Islam Is Complete Code of Life
Islam Is Complete Code of Life
Islam Is Complete Code of Life
Roll# 29809
Presented to
Dr. Muhammad Shafiq sb
lslam is a complete code of Iife
Personal Life
Family Life
Social Life
Economical Life
Political Life
International Life
Cultural life
Personal Life:
o Purity and c/eanlinese,
He has certainly succeeded who purifies
o A healthy diet,
[Allah said],"0 messengers, aat from the good foods and work
righteousness. Indeed, I, of what you do, am Knowing.
o Proper clothing,
o Proper behaviour.
o Good healthy sexual relations within marriage.
e Islamic prascription: A family is a human social group whose
members ara bound together by the bond of bIDDd tias and/or
marital relationship and nothing alse (adoption, mutual alliance,
common law, trial marriage.... etc.)
“O you w'ho believed Pfanzf out firm/y fbr A//eh, as w'ifness fa fair ales/ing,
}usz/ce. Be/est: and faar Allah. for Atlah is w'e/f•acqoa/nfed with alt that o.”
(5 8)
Social Life:
o Islamic prescription: Man is ordained by God to extend his
utmost help and kindness to other family members, relations,
servants and neighbours. No superiority on account of class,
colour, origin or wealth.
• Hadith states”Eat what you feel like and weac what you
feel like. But avoid two things: extravagance and arrogance.’
• only two Muslin fesâvHs set down in Islamic law
Eid- ul-Fitr (Brealdng the Fast)and Eid-ul-
Adha( festival of sacri6ce)
• Bothareact-oriented, not personality-based.
• Islam does recognize happy occasions that bring
people doserto one another, and add spice to their
lives However, lshm goes against blindly imitating
the West regarding a special occasion such as
Valentine's Day.
In Quran, Allah Almighty says: