Secmm CC Theme 1 Key Idea 9

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KS3 Mastery PD Materials: Exemplified Key Ideas

Materials for use in the classroom or to support professional development discussions

Using a letter to represent unknowns

(From 1.4 Simplifying and manipulating

expressions, equations and formulae)

Summer 2021
About this resource
• These slides are designed to complement the
1.4 Simplifying and manipulating expressions, equations and formulae Core
Concept document and its associated Theme Overview document
1 The Structure of the number system, both found in the
Secondary Mastery Professional Development pages.
• These slides re-present the key examples from the Core Concept document so that
the examples can be used either directly in the classroom or with a group of
teachers. There are prompt questions alongside the examples, and further
clarification in the notes.
• These slides do not fully replicate the Core Concept document, so should be used
alongside it. Reference to specific page numbers, and to other useful NCETM
resources, can be found in the notes for each slide.
• This slide deck is not designed to be a complete PD session, rather it is a selection
of resources that you can adapt and use as needed when planning a session with a
group of teachers.
About this resource
The slides are structured as follows:
• The big picture: The exemplified key idea slides have the following symbols to
indicate how they have been designed to be used:
• Where does this fit in?
Into the classroom
• What do students need to understand? The examples are presented on these slides so
• Why is this key idea important? that they could be used in PD, but also directly
in the classroom. The notes feature suggested
• Prior learning questions and things teachers might consider
• Misconceptions when using with students.
• Exemplified key ideas PD discussion prompts
• Reflection questions These slides look at the examples in more
detail, with question prompts to promote
• Appendices: discussion among maths teachers. The notes
• Key vocabulary feature reference to further information and
guidance within the Core Concepts document.
• Representations and structure
• Previous and Future learning
• Useful links
Where does this fit in?
The NCETM has identified a set of six ‘mathematical themes’ within Key Stage
3 mathematics that bring together a group of ‘core concepts’.

The first of these themes is The structure of the number system, which covers
the following interconnected core concepts:
1.1 Place value, estimation and rounding
1.2 Properties of number
1.3 Ordering and comparing
1.4 Simplifying and manipulating expressions, equations and formulae
'Knowledge, skills and understanding' Key ideas
statements (* = key ideas exemplified in guidance documents)
1.4.1 Understand and use the conventions and Understand that a letter can be used to represent a generalised number
vocabulary of algebra including forming and Understand that algebraic notation follows particular conventions and that following these aids clear communication
interpreting algebraic expressions and Know the meaning of and identify: term, coefficient, factor, product, expression, formula and equation
equations* Understand and recognise that a letter can be used to represent a specific unknown value or a variable Unde rs ta nd tha t re la tions hips ca n be ge ne ra lis e d us ing a lge bra ic s ta te me nts Unde rs ta nd tha t s ubs tituting pa rticula r va lue s into a ge ne ra lis e d a lge bra ic s ta te me nt give s a s e ns e of how the va lue of the e xpre s s ion cha nge s
1.4.2 Simplify algebraic expressions by collecting Identify like terms in an expression, generalising an understanding of unitising
like terms to maintain equivalence Simplify expressions by collecting like terms
1.4.3 Manipulate algebraic expressions using the* Understand how to use the distributive law to multiply an expression by a term such as 3(a + 4b ) and 3p 2(2p + 3b )
distributive law to maintain equivalence Understand how to use the distributive law to factorise expressions where there is a common factor, such as 3a + 12b and 6p 3 + 9p 2b Apply understanding of the distributive law to a range of problem-solving situations and contexts (including collecting like terms, multiplying an
expression by a single term and factorising), e.g. 10 – 2(3a + 5), 3(a ± 2b ) ± 4(2ab ± 6b ), etc.
1.4.4 Find products of binomials Use the distributive law to find the product of two binomials Understand and use the special case when the product of two binomials is the difference of two squares Find more complex binomial products
1.4.5 Rearrange formulae to change the subject* Understand that an additive relationship between variables can be written in a number of different ways Understand that a multiplicative relationship between variables can be written in a number of different ways Apply an understanding of inverse operations to a formula in order to make a specific variable the subject (in a wide variety of increasingly
complex mix of operations)

Where does this fit in?

