Safe Use of Power Tools Rev0
Safe Use of Power Tools Rev0
Safe Use of Power Tools Rev0
Consultnet Limited
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improperly used. There are several types of power tools, based on the power source they use: electric, pneumatic, liquid fuel, hydraulic, and powder-actuated. Power tools include: drills, grinders, impact tools, jack hammers, riveting guns, sanders, saws, sprayers and wrenches. Employees should be trained in the use of all tools - not just power tools. They should understand the potential hazards as well as the safety precautions to prevent those hazards from occurring.
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employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of all of his or her employees. Of particular relevance is the requirement on the design, provision and maintenance of (i) safe workplaces (ii) safe means of access to and egress from the workplace and (iii) safe plant and machinery. Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007; which contains general requirements for the use of work equipment and on electricity. The requirements for work equipment include that: It is suitable for the work to be done and used without risk; When selecting work equipment account is taken of the working conditions and hazards of the workplace; Where risks cannot be fully eliminated they are minimised; Where the work equipment gives rise to specific tasks, its use is restricted to those who are required to use it and that employees who have to carry out repairs are competent to do so; Employees are given information and instruction on the use of the equipment; It is properly maintained; In the case of work equipment which is exposed to conditions causing deterioration liable to result in a danger to safety or health, periodic inspections and, where appropriate, testing are carried out.
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Where work being carried on, or likely to be carried on, in a manner which may endanger his or her safety, health or welfare or that of another person; Of any defect in the place of work, the systems of work or in any article or substance likely to endanger him or her or another person; A breach of safety and health legislation likely to endanger him or her or another person which comes to his or her attention. Consultnet Limited 6
Safety Training
Power Tool Safety
Specific Hazards
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fingers; This can be anything from a minor cut to losing the entire finger; 8 Consultnet Limited Approximately half off all finger amputations each year are the
unlikely; Burns from hot parts of the engine; Fire from the use of highly flammable petrol as a fuel; Possible noise hazard from the drive motor and cutting action; Eye and face puncture wounds from ejected particles; Health hazard from vibration causing white finger and other problems; Back strain from carrying the machine while operating; Health hazards from animal faeces.
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Safety Training
Power Tool Safety
for the purpose and location in which they are to be used; Inspection - all tools should be maintained in a safe and proper condition; Training - all users of hand tools should be properly trained in their use. This may well have been done through apprenticeships and similar training;
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For example, portable circular saws must be equipped with guards. An upper guard must cover the entire blade of the saw. A retractable lower guard must cover the teeth of the saw, except when it makes contact with the work material. The lower guard must automatically return to the covering position when the tool is withdrawn from the work.
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Portable circular saws equipped with guards above and below the base plate or shoe. The lower guard shall cover the saw to the depth of the teeth.
Nip Point
Machine guards must protect the operator and others from: Point of operation; In-running nip points; Rotating parts; Flying chips and sparks. Consultnet Limited
Shuts off power upon release; Examples: circular saw, chain saw, grinder, handheld power drill.
On-Off Switch
Examples: routers, planers, laminate trimmers, shears, jig saws, nibblers, scroll saws.
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Always use eye protection; Turn off the power when not in use; Never clamp a hand-held grinder in a vice. Consultnet Limited
result in a disintegrating wheel. This could lead to serious injury or death. Before mounting: inspect closely for damage; perform sound- or ringtest to ensure free from cracks / defects.
To test:
tap wheel gently with a light, non-metallic instrument; if wheel sounds cracked or dead, do not use it because it could fly apart.
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To prevent cracking:
Fit the wheel on the spindle freely; Tighten the spindle nut enough to hold the wheel in place without distorting the flange; Let the tool come up to speed prior to grinding or cutting; Dont stand in front of the wheel as it comes up to full speed; Use eye and/or face protection.
Ensure the spindle speed doesnt exceed the maximum speed marked on the wheel
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jacks - must have a device that stops them from jacking up too high. Also, the manufacturer's load limit must be permanently marked in a prominent place on the jack and should not be exceeded. A jack should never be used to support a lifted load. Once the load has been lifted, it must immediately be blocked up. Use wooden blocking under the base if necessary to make the jack level and secure. If the lift surface is metal, place a 1inch-thick hardwood block or equivalent between it and the metal jack head to reduce the danger of slippage.
All jacks - lever and ratchet jacks, screw jacks, and hydraulic
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SAWS?? Use 110 volt supply to reduce risk of lethal electric shock. Use of residual current device gives additional protection. Tools should be earthed and double insulated. awareness of working near water. When making adjustments, unplug the saw. Saws must be checked regularly by a competent electrician. Check for the presence of electrical and other services before cutting or drilling.
