Account Set Up

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VisionPLUS Training


Session 2
Part 2 – Account Set Up

Presented by: Vasan Ponnagatti


What is an Account?
Account Definition in VisionPLUS
Account Creation in VisionPLUS
Functional Flow
Technical Flow
What is an Account?
What is account, why do we need them?
Mechanism to track the customers for all their
activities like purchases, payments, Customer
details, communication etc.

What does account contain?

Information like name, credit limit, OTB, billing cycle,
available credit balance, cash limit, block codes,
PCT, History etc.
Account Definition in
An Established account for a customer consists
of the following records:
• Customer Name/Address
• Account Base Segment
• Embosser (optional)
• At least one Credit Plan Segment
• Relationship (optional)
Account Definition in
Customer Name/Address (ARMN / AMNA)
This record contains all of the customer’s
demographic information
 Full name

 Mailing address

 Telephone number

 Place of employment

This is a “one time creation” record and is used

across multiple accounts that the customer may
have with the organization
Account Definition in
Account Base Segment (ARMB / AMBS)
This record contains current and historical information
for the account. The Account Base Segment record
controls the following processing options for an account:
 Billing cycle

 Processing flags

 Block codes

 Card numbering scheme (for relationship

Account Definition in
Major groupings of data in Account Base
Segment (ARMB / AMBS)

1) Account processing data

Ex: Org, Logo, acct type,card scheme, acct
status, PCT, CRLIM, OTB, Block codes etc.
2) Billing and Statement data
Ex: Billing cycle, stmt freq, stmt flag, date
next stmt etc.
3) Account dates
Ex: Date opened, date crlim, date block code,date
pmt due,date last maint, date into coll etc
Account Definition in
Major groupings of data in Account Base
Segment (ARMB / AMBS) …..

4) Historical data
Ex: Delinquency, Payment etc.
5) Misc User fields
Ex: User dates, amounts,user values etc.
6) Authorization fields
Ex: Nbr Auths, Memo db, memo cr, warning
codes etc.
7) Insurance fields
Ex: Insurance products, premium etc.
Account Definition in
Embosser (optional) (ARME / AMED)
The Embosser record (AMED) contains
information about the plastic, or card. The
Embosser record includes the name embossed on
the card, the type of card requested, the number
of cards outstanding, and the number of cards
returned by the cardholder.
Account Definition in
Credit Plan Segment (ARMA / AMPS)
This record is similar to a “mini-account” within a
customer’s account. CMS allows up to 99 different Credit
Plan Segment records for each Account Base Segment

Note: Unlike the other records that make up a customer’s

account, CMS automatically generates Credit Plan
Segment records when monetary activity posts to an
Account Definition in
Relationship (optional) (ARGM / AMRM)
This record contains information that applies to all the associated
accounts within a relationship. The information in a Relationship
record includes
 credit limit of the relationship
 the credit limit of the subordinate accounts
 flag that indicates if you can change the credit limit at the subordinate
account level

Types of Relationships
 Multiple cards and authorized signers
 Corporate account with subordinate responsibility
 Combination type
Account Definition in
Relationship Record
For Vikas

Base Segment 1 Base Segment 2

Account: Gold Credit Card Account: Home Loan

Embosser 1 Embosser 2 Embosser 3

Primary: Vikas Secondary: Ravi Secondary: Lata

Customer Info 1 Customer Info 2 Customer Info 3

Vikas Ravi Lata
Account Creation in

V+ Accounts

CDM (PTVP) Local system(AML1) ARSB Onlin e

APIA screen NBO lo cal sys ARAB ARAN ARAE ARGA

Functional Flow

Set Up Of Account Microsoft

PowerPoint Presentation

 Thru CDM (PTVP) AML1 log file

 Local interface system

ARSB screen online

 PowerPoint Presentation
Technical Flow

A M B S , A M E D , A M N A , A M R M , A TL 1 , A M C R

N on m on etary ed it

E m b os s er d etail B as e s eg m en t Microsoft
PowerPoint Presentation

N am e an d A d d res s P lan s eg m en ts

R elation s h ip M as ter
Technical Flow contd..
ARD040 PowerPoint Presentation

A M C R , A TU I, A TC C

F ile m ain tain an c e jou rn al
U p d ate

B as e s eg m en t m ain tain an c e & rec overy

B as e s eg m en t m as ter file

 Thru Action codes

If V+ format for Accounts is not used, then

conversion programs are run to format Accts
from third party structure & sourced to V+
 Ex: NBO
D05 ( New Accounts report)
Generated by ARD140 (D140ATRF)
and ARD340 prints this.

R02 ((Base segment maintenance

 Generated and printed by ARD040.

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