14.3 Control of Blood Glucose Concentration
14.3 Control of Blood Glucose Concentration
14.3 Control of Blood Glucose Concentration
• Dry mouth
• Blurred vision
• Feel very thirsty
• Heart rate increase
• Breathing rate increase
Need to inject themselves with insulin to reduce blood
glucose concentration
Type II - hypoglycemia
On the other hand
1. Not eating carbohydrate for a long time will cause the blood glucose
concentration to drop very low
2. No insulin has been secreted
3. Liver has not built-up stores of glycogen (be broken down to
produce glucose)
4. Cells do not have a supply of glucose to release energy by
5. The person feels very tired and may show confusion and irrational
6. Eventually, they can become unconscious
1. Having blood glucose concentration that swing (савлах)
very high and very low, over long periods of time, do
damage to numerous body organs
2. It is important that a person with type 1 diabetes tries to
keep their blood glucose concentration normal limits
3. People with diabetes get into the habit of checking their
blood glucose concentration regularly
4. They can also test their urine for glucose, using a simple
dipstick (dip - дүрэх)