Islam Is Complete Code of Life

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Roll# 29809
Presented to
Dr. Muhammad Shafiq sb
lslam is a complete code of Iife
Personal Life
Family Life
Social Life
Economical Life
Political Life
International Life
Cultural life
Personal Life:
o Purity and c/eanlinese,
He has certainly succeeded who purifies
o A healthy diet,

[Allah said],"0 messengers, aat from the good foods and work
righteousness. Indeed, I, of what you do, am Knowing.

o Proper clothing,
o Proper behaviour.
o Good healthy sexual relations within marriage.
e Islamic prascription: A family is a human social group whose
members ara bound together by the bond of bIDDd tias and/or
marital relationship and nothing alse (adoption, mutual alliance,
common law, trial marriage.... etc.)

Marrlage is a religious duty on all who ara capable of meetings its

responaibilities. Each member of the family has rights and
Islam doee not emphasize upon the religious life of a person only, rather it
commends the followers to be honest in every walk of life, especially when it
comes to trading in the form of buying and selling In Quran, Allah Almighty says:

“O you w'ho believed Pfanzf out firm/y fbr A//eh, as w'ifness fa fair ales/ing,

}usz/ce. Be/est: and faar Allah. for Atlah is w'e/f•acqoa/nfed with alt that o.”
(5 8)
Social Life:
o Islamic prescription: Man is ordained by God to extend his
utmost help and kindness to other family members, relations,
servants and neighbours. No superiority on account of class,
colour, origin or wealth.

Humanity represents one family springing from one and the

same father and mother. The unity of humanity is not only
in its origin but also in its ultimate aims.
Sovereignty belongs to Allah.
Ruler is not an acting Executive.
Responsibility of the State.
a Rulers and administrator's Criteria. a
Consequences of odd behavior.
a Non Muslim's Right in Islam.
International Life:
o Status of Man in community.
o Interests and rights of other peopte.
o Justification of War.
o Principle of War.
Characteristics of Islamic dress
• while all orhcr animals havea skin lhat jxovides them
protection against dte elements, human beings don't have it,
cl in that dre xly ua \y. F‹
thc middle part of the body from navel to knee. For won+en, it
is the entire Lxݢly oxcept hBnds and eyes.
hat of opposite gender. The
blessed Rophct cursed rhe men who act like women and the
women who act like men“ (ml-Bukharin
• Dress should be DifTer from appearance of unbelievers.
prophe!(s.s.w) said:” who resembles wiih anyone, will b e with

• Hadith states”Eat what you feel like and weac what you
feel like. But avoid two things: extravagance and arrogance.’
• only two Muslin fesâvHs set down in Islamic law
Eid- ul-Fitr (Brealdng the Fast)and Eid-ul-
Adha( festival of sacri6ce)
• Bothareact-oriented, not personality-based.
• Islam does recognize happy occasions that bring
people doserto one another, and add spice to their
lives However, lshm goes against blindly imitating
the West regarding a special occasion such as
Valentine's Day.
In Quran, Allah Almighty says:

a Islamic system of education is based on religion (Islam) a It

is natural system of education.
o Its content of education is based on shareeah.
a Curriculum is based on Wohi.
o Formal and informal education equally necessary for
this system.
NlfYotl AŁŁ

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