fragment ( more than 3 kbps ) and PAGE is used for small
fragment ( less than 2 kbps )
Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)
Mention the visualization process, application , advantage
and disadvantage (3/17 + 15)
o Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
(SDS–PAGE) is the most widely used method for analyzing protein
mixtures qualitatively.
Process of SDS-PAGE
4. Boil the samples for 10 minutes to
completely denatures the proteins.
5. Assemble the gel into the apparatus.
6. Pour the buffer solution into the
chamber ( Tris Glycerin Chloride ) .
7. Load 20uL of samples into the well.
8. After that, run electrophoresis by
connecting the current supplies.
Visualization of protein bands
Coomassie Blue
• Traditional method requires staining followed by de-staining to remove
background gel staining.
• Most common and least sensitive
• Limited to ~100ng of protein
Silver Stain
• Most sensitive test
• Detection limit: 0.1-1.0ng of protein
A. Staining band with Western blot;
B. Coomassie blue stain;
C. Silver stain
Application of SDS-PAGE:
Application of SDS-PAGE and advantage & disadvantage (2/20)
• It Is used for analyzing protein mixtures qualitatively, particularly useful for
monitoring protein purification and it can also be used to determine the relative
molecular mass of proteins.
Advantages Disadvantages
Composition Equal throughout the whole gel; made up of Two gels with different
agarose concentrations; made up of
Pore Size Pore size is not uniform; higher the agarose Pore size is uniform; the ratio of
concentration, smaller the pore size acrylamide to bis-acrylamide
determines the pore size
• The range of different charges and sizes of proteins in a given protein
mixture can be identified
• Biological activity of the protein of interest can be known Since the protein
is not denatured.
Isoelectric Focusing
Principle of IEF (2/20)
This method is also known as electro focusing, ideal for the separation of
amphoteric substances (Amphoteric compounds or ions that can react both
as acid and base) such as proteins.
Each protein has its own isoelectric pH, pI = pH at which the protein has an
equal amount of positive and negative charges (the net charge is zero).
It gives good separation with a high resolution compared to any
other method.
Resolution depends on
The pH gradient,
The thickness of the gel
Time of electrophoresis,
The applied voltage,
Diffusion of the protein into the gel.
• Thus, thousands of proteins can be separated, and information about IEF and
molecular weights can be obtained. There are several steps for a successful 2-
DE analysis.
Mr = molecular weight
• For large-format gels, the first dimension (isoelectric focusing) is carried
out in an acrylamide gel that has been cast on a plastic strip (18 cm 3 mm
• The gel contains ampholytes (for forming the pH gradient) together with 8
M urea and a non-ionic detergent, both of which denature and maintain the
solubility of the proteins being analyzed. The denatured proteins therefore
separate in this gel according to their isoelectric points.
• The IEF strip is then incubated in a sample buffer containing SDS (thus
binding SDS to the denatured proteins) and then placed between the glass
plates of, and on top of, a previously prepared 10% SDS–PAGE gel.
• Electrophoresis is commenced and the SDS-bound proteins run into the gel
and separate according to size. The IEF gels are provided as dried strips and
need rehydrating overnight.
• The first dimension IEF run takes 68 h, the equilibration step with SDS
sample buffer takes about 15 min, and then the SDS–PAGE step takes about
5 h.
Western Blotting
Western Blotting is used to identify the large
molecular antigen (usually protein) that can
interact with specific antibodies and
determine the antigen of the MV (Measles
Virus) .
First, the primary antibody (e.g. raised in a rabbit) detects the protein of
interest on the blot.