Within this core concept, 1.4 Simplifying and manipulating expressions, equations and formulae, there are three statements of
knowledge, skills and understanding.
These, in turn, are broken down into seventeen key ideas. The highlighted key idea is exemplified in this slide deck.
What do students need to understand? Understand and recognise that a
letter can be used to represent a specific • What prior knowledge might
unknown value or a variable your students already have?
• Understand that unknown quantities can • What language might they
be named and operated on. use to describe this key
• Understand that a letter stands for a • What questions might you
variable and can take a range of values. want to ask to assess their
prior learning?
Why is this key idea important?
• The fundamental understanding in this set of key ideas is that a letter can be used to
represent a generalised number and that algebraic notation is used to generalise
number properties, structures and relationships. Students should have a clear
understanding of the particular number relationships before generalising using algebra.
• One of the ways in which students interpret algebraic expressions and equations is to
work from the general to the particular. For example, to interpret the meaning of an
algebraic statement, such as 3x + 5 or x2 – 2, it is important that students consider the
• ‘How does the value of the expression change as the value of x changes?’
• ‘When does the expression take a particular value?’
• Students should realise that there is a difference between situations where a letter
represents a variable which can take any value across a certain domain and where,
because of some restriction being imposed (e.g. 3x + 5 = 7, x2 – 2 = 9 or 3x + 5 = x2 –
2), it has a particular value (which may be as yet unknown).
Prior learning
Upper Key Stage 2 Learning Outcome
• Use their knowledge of the order of operations to carry
out calculations involving the four operations • What prior knowledge might
your students already have?
• Use Simple formulae
• What language might they
• Express missing number problems algebraically use to describe this key
• Find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with two
unknowns • What questions might you
want to ask to assess their
• Enumerate possibilities of combinations of two variables
prior learning?
• Be introduced to the use of symbols and letters to
represent variables and unknowns in mathematical
situations that they already understand (non-statutory
Checking prior learning

• The following slides contain questions for checking prior learning.

• What representations might students use to support their understanding of
these questions?
• What variation might you put in place for these questions to fully assess
students’ understanding of the concept?
• How might changing the language of each question change the difficulty?
• Why are these such crucial pre-requisites for this key idea?
Checking prior learning (1)
a) Which of the following statements do you agree with? Explain your

● The value 5 satisfies the symbol sentence + 2 = 17

● The value 7 satisfies the symbol sentence × 2 = 10 +

● The value 6 solves the equation 20 – x = 10

● The value 5 solves the equation 20 ÷ x = x - 1

Checking prior learning (2)
b) Dev says,
10 + a

10 ÷ a

a - 10

10 - a
a is the amount of money, in pounds, that Dev
gave away. a 10
Which expression shows how much money
Dev has left?
Common difficulties and misconceptions

• What aspects of this key idea might pupils find challenging?

• What misconceptions might pupils have?

When teaching this topic, you may find students encounter difficulties with…
1) use of letters in mathematics
More information, and some suggestions for overcoming these challenges, can
be found on the following slides.
Common difficulties and misconceptions (1)
• Dietmar Küchemann (1978) identified the following six categories of letter usage
by students (in hierarchical order):
• Letter evaluated: the letter is assigned a numerical value from the outset, e.g. a = 1.
• Letter not used: the letter is ignored, or at best acknowledged, but without given meaning,
e.g. 3a taken to be 3.
• Letter as object: shorthand for an object or treated as an object in its own right, e.g. a = apple.
• Letter as specific unknown: regarded as a specific but unknown number and can be operated
on directly.
• Letter as generalised number: seen as being able to take several values rather than just one.
• Letter as variable: representing a range of unspecified values, and a systematic relationship
is seen to exist between two sets of values.
• The first three offer an indication of the difficulties and misconceptions students
might have. The last three outline the progression that students need to make as
they develop an increasingly sophisticated view of the way letters are used to
represent number.
Understand that unknown quantities can be named and operated on

Example 1

For each of the following statements, use a letter to represent the number Isla is
thinking of and write the statement using letters and numbers.
a) ‘I am thinking of a number and I add three.’
b) ‘I am thinking of a number and I multiply by two and add three.’
c) ‘I am thinking of a number and I add three and multiply by two.’
d) ‘I am thinking of a number and I multiply by three and add two.’
Understand that unknown quantities can be named and operated on