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Is it safe?
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Keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance. Use the right tool for the job. Examine each tool for damage before use. Operate according to the manufacturer's instructions. Provide and use the proper protective equipment. Employees and employers have a responsibility to work together to establish safe working procedures. If a hazardous situation is encountered, it should be brought to the attention of the proper individual immediately.
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Safety Training
Power Tool Safety
Electrical service cords should be in good condition. Remove from service any equipment with frayed cords or
exposed wires, Never use temporary wiring. All electrical equipment must be grounded, use 3-pronged plugs Water can turn anything into an electrical conductor - dont stand in water or have water on your hands when using electrical equipment. Follow the safe work procedures on electrical isolation and tagging. Dont Use Nails, Staples, Screws, etc, To Attach Or Fasten A Cord Or Plug. Never bypass any safety device on a piece of electrical equipment. No electrical work shall be performed except by a qualified person. Never use temporary wiring. Keep electrical cables in a safe & good condition away from water & traffic. Hazards increase with the frequency of use and the harshness of the environment. Consultnet Limited 40
inserting or removing plugs. Dont pull or jerk cord to unplug equipment. Dont stack a plug as this can overload the power point and result in a fire. Use a single plug for each electrical connection. Keep power cords clear of heat, water, sharp objects, etc. Extension cords make sure they are the right size and rating for your tools.
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Protective Systems Fuses Earthing Isolation Reduced low voltage systems Residual current devices Double insulation
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Touching a live wire and an electrical ground, or Touching a live wire and another wire at a different voltage.
Path of current through the body; Amount of current flowing through the body (amps); Duration of the shocking current through the body.
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calling for help from colleagues (including a trained first aider). Switch off the power if it is possible and/or the position of the emergency isolation switch is known. Call for an ambulance. If it is not possible to switch off the power, then push or pull the person away from the conductor using an object made from a good insulator, such as a wooden chair or broom. Remember to stand on dry insulating material, for example, a wooden pallet, rubber mat or wooden box. If these precautions are not taken, then the rescuer will also be electrocuted. If the person is breathing, place them in the recovery position so that an open airway is maintained and the mouth can drain if necessary. If the person is not breathing apply mouth to mouth resuscitation and, in the absence of a pulse, chest compressions. When the person is breathing normally place them in the recovery position. Treat any burns by placing a sterile dressing over the burn and secure with a bandage. Any loose skin or blisters should not be touched nor any lotions or ointments applied to the burn wound. If the person regains consciousness, treat for normal shock. Remain with the person until they are taken to a: hospital or local surgery. Consultnet Limited 44
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equipment, the first action must be the isolation of the power supply so that the circuit is no longer live. Where it is not possible to switch off the current, the fire must be attacked in a way which will not cause additional danger. The use of a non-conducting extinguishing medium, such as carbon dioxide or powder, is necessary. After extinguishing such a fire careful watch should be kept for renewed outbreaks until the fault has been rectified. Re-ignition is a particular problem when carbon dioxide extinguishers are used, although less equipment may be damaged than is the case when powder is used.
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Extension cords are approved for temporary use only. If extended use is required, hard wiring such as a new outlet should be installed. Extension cords are easily frayed, a condition which may expose bare wires. If not properly placed, extension cords may also become a trip hazard.
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Power cords are doubly insulated and should be replaced if the outer layer of insulation becomes 49 frayed Consultnet Limitedwires. exposing
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Electrical Safety
Remember There is no such thing as a minor electric shock; they are all serious events and each has the potential to extinguish life in seconds
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Safety Training
Power Tool Safety
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Chainsaws Concrete breakers/road drills Hammer drills Hand-held grinders Hand-held sanders Nut runners Pedestal grinders Power hammers and chisels Powered lawnmowers Riveting hammers and bolsters Strimmers/brush cutters Swaging machines.
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Attacks of whitening (blanching) of one or more fingers when exposed to cold/wet Tingling and loss of sensation in the fingers Loss of light touch Pain and cold sensations between periodic white finger attacks Loss of grip strength Bone cysts in fingers and wrists
Stockholm Classification
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Painful finger blanching attacks (triggered by cold or wet conditions) Loss of sense of touch and temperature Numbness and tingling Loss of grip strength Loss of manual dexterity Unable to work in cold/wet conditions Unable to do leisure activities such as fishing, golf, swimming Need to avoid further exposure to vibration, or cold and wet conditions Have difficulty handling tools and materials and with tasks requiring fine finger manipulation
o o o o o
Replace vibration mounts before they are worn out; Ensure rotating parts are checked for balance and replace them if necessary; Keep tools sharp. Get advice from your trade association on best practice. Get advice from the equipment manufacturer on safe use of the equipment.