Example 1

For each of the following statements, use a letter to • What is the effect of the
represent the number Isla is thinking of and write the
variation in this example?
statement using letters and numbers.
a) ‘I am thinking of a number and I add three.’
• What language might you want
to introduce to support students
b) ‘I am thinking of a number and I multiply by two and
add three.’
in discussing this example?
c) ‘I am thinking of a number and I add three and • How might you model the
multiply by two.’ similarities and differences
d) ‘I am thinking of a number and I multiply by three between each expression?
and add two.’
Understand that unknown quantities can be named and operated on

Example 1 (cont’d)
• What other ways might there be of helping students
For each of the following
statements, use a letter to to see that unknown quantities can be worked on?
represent the number Isla is
thinking of and write the statement
• You could try this activity with a group of teachers:
using letters and numbers. • Ask two people to each think of a number, one has to
a) ‘I am thinking of a number and I think of a two-digit integer, and one has to think of a
add three.’ three-digit integer.
b) ‘I am thinking of a number and I • Find the difference between the two numbers, but
multiply by two and add three.’ first ask the two people to add 1 to each of their
c) ‘I am thinking of a number and I numbers. What effect will this have on the difference?
add three and multiply by two.’
• What about if they added 1 to one of the numbers
d) ‘I am thinking of a number and I and took 1 from the other, etc.?
multiply by three and add two.’
Understand that unknown quantities can be named and operated on

Example 2
For each of the following statements, use a letter to represent the number Isla is
thinking of, write the statement using letters and numbers, and find the number she
is thinking of.
a) ‘I am thinking of a number; I add four and the answer is 12. What number am I
thinking of?’
b) ‘I am thinking of a number; I add four, multiply by three and the answer is 12.
What number am I thinking of?’
c) ‘I am thinking of a number; I add four, multiply by three, subtract six and the
answer is 12. What number am I thinking of?’
d) ‘I am thinking of a number; I add four, multiply by three, divide by two and the
answer is 12. What number am I thinking of?’
Understand that unknown quantities can be named and operated on

Example 2
For each of the following statements, use a letter to represent
the number Isla is thinking of, write the statement using letters • What is the effect of the
and numbers, and find the number she is thinking of. variation in this example?
a) ‘I am thinking of a number; I add four and the answer is 12. • How might you use this
What number am I thinking of?’
example, in conjunction with
b) ‘I am thinking of a number; I add four, multiply by three and
the answer is 12. What number am I thinking of?’
example 1, to explore the
difference between variables
c) ‘I am thinking of a number; I add four, multiply by three,
subtract six and the answer is 12. What number am I thinking and specific unknowns? Is this
of?’ distinction always made
d) ‘I am thinking of a number; I add four, multiply by three, explicit to students?
divide by two and the answer is 12. What number am I thinking
Understand that a letter stands for a variable and can take a range of values

Example 3

Which is bigger 3n or n + 3?
Understand that a letter stands for a variable and can take a range of values

Example 3

• What representations might you

use to model these expressions?
• What would you hope to include
in discussing this task with
Which is bigger 3n or n + 3? students?
• What follow-up activities might
you do to deepen students’
understanding after exploring
this task?
Understand that a letter stands for a variable and can take a range of values

Example 3
• Consider some KS3 students you teach. How
might they respond? What misconceptions
might they have?
• Watch the video of this task on
Mathematical Prompts for Deeper Thinking vid
Which is bigger 3n or eos | NCETM
n + 3? . How do these students’ responses compare
to your predictions?
• In the example, one student described ‘working
up the number line’. What might this suggest
about her understanding of variables? How
does it compare to the other students’ ideas?
Understand that a letter stands for a variable and can take a range of values

Example 4

Arrange these cards in order.

x 2x x2

x+3 x –5
3x – 2
Understand that a letter stands for a variable and can take a range of values

Example 4

Arrange these cards in order.