Mechanise or automate the work or change the way of working Ask the manufacturer to add anti-vibration mounts to isolate the operator
from the vibration source
Provide tool support to take the weight of the tool allowing the operator to reduce grip
and feed force Introduce a purchasing policy specifying low vibration performance for new equipment Consultnet Limited 60
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The daily exposure limit value standardised to an eight-hour reference period shall be 5 m/s 2. The daily exposure action value standardised to an eight-hour reference period shall be 2,5 m/s 2.
Safety Training
Power Tool Safety
prevent injury or illness from a specific hazard. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) includes safety equipment for protection of eyes, hearing, foot, Head and the total body. The type of PPE used depends on the hazards you are likely to come in contact with. When using any PPE always inspect the equipment before each use, and clean and store the equipment according to the manufacturers instructions. PPE devices alone should not be relied on to provide protection against hazards, but should be used in conjunction with guards, engineering controls, and sound work practices. PPE is the last line of defense against hazards and should only be used after every reasonable effort has been made to eliminate the Limited Consultnet hazard. 65
standard (e.g. CE mark). Choose equipment which suits the wearerconsider size, fit and weight. Make sure it fits properly. Where more than one item of PPE is in use make sure they are compatible. Instruct and train people in its use why it is needed, when to use it and what its limitations are.
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Head Protection
Must be worn at all times within designated areas
on construction and industrial sites.
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Foot Protection
Safety boots fitted with steel caps must be
worn at all times on entering construction sites
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Many people are blinded each year by work related eye injuries. Injuries that could have been prevented if people had used the correct eye or face protection
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Safety Glasses
Unbreakable lenses
of plastic or tempered glass with side shields. For light-tomoderate work. Can be prescription lenses contact Safety Department for appointment.
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risk of splash of chemicals or projectiles. Can be worn over prescription glasses. Goggles fit the face immediately surrounding the eyes and form a protective seal around the eyes. This prevents objects from entering under or around the goggles.
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Face Shield
Work with significant risk
of splash on face or possible explosion. Face shield protects face adequately but not eyes. When worn alone, face shields do not protect employees from impact hazards. Use face shields in combination with safety spectacles or goggles for additional protection.
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Common Workplace Injury. Gradual Increase Over Time. Damage Can Be Caused Without Pain. Incorrect Protection Or Protection Worn
Incorrectly Can Be Equally Damaging.
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Hand Protection
Gloves should be worn wherever
possible to prevent injury and chemical contact.
Protective Gloves
Physical, Temperature, Chemical and
Electrical Hazards. Match chemical resistance to materials in use. No consensus standards for industry. Follow manufacturers recommendations. Web site: & Glove Manufacturers websites.
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Respirators are an effective method of protection against
designated hazards when properly selected and worn. Includes disposable respirators, half masks, full face mask respirator and breathing apparatus. Make sure you use the right type of respirator filter. If a respirator is used improperly or not kept clean, the respirator can become a hazard to you. Read and follow all instructions provided by the manufacturer on use, maintenance, cleaning and care, and warnings regarding the limitations of the respirator. Do not wear your respirator into atmospheres containing contaminants for which your respirator is not designed to prevent against. For example, a respirator designed to filter dust particles will not protect you against gasses or vapors. Keep track of your respirator so that you do not mistakenly use someone elses respirator.
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Respiratory Protection
Respirator types
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5, 10 or 50 times the exposure limits. Must be estimated to prevent breakthrough; Website or consult with HSE. Where respirator seals against skin.
Cartridge life:
Clean shaven:
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All hazards involved in the use of power tools can be prevented by following basic safety rules:
Keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance. Examine each tool for damage before use & report faulty, ineffective or poorly maintained tools & remove from work area; Select-Inspect-Reject (SIR). Use the right tool for the job. Operate according to the manufacturer's instructions. If you are unsure ASK. Start slow, then increase speed (drills, saws, screwdrivers). Cut, Drill, Saw AWAY from your body when possible. Only use' accessories and attachments that are described in the operating instructions or are provided or recommended by the tool manufacturer Using safe handling techniques. Keep workshops and storage spaces clean and dry to prevent accidents. Sparks ignite scraps, sawdust and solvents. Water conducts electricity. Prior to plugging or unplugging tools, be sure the power switch is turned to "OFF." And never disconnect power by pulling on the cord. If working on a ladder or scaffolding, carefully set your power tools on a flat surface or in a bin secured to the ladder itself. Remove rings, jewelry or loose clothing before operating a power tool. Wear personal protective equipment, such as face shields, safety goggles and disposable masks.
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Power Saw
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