• How might you manage this
activity in the classroom?
x 2x x2
• What discussion points might be
generated by the different orders
x+3 x2 – 5 3x – 2 that students create?
Reflection questions

• What other mathematical concepts will be supported by students’ stronger

understanding of this key idea?
• What mathematical language will you continue to use to support pupils to
make connections with other areas?
• Which representations might you continue to use to further develop students’
Thank you

• You may choose to use the following slides when planning or delivering a PD
session. They cover:
• Key vocabulary
• Representations and structure
• Previous learning
• Future learning
• Library of links
Key vocabulary (1)
Term Definition
binomial An algebraic expression of the sum or difference of two terms.
equation A mathematical statement showing that two expressions are equal. The expressions are
linked with the symbol =
Examples: 7 – 2 = 4 + 1 4x = 3 x2 − 2x + 1 = 0
expression A mathematical form expressed symbolically.
Examples: 7 + 3 a2 + b2
factorise To express a number or a polynomial as the product of its factors.
Example 1: Factorising 12: 12 = 1 × 12 = 2 × 6 = 3 × 4
The factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12.
12 may be expressed as a product of its prime factors: 12 = 2 × 2 × 3
Example 2: Factorising x2 − 4x − 21: x2 − 4x – 21 = (x + 3)(x − 7)
The factors of x2 − 4x – 21 are (x + 3) and (x − 7).
Key vocabulary (2)
Term Definition
formula An equation linking sets of physical variables.
Example: is the formula for the area of a circle.
Plural: formulae.

substitute/ Numbers can be substituted into an algebraic expression in x to get a value for that
substitution expression for a given value of x.
Example: When x = −2, the value of the expression 5x2 − 4x + 7 is
5(−2)2 −4(−2) + 7 = 5(4) + 8 + 7 = 35.
variable A quantity that can take on a range of values, often denoted by a letter, x, y, z, t, …, etc.
Representations and structure
• There are a number of different representations that you may wish to use to
support students’ understanding of this key idea. These might include:
• Bar models
• Bar models can be very useful to support students in
representing (literally, re-presenting) problems to
reveal additive and multiplicative structures, including
those involving unknown values.
• Algebra tiles
• Although not offering a generalised image of a variable
(x is represented by an actual length and will
necessarily be seen as a particular length relative to
the ‘1’), algebra tiles can provide a useful
representation for expressions and give meaning to
certain symbolic manipulations.
Previous learning
From Upper Key Stage 2, students will bring experience of:
• reading, writing, ordering and comparing numbers up to 10 000 000 and determining the value of each
• rounding any whole number to a required degree of accuracy
• using negative numbers in context
• identifying the value of each digit in numbers given to three decimal places and multiplying and dividing
numbers by 10, 100 and 1 000, giving answers up to three decimal places
• using, reading, writing and converting between standard units, converting measurements of length,
mass, volume and time from a smaller unit of measure to a larger unit and vice versa, using decimal
notation up to three decimal places
• using symbols and letters to represent variables and unknowns in mathematical situations that they
already understand, such as:
• missing numbers, lengths, coordinates and angles
• formulae in mathematics and science
Future learning
In KS4, students will build on the core concepts in this mathematical theme to:
• {estimate powers and roots of any given positive number}
• calculate with roots, and with integer {and fractional} indices
• {simplify surd expressions involving squares [e.g . .] and rationalise denominators}
• calculate with numbers in standard form A × 10n, where 1 ≤ A < 10 and n is an integer
• {change recurring decimals into their corresponding fractions and vice versa}
• apply and interpret limits of accuracy when rounding or truncating, {including upper and lower bounds}.
Please note: Braces { } indicate additional mathematical content to be taught to more highly attaining
students. Square brackets [ ] indicate content schools are not required to teach by law.
Library of links
• The following resources from the NCETM website have been referred to
within this slide deck:
• NCETM Secondary Mastery Professional Development
• 1 The Structure of the number system Theme Overview Document
• 1.4 Simplifying and manipulating expressions, equations and formulae Core Concept Document
• Using mathematical representations at KS3 | NCETM
• Mathematical Prompts for Deeper Thinking videos | NCETM
• NCETM primary mastery professional development materials
• NCETM primary assessment materials
• There are also references to:
• Standards & Testing Agency’s past mathematics papers

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